All Chapters of Corpse March: Chapter 11
- Chapter 20
71 chapters
Chapter 10
Corpse March/Koko
“Haru, wait!”She bursts from the tent and slips. The grass is wet, but not with water. A curse looses from Haru’s lips as her forehead hits the ground. But when she lifts her head back up, she’s silent. Red clouds her eyes. It stains the ground. It pools and flows onto Haru’s hands. Blood. No matter how many times she sees it, it always scares her. But she barely even notices. Her eyes are instead locked onto Kagami.“Kagami… hey, Kagami.”She’s sleeping on the ground like she just fainted all of a sudden. There’s a broken teacup in her hands. How clumsy of her. “Wake up, Kagami. We need to get out of here.”“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!”A voice like a crashing wave slams into her side. It takes her a moment to grasp that it’s Kikimi's. Slowly and painstakingly, Haru turns her head away from Kagami’s still body, waiting for her is the soldier girl’s gaze. It strikes her like a lightning bolt strikes the ground. It’s no wonder, then, that the punch that comes after feels like being struck b
Chapter 11
Corpse March/Koko
“Not here. Bear with me for a moment.” Tsumugi ducks from the prying eyes of the soldiers still milling about and sets off into the forest. She’s careful to avoid dragging Haru along the ground. They must have gone a full minute deep into the forest before Tsumugi finally sets her down on a small bed of grass. A sound like a shiver of a bell toll rings out as she taps her staff hilt against the ground. Soft blue light begins to emanate from the crystal like smoke from a censer. “Geburah.” The sound of a sword being drawn. A black scythe blade manifests from the center of the crystal, as though an invisible cloth was just pulled off of it and it was there all along. With a single strike, she reaps the links holding Haru’s arms and legs together. Along with a piece of her skirt’s hem but she doesn’t care. The refreshing feeling of her suddenly free wrists is reward enough. “Thank fuck.” Well, she knows what she would have done. She would have burned the shit out of as many sons-of-
Chapter 12
Corpse March/Koko
“I hired you to do one simple thing. ONE. SIMPLE. THING.”“You may be entitled to full financial compensation for your troubles.”“My troubles?! MY TROUBLES?! My troubles only exist because of your failures!”Kuroko doesn’t so much as wince at the scientist’s fury. At some point, her tirade ended up as pointless static at the back of her mind. Whatever. No matter what happens now, whether the Monarchs execute her or if they simply throw her out in disdain, she couldn’t care less. It’s not that she’s making an effort to block out the noise, rather, it simply rolls off of her back like falling rain. Eventually, the downpour lightens into a drizzle, then from a drizzle to a drought. Tsumugi sinks into her throne, exhausted, defeated, deflated. “Go. I have to think about what to tell my adviser.”“Thank you for your patronage, ma’am.”“Just get out of my sight.”Kuroko picks her briefcase off the ground with her mouth, her arms are still broken from this morning. They sway lifelessly at
Chapter 13
Corpse March/Koko
The chief passes Kuroko the needle and wipes her hands on the cloth. Silently, Kuroko continues suturing the incision shut using her mouth. Is it sterile? Probably not, but she places her trust in the purification. All the while, the chief chats away on the phone. She has that peppy, upbeat, but still reliable saleswoman voice she puts on for all customers. “Girls Won’t Cry. Security, deliveries, and bodies for cheap. What’ll it be?”The chief jerks the receiver away from her ear as a shrill voice erupts from the speaker. It’s audible but still incomprehensible from where Kuroko’s sitting.“...”“Uh-huh…”“...”“Yes, we have a courier department.”“...”“Cash up front? This I like. The water needs turning on and toilets need flush–”“...”“...yes, sorry.”“...”“Immediately?”She looks over at Kuroko who gives her a nod. “Yes, we can handle a rush job.”“...”“Perfect. An associate will be with you within the day. Thank you very much for your patronage.”She plants the receiver back
Chapter 14
Corpse March/Koko
