All Chapters of The Billionaire Heir: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
200 chapters
11. Shopping Mall Drama
Chapter Eleven “Yes, that’s the guy I am telling you about. I don’t trust him ,no one has ever come to buy anything with a black card in this mall and it’s suspicious, look at the way he looks, check out his shabby hair for goodness sakes and his clothes are tattered!” said the mall attendant pointing towards me with some few other attendants behind her and there was one that had the tag called “Manager “.“Excuse me young lady, I will kindly advise you to refrain from making such assumptions” said Xander a little bit loudly feeling really pissed and tat attracted some customers attention and there was a mini crowd already forming “So sorry, young man. Let’s get to the bottom of this matter and resolve peacefully without attracting unnecessary attention please ” said the manger“Can you cash this for me and I need to talk to you about something important too” said Xander to the manager ignoring the mall attendants that were sending glances his way. “Okay, Can I take your card and ca
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12. The Ladies Man
Chapter Twelve “I came to shop for some shoes and bags , so do you want to come along with me and maybe get me some things too, you know I love to be spoiled with gifts?” Karen said, biting her lips and speaking in a tiny voice. “No, I am busy . If that’s all, excuse me because I will like to take my leave “ Xander replied with a straight voice and no emotions written in his face “Why are you acting all dumb Xander, I thought you like me? You even gave me your family heirloom ring ,remember ?“ whined Karen moving closer to Xander and placing her hands on his arms as she made little seductive circle and moves on him.“That was in the past, I don’t have feelings for you anymore besides you have your boyfriend so I don’t want to have anything to do with you Karen“ said Xander slowly making sure it sticks into Karen’s head. “Are you sure about that ?” Asked Karen as she arch her back which made her boobs pop out , Xander could see her perky nipples from the angle he was standing since
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13. The Elite Party
Chapter Thirteen Duke Ambrose’s large mansion was located in the government reserved area of the city where only the elite live. There was tight security at every corner and all the houses around were magnificently built. Anastasia was on her phone throughout the ride while Xander kept looking outside the window and admiring the exotic scenery. “We are home “ said Anastasia in a sexy voice when the driver drove through an electric gate and parked in front of a large entrance that was wide open. A lot of chauffeurs were already standing by and they opened the door for Xander and Anastasia before bowing a little out of respect. “This place is breathtaking “ whistled Xander as ke kept looking around the house. His grandfather’s house was beautiful, so is Duke’s Ambrose’s mansion that looks like an estate because it was so big. The house was designed like a modern royal palace which is not surprising since Duke Ambrose is affiliated with the royal family , even the flowers and trees
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14. Sexually Tempted
Chapter Fourteen All this wouldn’t have happened if this tall giraffe wasn’t trying to steal my girlfriend in broad daylight!” barked Jordan Woods who seemed really pissed and drunk. “Did you just insult me and call me an animal instead of you to apologize to Anastasia?” Barked Xander seriously angry at how unreasonable Jordan Woods is behaving. “This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t show up and danced with her, it’s all your fault…for fucks sakes just look at the way your dressed! It’s a disgrace that Anastasia is even allowing you to touch her right now !” Spitted out Jordan Woods which made everyone’s attention to go back to the three young people.“How dare you speak like that to my guest and in my very own eyes after hurting my daughter ! You have some nerves and balls young man!” Shouted Duke Anderson while Xander looked for a serviette and placed it over the finger where Anastasia was bleeding. “Why are you speaking to me like that, Duke Anderson, don’t you know who I am
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15. Mansion Hunting
Chapter Fifteen “Maybe I should have risked it and kissed her but then if she really wanted me to kiss her , she would have taking the initiative and ask me herself” Xander complained to his friend Zion, he is feeling a little but foolish for not kissing Anastasia back at the part and the thoughts have been bothering him.“Man, if I was in your shoes my brains wouldn’t have thought of acting responsible or about doing the right thing . Have you seen the Ice Queen? Anastasia is the most hottest girl in the entire campus and I am pretty sure more than half of the male population have one time had a wet dream or jerk off at the thoughts of her “ said Zion shaking his head, he was clearly disappointed that his friend had this juicy opportunity in private with the hit goddess only for him to blew it. “Hey, I can’t just assume things. I need her consent and it’s not like we are dating or in a relationship “ said Xander “There is no cap that she likes you, it’s just not clear why she likes
