All Chapters of HADES (Death Is A Man): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 chapters
Conceived With The Forbidden
A Year In The Mortal World......I stared at Carmela like she was some rare treasure. I still cannot believe that I finally succeeded after much trial and error. I know just how much I've put into this. It wasn't easy.I know I would be damned if I was ever caught by Azrael, but I don't think I would regret it now if I was to be caught and taken back to the immortal realm. My reason for staying in the mortal realm for the past year has finally been fulfilled. Carmela laid on the bed, beautifully rubbing the swell of her stomach. "I can't believe we will be having our baby soon. I'm the happiest person on earth," she uttered, while gazing at her stomach with admiration. She was happy indeed, but her joy was just a tip compared to how happy he felt. If only she knew what was inside her. That was my most treasured gold, my life and death. All of my sacrifices and going against the law were all for a great cause. My seed had finally sprouted. All that was needed was for me to wat
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Black's Unicorn
It's been more than a year, but still, I have yet to find Black. I can't believe he keeps hiding himself by distracting me with musical instruments. He knows that is the only thing he can actually do to ward me off. Over the years, I have gotten a perfect plan on how to take Black away from the mortal world. Our father is yet to find out about the havoc Black had created in the mortal realm all because he wanted to live in the mortal realm for all eternity. I will never let his plans come to reality. I travelled back to the immortal realm and summoned Black's unicorn. Good thing he didn't take his unicorn with him, though it was the same reason he didn't take his unicorn, so he wouldn't be traced with it. But too bad because that is the only way to find him. I summoned Sapphire and he answered. Since I had power over all things in the mortal and immortal realm, summoning Black's unicorn to come to me wasn't an exception. "Lord Azreal, what can I do for you?" I smiled at Black's
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The Child Is Cursed
I had no idea what was going on, all I knew I knew was the fact that I was being locked up in my room by Black. I called after him to come back. He turned around and walked towards me. I thought he wanted to open the door, but he rather told me to listen to him carefully. "If I never return, you must take care of my seed, and make sure he's safe. I will come back for you and for him. With that, he disappeared into thin air. I was left dumb struck. I couldn't scream or call him back. All I knew was that he disappeared into thin air before my very eyes. It's been a month ever since he left and never came back. I still couldn't understand why he had to disappear in front of him. I had no idea who he was and why he disappeared. I placed my hands on my protruding stomach, tears trickled down my eyes. I'm the twinkle of an eye, a lot has happened to me. I had no idea I would love this man so dearly to the extent of being pregnant for him. Just when I thought we were going to have a co
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Saved A Disaster
I saw the thunder and lightning of havoc being summoned for no good reason. That means something terrible was happening in the mortal realm. Just then,the book of souls opened on its own accord. There's a soul to be collected. I reached for the book and studied who it was, and to my surprise, it was an infant born some minutes ago. Unfortunately, the soul of the child had to be taken. I quickly journeyed to the mortal realm and found the dead child. Seeing a child for the first time made me feel somewhat sad. This was strange. It has never happened before. I wonder why I was feeling that way. Why am I feeling so bad for the dead child? Still, from my observation, it seemed the child was born blind. What an ill fate for a little infant to have. "Please don't take my child away. Death have mercy on me, he's my only hope," the mother of the dead child cried bitterly. The child was meant to die and not live. I glanced at the book of souls where the red light indicated that the child w
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Weird Boy In School
15 YEARS LATER"What a freak, I bet his dad is an alien, that must be the reason why he looks that way," a student said behind me. I ate my pancakes without saying a word. This isn't the first time I have been bullied in school. In fact, it has gotten used to me. A boy like me will never be accepted by my peers.Suddenly, I felt a sharp knock on my head which sent a painful shiver down my spine. "Ouch! I winced and quickly took my gaze up. To my greatest shock, it was Tiger. He peered down at me and smiled wickedly. "Oops! Sorry, next time you should disappear when you see me coming," he said, and his minions with him suddenly busted into laughter. I wished I could cry, but that would be a let down. I'm fifteen now and should get used to this ill treatment by now. If I complain, I'm scared I will be transferred again. I cannot afford to transfer schools again. It was bad enough that I was already being called weird in my neighborhood all because I kept transferring schools. "What
