All Chapters of The Billionaire Heir: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
200 chapters
21. Karma Is A Bitch
Chapter Twenty One “Be with me and I will stop shouting “ said the devilish Karen but that was a little bit too late because there were already people banging at the door of the classroom. Karen had a satisfied look on her face even though she kept shouting while Xander just remained calm in the situation and wondering what was suddenly wrong with Karen and her obsession to be with him. “What in the actual fuck is going on here ?!” Shouted Ashton the moment he entered the room and saw his girlfriend crying with her clothes tattered leaving her almost naked. “Babe, this janitor cleaner tried to have sex with me and I told him no but then he tries to rape me, that’s when I started shouting and calling for help!” Exaggerated Karen with her dramatic cries.*Bang bang banng*. Ashton started throwing punches at Xander Kings without waiting to listen to the real truth and what happened. Xander Kings couldn’t take anymore of Ashton and his crazy girlfriend's trash. So Xander held Ashthon’s
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22. The Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Two “What should we do, young master ?” Asked Miss Kim as she stared into Xander King's face waiting for his answer which will be the next action that she will execute. “I need you to handle the whatever you find in the surveillance camera legally, get my name cleared and also get these hefty looking wrestlers off the school , they are attracting unnecessary attention to me and I don’t want that , look around….their presence is also scaring some of the kids off” said Xander Kings looking around and ignoring the dramatic Karen who was still shouting for mercy. “They are not wrestlers, WWE wrestlers are actors but these men are highly trained security personnel and retired soldiers who know how to carry out their job. I will handle the situation legally but I am sorry that I can’t leave you without bodyguards especially after what just happened besides it’s a direct order from the Grandmaster Kings and I dare not disobey him” said Miss Kim , Xander thought for a littl
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23. An Enemy In The Class
Chapter Twenty Three “Excuse me young man, are you trying to tell me how to coordinate my own class?” Asked the Professor feeling disrespected by Ashton who dared to question his judgement.“I’m so sorry Professor Jonah, I didn’t mean to be disrespectful but you told us that discipline and integrity is a virtue. I feel like it’s only fair that you practice what you will teach , I believe that my fellow course mates will agree with me “ said the foolish Ashton looking around the class and hoping that his course mates especially his male friends will back him up as usual but they all turned their faces sideways this time around , pretending that they didn’t hear him. They all don’t want to get in trouble with either the Professor or with Xander’s dangerous and ruthless looking bodyguards ,besides no one beside Zion still knows the true identity of Xander Kings so everyone is beginning to stop bullying Xander and prefer to mind his or her business so that they won’t end up offending the
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24. Tesla
Chapter Twenty Four Xander was busy putting his notes and textbooks into his school bag after Professor Jonah left the class when he noticed that Karen was standing over him. “Xander, I need to talk to you, “ she said, stammering while anxiously playing with the hem of her dress. “We have nothing to talk about “ said Xander without even looking at her “It’s pretty serious and important “ whispered Karen with a pleading voice “If it’s that important, you can talk to my lawyer” he answered her nonchalantly “Please don’t involve the police and the lawyers because it might ruin my chance of becoming a supermodel if I have a criminal record on my biography “ she tried to explain , Xander zipped his bag and looked up to see that Karen’s face was looking really swollen and read from crying and he didn’t pity her at all, she brought this upon herself.“You should really talk to my lawyer or my secretary because there is nothing that I can do about this. I have to let the police prove t
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25. Attacked By Gang Thugs
Chapter Twenty Five“Can we have a look at the cars ?” Xander asked as the man led them around showing them different types of cars , both the affordable ones and the luxurious ones. The cars come in different shades, shapes …each with its unique variety of interior and exterior designs. The salesman also took his time to explain the power of the car's engine , its durability, speed limit , the gear box, clutch bodywork,wheels and tires. “Check out this Lamborghini sports car, you will love it. The girls will go wild when they see a young and dashing man riding such a car” said the sales man as he brought them to stop near a bright red Lamborghini that looks like a car for drag race competitions.“I will like to get a car that is bulletproof , something more subtle and business like “ Xander answers “Oh man , stop acting like a boring old grandmother. This car is fire “ said Zion enthusiastically caressing his hands over the hood of the car with his eyes lightening up“It’s too brigh
