All Chapters of HADES (Death Is A Man): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 chapters
The Message
I heaved a long sigh watching as Jedai left with the old lady. Goodness! Since when did I take up the position of an errand boy? I shrugged and quickly went up the stairs as I was told to. I searched for the third room as I was told to, but I found no one there. I began to wonder if I was the one who didn't hear Jedai right. Though she said the third room on the left. Whe. I arrived at the place described but I found no one inside. I looked around the room, and found traces of makeup brushes. I know about all of those since my mom was a fan of makeup, so I know one when I see it. This means Jedai wasn't wrong about the room, and neither was I, but what I didn't understand was why the room was empty. Or maybe they had gone to another room. Who knows? I rushed out of the room, and began searching for other rooms, since the guests are waiting for the celebrant, then it was paramount that I find her as soon as possible so she wouldn't keep the guests waiting for her. "I began sea
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My Seed
*********(Immortal realm)It's been fifteen years now, and this is the first time my father has sent for me. I don't know if I should be happy about this or not, but one thing is certain, and that is the fact that I have never changed my mind about ruling the world. This has always been my goal. It is fifteen years now, and I'm certain my seed should be a man by now. If only I can get the opportunity to show up in the mortal world again, I would find Carmela and my seed which I asked her to nurture for me. "Father, you sent for me," I said as soon as I appeared in front of my father, who was seated on the throne. "Black, I summoned you here for something very important. I believe you've changed your ways and are ready to perform your duties again?" My father asked. I quickly knelt before my father, with my head in a bow. "Yes father, I know my faults and I assure you that I've learned my lessons. I promise it won't happen again. "Good, for the past years now, I've left your br
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I'm Your Father
The moment I walked into the room, what I saw almost made me pick on my heels. Someone in a black suit, carrying a Codex which shone brightly. I don't know who it was, but seeing him alone made me feel weird. It was like something I never should have met. I would have pretended not to see him, but he took me unaware and he caught me staring at him with fear in my eyes.The man stood close to the window, with his eyes fixated on me. For some reason, he seemed to react to seeing me weirdly. I bethe was shocked to know that I'd seen him. What am I going to do now? Mrs Diana had implored my help and I told her I would help her the best way I could. I had wanted to risk it and pass on the message to Jedai even though I knew she might think I'd lost my mind. But seeing this strange man in front of me, I clearly did not know what to do anymore. I can't let him find out this is what I plan to do. "Here comes the boy I'm talking about," the soul of Mrs Diane said. I froze when the man g
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A Protective Barrier
I stood frozen, staring at the man in a daze. I believe that I was dreaming because there was no way what he said was true. I staggered backwards at the weight of the words he had just said."No! That can't be true, you can't be my father! My father isn't an invisible man like you are. He's human and full of life, not you!" I yelled."What? Is that what Carmela told you?"I quickly recalled all of the things my mom said about my mysterious dad. But in all of what she described him as, she never said anything about him becoming an invisible man. My mom doesn't see the things I see, so there was no way she could have seen him not to talk about getting married to him. That was highly impossible!"Why do you keep denying the truth? You're lying to yourself, son."Son? Did the strange man just call me son? I quickly took a step backward. I couldn't believe what he had just said. Not only did he call him son, from the look of things, I suspected that he could also read my mind. This was sc
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This Is Fate
I was shocked when a powerful force pushed me backwards. A power I cannot control? I took my gaze into the mortal boy's direction and then I discovered a powerful barrier formed a protective cover around him and lifted him off the ground. Right in my very presence, he was taken away in the twinkle of an eye.At that moment, I realized what had happened. The only person in possession of such a barrier was Azreal. Hatred filled me that instant. It was Azreal, his mark was on the boy now and that makes him untouchable for me now."Arrrgh!!" I screamed out loud in rage. The birds of the sky were all a few away, to take cover as the sound of my voice travelled over the sky in flames of fire and burned whatever bird flying in the sky.I do not save lives, I take them. How dare Azreal mess up with plans? He should never have interfered. He never should have. How dare he do that to me? He dared!"In anger,I went to the mortal world with the book of souls in hand. At that moment, only one t