It’s been three days since Haru got involved with the Neo Magical Academy, three days since she got married, three days since Kagami was killed. That’s more or less seventy two hours for all of it to sink in and yet, none of it feels real. Haru stares blankly at the ground as she walks, trying to absorb everything. The roots of trees, grass, and pebbles dominate her vision. If she breathes, she smells the fresh scent of the earth beneath her feet. Three days of the exact same sight, this trek had long started boring her. At some point, Tsumugi’s endless questions started to become entertaining again. “Is it really true that the survivors of the Original Magical Academy were promptly hunted down?”“I don’t know but that… that sounds about right.”“Are you surprised?”“No, not really. But it’s a lot messier than the civilized breakup that our history textbooks made it sound like.”“Originally, Takakumo city was founded by my mom, Hoshi Tsubame, to shelter the survivors of the Original
Chapter 15
Corpse March/Koko
“Species?” “What?” “Species. Human or Papilio.” “Oh, uh, human.” “First name?” “Haru.” “Last name?” “Hamamoto.” “Middle name?” “I don’t have one.” “Pick one.” “W
Chapter 16
Corpse March/Koko
“So… you’re the guide?” “Aye.” When Tsumugi said that she had a guide prepared, she imagined someone who’d be a little bit more mature than the shrimp in front of her. And Haru doesn’t just mean ‘shrimp’ as in “She’s a little small for her age.”, she means it as in “This girl’s age must have just entered the double digits.” It shows especially in her face’s roundness and the short twintails her hair is kept in. And yet, the storied veteran inside of Haru feels a tugging kinship in the girl’s dead eyes. Those are the eyes of someone who has either taken a life or had a life taken from them. Haru can no longer tell the difference… anyway 0/10, pass. H
Chapter 17
Corpse March/Koko
Haru stares out the window, watching miles and miles of farmland pass in the blink of an eye. Every so often, a group of people wave at them from dinky homesteads. Haru waves back from behind the car window. Well, “Car”. She isn’t sure what to really call this thing. On the exterior, its rounded chassis and bulky armor gives it a sort of hunched appearance. On the interior, there are benches hanging from either side of the car’s walls. Not to mention that it doesn’t even have wheels, instead it’s kept aloft by some kind of invisible force. It sort of reminds her of those trains in the Monarchian base. She sees the improvised welding marks keeping this whole thing together. Sitting in the front, driving the car, is Asuka herself. She steers with one hand and pushes the pedals with a long stick she picked up. Is this safe? Absolutely not. Is Haru wearing her seatbelt? Also absolutely not. It’s quiet moments like this that Haru has to ask herself “Does Tsumugi actually know what she’s d
Chapter 18
Corpse March/Koko
“...Heyyyyy, everyone.”Haru licks her dry lips. Too many eyes on her. Way too many eyes. Doesn’t help that everyone here is crazy powerful. If her history book is to be believed, which has been proven wrong at least fifty times by Tsumugi in the past couple of days, they are the very pinnacle of magic, if not even more powerful than that. The area is huge. Almost the entire floor must be taken up by it. Chandeliers, carpeting, tapestries, and stained glass windows depicting what Haru assumes must be historical scenes. One of them looks like it might be an exodus of Papilio, another one seems like a spider catching a butterfly in its web, another is a small arrangement of people gathered around a table. Not dissimilar from the sight that Haru finds herself in front of right now. There’s a long table at the very center of the room. Around it sit six people. There seem to be two people missing, judging by the empty chairs at the foot and at the head of the table. She guesses that the
Chapter 19
Corpse March/Koko
“Well, now that that’s over with and it’s starting to get late. Why don’t we all introduce ourselves to Hamamoto before we begin with the meeting?” “My name is Tomoe Kuroihoshi. I’m the Teacher Facilitator for the Takakumo student council. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well but… what do you mean by ‘Teacher Facilitator’ exactly?”“Well, this originally was and still is an academy, you know. I act as a power counterbalance so that no one gets any ideas that are too extreme while also giving out useful advice.” There are a few hushed snickers around the table. “Uh-huh… right. That’s pretty neat.” She gestures with her hand at Florence, signaling for him to go next. “Florence D’aubigny.” Fancy “Disciplinary Committee Head. I manage the Disciplinary Committee… obviously… which makes me sort of like a police chief. I’m in charge of maintaining order within the borders of Takakumo.” He turns his gaze from Haru to Tsuki. “To the best of my ability,