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26. The Bloody Accident
Chapter Twenty Six “Just give me the damn account number ,I am not playing any trick or pranks with you guys but have to promise me that you will leave this man and his family alone “ said Xander looking all confident and totally unfazed by their outburst. Terminator was taken aback by the fact that this young man is so confident and fearless even though he doesn’t look like someone that will have such a large amount of money. “Alright , I will give you the account number but consider yourself a dead man if that transaction didn’t go through . I will terminate your life without hesitating “ threatened Terminator again , everyone around was quiet as they all watched Xander type into his phone. “Done , 50,000 dollars transferred “ said Xander Kings, taking his eyes off his phone. *Beep Beep Beep* Terminator received an alert shortly and his jaw literally dropped when he saw the credit alert. “Shit, you must be kidding me “ said Terminator as he showed his boys the alert and they
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27. Boom Boom Boom
Chapter Twenty Seven Xander and the driver kept tumbling ,thier bodies hitting the broken glasses which made a lot more bruises on their skin and body. “What can we do ?! This car needs to stop moving !“ shouted Xander to the driver but the driver was wounded so badly that he was almost unconscious. “Arghhhhhhh!” This hurts so much shouted the driver using his last and weak strength in trying to stabilize the cars wheel with his hands but it has gotten out of control. The airbag is already out and pressing onto the chest of the driver while Xander held onto dear life, it was only the seatbelt that was around his neck that was protecting him , yet this didn’t stop him from getting a lot of bruises and deep cuts in some parts of his body. The car kept somersaulting , it’s already late and the car that is in view seems to be doing nothing about it , Xander suspected that the huge keep car had a big fault in the accident , Xander couldn’t tell if it’s intentional, drunk driving or real
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28. House Arrest
Chapter Twenty Eight“Please don’t die young master !” “Master Kings?! Can you hear me !” “Please wake up young master !” “You can’t die , you have to survive . You have so much to live for ! You can’t let the King's empire down!”“Young master Xander , please open your eyes. It will really hurt your father if you give up the ghost and die when you don't even have enough time to reconnect !” Xander can hear the sounds of different sirens but he wasn’t sure if it’s from the policemen’s car or from the ambulance , there is so much confusion and chaos everywhere. He has never ever had an accident so everything seems so strange , painful and scary to him.The voices were distant and Xander couldn’t make out the voices of the people that were shouting at him. His eyes are not completely closed because he could still see dim flashlights as he was wheeled away from an ambulance onto a stretcher and towards the hospital accident and emergency department. He tried to open my eyes to become
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29. The Accidental Kiss
Chapter Twenty Nine “Stop crying or I might just die for real so that you will have enough reason to cry” came Xander’s voice which immediately made Miss Kim to stop crying and clean her tears. “You’re alive young master?” She asked spying really happy and excited “Yes, I survived much more worse scenarios than this in my entire life so don’t worry , it won’t be easy for anyone or anything to kill me “ said Xander slowly because he has some little bruises on his lips and his eyes weren’t still opening widely but the pain has subsided and he is already feeling hungry. “I’m so happy that you’re alive ! Your grandfather, the grandmaster Kings is already on his way. I am so sorry please forgive me for being so careless with your safety. I am never going to neglect my job like this again , I was so scared. I thought we would lose you” said Kim, which made Xander roll his eyes. “Women, you all love being dramatic. I will be fine, don't worry. But what about the taxi driver did anyone he
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30. The Family Secret
Chapter Thirty “It’s not what you’re think grandmaster Kings “ trembled Miss Kim as she got off Xanders body and adjuster her skirt which already raises to revealing her soft looking laps. “So, you’re calling me a blind man young lady?” Asked grandmaster Kim in a very calm yet dangerous tone. “No Sir, I dare not. I was feeding him and the kiss was an honest and innocent mistake grandmaster Kings” said Kim bending down out of respect, looking all confused and flustered at the same time while Xander only laid back with a smug smile on his face , he didn’t say a word and he was clearly enjoying the whole show. “I don’t have time for you, I am here for my grandson “ said grandmaster kIngs as he f dismissed Kim who rushed out of the room with her heart beating fast, she couldn’t tell if her heart was beating this way because of the case or out of fear because grandmaster Kings and his aides walked into her and Xander in a very very compromising position that can be interpreted as many
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