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16. 10 Million Dollar Mansion
Chapter Sixteen “Have you seen any house that captures your interest Sir?” Asked the kind receptionist after a few minutes and Xander nodded his head in agreement. “I have four houses in mind. ''I told her and she came over to take a look at the mansions Xander chose and she smiled politely. “Will you like to come back again when you have the money to deposit?” She asked “No, I will like to take a look at the house right now “ Xander answered “Doing waste your time and your fuel on this man, he won’t buy it. Don't say that I didn’t want you” said the mean receptionist “He is my client and none of your business . Stop poking your nose where it doesn’t belong “ said the Kind receptionist before leading Xander out to her car, which was a small sedan, and they both talked about the different features and designs of the various houses on their way. Xander and the kind real house agent went to the first two house and Xander didn’t see anyone that caught his attention but his heart f
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17. Central Bank
Chapter Seventeen “Does running away from Monday counts for cardio?” Xander murmured as he woke up the next day feeling very tired and he needed more sleep. “I have school and I haven’t told the school administration that I won’t be cleaning back school premises again. I have a meeting with the shopping mall stakeholders, I also need to go to the bank to draft a check for my new mansion… I obviously need a car now and some cash with me” said Xander looking at himself in the mirror. His life is suddenly all busy and his daily routine of reading his books, training for sports and cleaning the Princeton University Premises has now been seriously altered. Xander brushed his teeth, took his bath and ate on the dining table with Zion as he narrates everything that happened to him at the real estate management company. “I don’t get it why people will choose to be rude and mean when they don’t even know someone’s real identity “ companies the considerate Zion “The world is really a si
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18. Rude Bank Manager
Chapter Eighteen “I would like to see the bank manager please?” Xander asked the banker in the ‘custom care’ section of the large Central Bank which had high ceilings, countless security cameras and a very cold air conditioner.“What’s the problem with your bank account if I may ask ? So that I can help you fix it” said the customer care sounding all professional and uptight in his blue business suit. “I will like to stamp a check for a huge transaction and also to withdraw some cash” answered Xander “I can help you with that if the transaction is below a million dollars” said the banker while clicking away on his computer.“Yeah,it’s a little more than that” answered Xander “Can I see some form of Identification or something?” Asked the banker as if he was running some kind of interrogation. Xander removed his black card and compliment card and showed it to the banker who went mute. The banker lifts his head up and took a long curious look at Xander before standing up fromHis cu
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19. The Fierce Young Master
Chapter Nineteen“With all due respect Mrs or Miss Bank manager ,you are so rude and disrespectful. What makes you think I will confidently work for the central bank with a fake transaction check ? I am not that dumb” Asked Xander who seemed really pissed ,you can clearly see the Veins popping on his forehead and his muscular arms, the only reason he is maintains his cool is because the bank manager is an elderly woman which is quite disappointing for her to be behaving in such dubious manner. “Are you calling me a liar then ? Please arrest him and take him to the prison where he belongs , how dare he insult me and call me a liar like that?!” Questioned the bank manager “You’re the person who is clearly lying here and I don’t think you deserve any respect with this horrible character of yours” spits Xander standing up and looking into the woman’s eyes without flickering. “Please calm down, let’s know what is going on calmly before taking the necessary actions” said one of the securi
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20. The Rape Case
Chapter Twenty After a little bit of chat with Zion,Xander decided to head to the Princeton University Administration Office to go and report that from henceforth, he won’t be doing the dirty work and laundry of the university while Zion went to his law classroom. Xander was just asking peacefully and whistling with his hands in his pocket when a hand suddenly grabbed him and dragged him into a dark classroom. The windows were closed and the classroom seemed to be empty. “Who are you and what do you want ?” Xander tried to start fighting and defending himself but his hands and legs lost balance as he fell straight on a feminine body, his body was all over hers and the lady seemed to be almost naked because her clothes were short and skimpy. Xander could literally feel that the lady didn’t even wear a bra. ”Who are you and what the hell do you want from me ? You’re so lucky you’re a girl, I would have beaten you up into pieces for playing such a prank with me “ shouted Xander angr
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