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Transfer School
I sneaked into my room and quickly changed my uniforms so my mom wouldn't see that my uniform was a mess. But I wasn't lucky enough to pull off my shirt when she suddenly walked into my room. The first thing she saw was my rib. I quickly covered my side with my uniform, but the look on her face made me realize that I was too late. "What is that?" She asked, wide-eyed. "Nothing mom, could you please give me some privacy please?""Huh? Since when did you start asking for privacy, August?" "Well, now," I replied. "Oh you are so wrong if you think you can fool me! I saw it, you can't hide it if that's what you are trying to do!"Oh no, that's exactly what I was trying to avoid. She began walking towards me. I moved backwards while trying to put on my shirt quickly so she wouldn't be able to see my injury, but I guess when it came to Miss Carmela, hiding from her was like hiding from your shadow. "Take your shirt off your side," she commanded with her hands on her side in akimbo. "M
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The Pale Woman
**********I lay in my bed, but couldn't sleep a wink. I kept thinking about what I discussed with my mom earlier. So many things don't add up and didn't make sense either. Starting from my eyes and some mysterious happenings which I was too scared to mention even to mom. I don't know how she might see things. I know just how scared she can get most times. The last thing I ever want to do is to get her scared about things happening around me. I thought of my mysterious father whom I'd never met. What was he like? Does he have anything to do with what's happening to me? I heard a child always possesses the qualities of his parents. As far as I know, my mom is okay, but I can't say the same for my father because I've never met him before. I wish someone could explain to me why I'm having some mysterious encounters, why am I having some weird and scary dreams. Who am I really?I kept asking myself these questions in my thoughts until sleep took over me. The next day....It was yet a
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Can I Be Your Seatmate?
Getting to class, I quickly took out my new notes and asked my seat mate, Reuben, to help me with his. Reuben, though, was wary of me, but he didn't have the heart to bully anyone. He's the only one who was nice to me. He lend me his notes and so I took down everything I had lost since my books were torn. While I was copying my notes, Tiger came into the class. I shut my eyes and prayed in the silence of my heart for him not to find me wanting. Why I was able to survive Tiger some days was because he doesn't pick on one person every day. He goes around picking on anyone he pleases, and so, I pray he doesn't find me wanting. Just as I thought, I heard someone sobbing behind me. I had waited to turn around to see who had possibly bought the wrath of Tiger, but I dared not, for fear of not wanting to become Tiger's target on two straight days. "Pick it up, but I want you to do it with your lips," Toget instructed. "Woo!!" I heard Tiger's Minion scream at the god-forsaken order whic
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**********A month Later......."August, come on, we will be late!"Arrrgh... Going out with my mom could be stressful most times. It was the weekend and we had a party to attend. Since my mom was a good singer, she was invited to this birthday party by a friend's mom who was celebrating her 60th birthday. I had no business attending such parties. I would prefer to be locked up in my room and immerse myself in my own world where I draw whatever comes to my mind. "August..." My mom stressed my name, which made me roll my eyes to the back of my head. "I'm coming, Ma," I replied, walking out of the house with my mini bag containing my drawing materials. "Don't tell me you're taking that with you?" My mom said with a crinkled nose. "Come on ma, you don't expect me to just sit somewhere and do nothing," I said with open arms. "Who said you would be doing nothing? You will be helping my friend's daughter serve the guests!"I went wide in shock at what my mom said. "What? I'm going t
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The Reason For Bully
Jedai and I served as many guests that came to the party. It was fun doing that. At first I thought I would be attending a boring party, but in the long run, it turned out to be fun. Though I couldn't tell if serving the guests was fun or because Jedai was beside me. Jedai could be a pain in the ass sometimes and at the same time, she could be very funny. We spent the evening serving drinks and Jedai making fun of guests who either looked overly dressed up or under dressed. Sometimes it was the makeup and hair of the ladies. I don't know how she did it, but she's able to point out the flaws in the outfits of most guests. And she could tell they didn't have a sense of fashion. Seeing her say things like that made me wonder if Jedai was actually thinking about going into entertainment after school. When we finally had a little break from serving the guests, my mom suddenly came on stage. I could hear the cheers and applauds they gave her. She smiled brightly at the crowd and greeted
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