All Chapters of The Billionaire Heir: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
200 chapters
31. Bad News
Chapter Thirty One This time around , grandmaster kings didn’t allow Xander to go back to school or move around town without bodyguards . His former bodyguards have been demoted in rank because they didn’t do their job of protecting the young master carefully. Xander Kings knows his grandfather is a strict person and means business so Xander didn’t even argue when his grandfather who made sure his new driver is a trained special force agent, he also made sure there are two cars filled with strong soldiers following and escorting the billionaire heir with guns all over their body, they also made sure that the car is bulletproof and fire proofed this time around. “Take me to the hospital to see the taxi driver,” said Xander to his new driver. “Okay Young master” said the driver as he drove towards the hospital where the taxi driver is receiving maximum attention and treatment. Xander King’s grandfather instead tat his grandson stayed for a complete month at home before he went out to
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32. A Deal With My Enemy
Chapter Thirty Two “First of all, who is speaking ?” Asked Xander because the owner of the voice seems to be under so much pressure that he couldn’t recognize the owner of the voice immediately.“Young master ,it is me, your personal secretary, Miss Kim '' said the voice again, which made Xander feel a bit relaxed and troubled at the same time. He was relaxed and relieved because he thought his grandfather had fired Kim because he hasn’t set his eyes on Kim since there shared that accidental kiss which Xander enjoyed and saw nothing wrong with it, in fact he enjoyed this particular kiss more than the one he shared with Karen before she decided to betray and blackmail his feelings but after all these , Xanders heart is still troubled because miss Kim told him she has a bad news. Xander signaled a goodbye gesture with his hands to the taxi driver and his family members as he left the hospital room because he needed some privacy to avoid people eavesdropping on his conversations. “I’m
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33. A Failed Deal
Chapter Thirty Three “Hahahahahaha” Xander was speechless for a little while as he watched Ashton laugh his ass out while his stupid drunk friends laugh loudly along with him. They were laughing like those mean and wicked anime characters.“What’s funny here Ashthon ? I said I need to speak with you and this is a serious and very important matter” said Xander with all seriousness , hoping that Ashthon wasn’t too drunk or high. If not then their conv will definitely be a severe waste of time. “bro, who is this dude that finally taught you a good lesson ? We all thought and hoped that you are dead because you have been missing from the university and lectures with no explanation whatsoever but it is so satisfying to look at you looking all pathetic and weak with that plastic cast around your neck “ said Ashton with such contempt and delight in his eyes. Xander tightens his knuckles , he is trying his best to regain control of his emotions.Fighting will not help him seal this business
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34. Too Much Drama
Chapter Thirty Four “Congratulations young master ,you won all your court cases. Miss Karen will be sentenced to 5 years in jail if she doesn’t pay you the whooping sum of 50,000 dollars as compensation for defamation of character and reputation besides other bills for bail “ said Miss Kim, her voice was sounding really lively and cheerful over the phone but Xander was feeling totally indifferent about the outcome of the case that didn’t even require his presence in court. “Okay? So what’s the good news?“ asked Xander again but Miss Kim too a minute pause before she answered “…Jordan woods is still undergoing trials for charges against murder , it will be hard for him to win no matter how famous or influential he is because we have the video evidence “ said Miss Kim hoping this information will cheer up her moody young master.“Miss Kim, I really don’t care about these silly cases. I just lost a deal that will fetch me million of dollars in interest and petty vengeance is the last
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35. Son-in-law Offer
Chapter Thirty Five “Excuse me young lady with the crocodile tears ,leave my man alone !” A sharp piercing voice came.” We all turned to look at Anastasia coming in with a lady holding a lot of flowers and a basket filled with fruits following behind. “Oh, the fucking ice queen “ hisssed Karen as she cleaned her tears and stood up with her face and head held high. “What are you still doing here ? Run along a cheap whore” said Anastasia and that shocked Xander because he knew Anastasia to be a nice person or at least he thought she was nice because she always acted nicely towards him. “Who are you ? And what makes you think that I will obey you” said Karen to Anastasia even though her voice was kind of shaky and it was obvious but she tried to appear confident. Anastasia the ice queen just hissed and pushed Karen out of the way as she moved closer to Aiden and smiled at him. “I tried to visit you right from the hospital , I even tried to locate your house but it was almost impos