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You're A Weakling
I opened my eyes, only to find myself in a corridor. I quickly jolted to a seat and found myself on the floor. I looked around me, but found nothing out of the ordinary. I recalled what happened to me, and my heart suddenly skipped.The last thing I remember was a bright light which shone into my eyes, but how come I'm here in a corridor? Did I perhaps pass out here and had a long dream? There was no way I would have slept in a corridor.I was still putting on the same suit I wore in the past, and looking around, I noticed that I was at the mansion where the party had taken place. Does that mean I was still at the party? I asked myself.Just as I was about to get up from the floor, I heard footsteps approaching. From the sound, I could tell that it was the sound of a woman's heels. I tried to get up from the floor, but could hardly lift myself up."August! What are you doing on the floor?!" My mom screamed out and quickly ran to my side."Oh my goodness! What happened to you, so
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What He Looks Like
I kept hitting his face without a break. I heard screams, but that didn't stop me. "How dare you mention my mother! How dare you?!"I screamed and yelled and continued hitting his face."August!" I heard my name, in my anger, my mom's face flashed in my head, and. I quickly paused. I opened my eyes, which I never knew was shit the whole time. I heard gasps, and that made me look around me, there were so many crowds of students gathered around me. I looked at their faces, and what I saw was nothing else but fright. They looked at me with fear in their eyes. I was confused by their expressions. Why would they look at me that way?I quickly took my face forward, only to find my right hand hanging in the air all bloodied. I gasped in horror at the sight of blood. What was going on? I looked further ahead, only to find my left hand on Tigers' neck. I grabbed his back and his eyes were all swollen, his nose was bleeding badly, and so were the corners of his lips. Immediately, I took my ha
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His Fault
"Uhm, Son, I must say that I'm utterly shocked that you are asking about your dad at this moment.""Well, I just want to know more about him. You know, I'm just curious to know what my father must have looked like. I want to know if I ever look like him."My mom suddenly burst into chuckles, which took me by surprise. "Wow, son, I'm really impressed to know that you want to know more about your dad. And of course, you look just like him. Your dad is a fine man. When I say a fine man, I mean the most handsome man I've ever met."In my heart, I prayed deeply for my mom not to describe the features of the man I had seen these past few days. If that was the case, then that only means that I was done for, and that is totally something I can never accept, no matter what happens. "Go on," I stated, watching my mom intensely. "Your father, like I said, is the most handsome man I've met. He has this aura around him that makes me feel he is like a god or something. He has this beautiful scar
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Mysterious Deaths
*********A month later.........I walked to class nervously, not knowing what awaited me. I was terribly nervous because that was my first day of school after the incident that happened months ago. Getting to the car, I clenched my hands tightly on my bag, shut my eyes and took in a deep breath. How I will be addressed all depends on my first entry. Deep inside, I knew my life would never remain the same again once I walked through that door to take a seat. But then, at the same time, I was silently wishing for things not to change. I will possibly face the eyes of revenge and anger. Who knows? Since it was a waste of time stalling at the door, I made up my mind and quickly rushed into the class in one go. The moment I got in, the class was all rowdy, and when they noticed someone was in, they all turned towards my direction all at once. What I saw next almost took the breath out of my chest. The class suddenly went dead, instantly. The eyes of the students all dropped immediate
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Waiting In The Wrong Street
I quickly walked to class, only to find a rowdy class with everyone talking here and there. This was strange, no matter what happened, the students never got that rowdy and noisy before. "August, you're here," Jedai said, running towards me."What's going on, Jed, why is there so much unrest in school today?""I guess you haven't heard about what happened then?""Huh? W...what happened?" I asked, almost in panic. Juedai breathed a huge sigh and quickly pulled me out of the class to a quiet corner. "It is said that Mr Stone is dead.""What?! mean the principal?""Exactly!" Jedai answered in a whisper. "His death seemed to be mysterious and weird," Jedai added. "Could you please elaborate on this?""Well, according to the school authorities, the principal stayed up late at night, going through our exam sheets since the exams were coming near, but then, he didn't go back home until midnight. The security guard went to his office to ask if he was going to stay the night but
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