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36. The Mysterious House
Chapter Thirty Six “I will think about it, '' said Xander after much thought. He was shocked that all of a sudden , a lot of people are beginning to talk to him about marriage and becoming a son in law even though the last thing on his brain is marriage because he is trying to figure out his path in this life and the most important thing is Xander is still not in love with any woman in his life presently. “Wow, no one has ever said no to me. This is quite a shock “ said the ice queen with a frown on her face. “No, no . I didn’t say no yet “ Xander corrected , Anastasia’s father Duke Ambrose is a serious and important business associate to him so he doesn’t want to do anything that will hurt or bring a misunderstanding between them, Xander knows that having loyal friends and business Allie’s is very important. From the look of things , Anastasia is close to her father and Duke Ambrose seems to be so fond of his daughter too so Xander decided to play nice and be careful in his respon
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37. Gunshots Trap
Chapter Thirty Seven “Sir , why are we stopping in the front of this old and dirty storey building that has been aboundoned for years ?” Asked one of Xanders bodyguards but Xander kept quiet because his attention was on the building as he kept looking at it curiously. “Who owns this building and why is it not in use ?” Asked Xander. His brain is already calculating several things and potential infrastructure that this building can become if it is properly restructured by a good engineer and an architect. Ashton boldly insulted Xander to his face saying that he has never built anything from scratch and this seems like the perfect opportunity for Xander to build something magical and profitable out of this building.“I am going to build a big company when this building get into good shape “ Xander thought to himself, he wasn’t so sure of what he wants to produce or start selling in it but one thing that he is sure of is that the building was located in a busy and strategic part of th
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38. My First Murder
Chapter Thirty Eight “Down , down ,lay down flat on the ground right now !” Shouted one of Xander’s bodyguards as the two that were close to him formed a little circle. The place suddenly looks like a bloody and dangerous scene from an action movie.The loud and booming gunshots kept scattering around, some of Xander’s bodyguards even got shoot. The bullets kept penetrating through the holes of the old building making some cement and bricks to fall to the floor. “Shit, shit !“ cursed Xander as he lay down flaatb on the dirty ground , several thoughts ran through Xanders mind. As much as his bodyguards were busy protecting him , Xander flt the urge and sense of responsibility to be a good leader and protect his men but he has no gun with him and the clothes he was wearing does not have any bulletproof. Xander laid down, the resounding sounds of the bullets kept hurting his head so badly that it made his head ache , and to make the matters worse , the injury in his neck have not co
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39. The Dangerous Gang
Chapter Thirty Nine “Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuck !fuck , fuck ! Damn this hurts , you piece of little shit !” Groaned the man who got shot. His voice echoed in the building and It carried a massive weight of pain. Xander whose hands were shaky on the gun gently opened his eyes because he closed his eyes when he shot the person out of pity and for the fear of trauma but when he opened his eyes. He saw that the man wasn’t dead and the bullet only shot the man’s leg. There was blood gushing out and the man was profusely sweating while gritting his teeth in pain. “I told you to tell your men to stop or I will shoot again , now you can see that I am not joking and I will aim for your heart next time.” Threatened the shocked Xander, he was also shocked that he had the courage to shoot a man and the truth is Xander has never held a gun or shot anyone and that’s why he missed the target point on the man’s body. This did not make Xander angry because he was relieved that he didn’t kill a
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40. The Deal With Terminator
Chapter Forty“Don’t you dare shoot” shouted Xander , his body silently shaking and his face filled with sweat. “Don’t be scared Boss, I will never dare order my men to shoot you “ said the man and that shocked the hell out of Xander Kings as he stared at him with utmost confusion. “Why are you calling me Boss? And didn’t you you just order your men to kill us or something” asked Xander and the scary looking man walked closer to Xander , took a long puff of his cigarette before he stretched his hands to offer the cigarette to Xander as if they are friends but Xander coughed out loud and rejected the offer. “I didn’t order my men to kill you , it’s a code instructing them to back down and I feel really insulted that you can’t remember me Boss, am I that easy to forget with all these leather jacket and tattoos ?” Complained to the gang leader with irritation written all over his face. “Do I know you from somewhere?” Asked Xander, still confused , even his bodyguards were confused t
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