All Chapters of The Billionaire Heir: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
200 chapters
41. Strip Club
Chapter Forty One “You must be kidding kiddo , this is my home your talking about “ said Terminator as he threw the threw the last piece of cigarette to the dusty floor and one of his men immediately rushed and gave him another lit stick of cigarettes. “I am serious , you know that money is the problem. Just name your prize and consider this a done deal by the way , what are you using this big building for …?” Asked Xander but then something caught his attention and he turned around to see one of Terminators men bringing out a knife and cutting through the bullet injury on the leg of the guy that Xander shot a whilee ago. The gang member’s eyes was so red and that’s the only indication that he was in pain, the other member kept giving him alcohol while the other one, used the small pocket knife to remove the bulle. The gang members were busy doing what doctors and nurses were supposed to do as if it meant nothing. *Ahem Ahem Ahem* Xander coughed spout when the choking smell of ciga
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42. Valentines Day
Chapter Forty Two “Just tell me the prize, I know that you will handle the rest” said Xander ignoring Terminator’s comment about drugs because he was getting impatient and he also needed to leave and face his life and other business ahead.’ “Fine, half a million dollars “ said Terminator when he sensed that Xander Kings was getting impatient and was about to leave. “That is too absurd , I will pay you 2 million dollars' ' said Xander which made Terminators face to flare up.“I know about negotiations in business but this is the most horrible so far!” Said Terminator getting angry “5 million dollars and that’s final “ said Xander and he noticed Terminator’s face lit up and he wished that he had said a much less amount to him.“Well , I can work around that even though I’d way less than what a lot of business men offered to us “ said Terminator “Then why did you agree to sell the building to us ?” Questioned Xander who was really curious to hear the answer “Because apart from the 5
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43. Sexual Tension
Chapter Forty Three “Ouch ! Yissshhhhh, Damn it! My head hurts!” Xander grumbled loudly when he felt the bright sun rays land in his eyes.*Sunlight ray is too much , closing the curtains right now* came a robotic voice that made Xander’s eyes open immediately.“What was that huh?!” Shouted Xander as he rolled out of the bed and landed flat on the cold floor with his bare buttocks , everything seemed so hazy and confusing to him.“Why is the floor so cold and why am I naked ?” Grumbled Xander still lying on the floor while trying to process everything that is going on and to make matter worse, his head is banging with pain so he couldn’t think properly. Xander closed his eyes as he tries to remember everything that happened when he heard the robotic sound again, he couldn’t tell whether he was dreaming or not. *Turning off the air conditioner*“Hey young master , be careful “ came a feminine voice as he felt soft hands touching him which made him feel all relaxed and sweet. “Mmmm, y
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44. The Missing Black Card
Chapter Forty Four *****Message Alert:Mr Xander Kings , you are invited to our exquisite nightclub. Your passcode is King's Knight. Attached is the map of the address. P. S you can’t afford to miss tonight's meeting because it will be your initiation night. Signed K. ******Xander reads a message that seems very mysterious. It was an invitation to a nightclub , the message had an encrypted pass code and location with no address of the sender. “Maybe it’s just a mistake” said Xander as he swiped the soft screen of his phone which automatically locks it,Xander didn’t give attention or priority to the text message thinking it was either a mistake or it was sent to the wrong person because Xander doesn’t attend clubs or parties because he never gets invited and most importantly,Xander is not a member of anny cukt so he didn’t bother to pay attention thee initiation message .*snap snap snap*“I will like to buy a simple necklace please “ said Xander to the receptionist who was eagerl
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Chapter Forty Five Xander and Kim kept stealing glances at each other in the mirror while she washed his hair in his new massive bathroom that was so big, it’s almost the side of Zion’s whole apartment.Xander couldn’t help but notice that Kim is wearing a bit of makeup , her lips look so soft , pink and kissable. Xander also noticed that Kim is not in her regular business suits , she was wearing a flowery yet flattery red strapless dress that made her beautiful neck and collarbone stand out,this made her look more young and carefree. Xander was so tempted to kiss her on the neck hill he leaves a hickey but these thoughts alone made him hard so he decided to think hard about where he last kept his black card because he needs to find it before his grandfather hears about this grave mistake. Xander wants to report the issue to his bank so that they will block the black card but he is also smart enough to know that it will involve his grandfather , grandmaster Kings must personally
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46. High Society
Chapter Forty Six “Rule number one kiddo.What happens in KNIGHT stays in KNIGHT “ “I swear that not a word will come out of my mouth” whispered Xander who was still mesmerized by the whole thing happening in his front.*snap snap* “Well good, welcome to KNIGHT” said Duke Xander snapping his fingers in front of Xander to bring back his attention.Xander was so glad that he came with casual clothings , none of the men were wearing their upright expensive and tailored business suits and tuxedos. The club looks really classy with a very long bar filled with all kinds of limited edition wines, champagnes and various brands of alcohol and scotch. The cushions around the bar were dark green in colour and the lightning were dim red, this made it hard to recognize peoples face at a go and there was a live band playing the piano and performing a classical music in the background. Xander has not attended a lot of parties in his life but yet he knew that this was different , even the aura s
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47. A special package
Chapter Forty Seven “No, no , no I can’t do this !” Shouted Xander which caught everyone’s attention making Duke Ambrose really embarrassed because he was the person that suggested the idea of Xander becoming a new member.“What’s wrong Xander ? Why are you attracting unnecessary attention? “ asked Duke Ambrose, clearly upset with Xander’s outburst as if it was not enough that he kept them waiting by coming late. Grandmaster Kings is the only reason he was even privileged to be part of this prestigious Knight club and he was already misbehaving.“I don’t want to sell my soul to the devil, I don’t want to make more money through illicit or satanic means' ' said Xander, who came as an insulin to the businessmen.“Duke Ambrose , what is this ? This is the reason why we don’t allow such young men to join the club, “ said one of the elderly businessmen as he shook his head in disappointment. Duke Ambrose pinched the bridge of his forehead before he took a deep breath before he opened his m
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48. Bad Boy
Chapter Forty Eight “I should ignore all this and go home, I need some rest” Xander whispered to himself as he kept climbing the spiral staircase that leads to the numbered rooms upstairs. Xander is already tired after a long day in school, diamond shop, searching for his black card and now the initiation ceremony into the KNIGHTS. “No, I will have to go along with the plan. What if it’s all part of the welcome ceremony the KNIGHTS organized for me huh ?” Xander kept telling himself he would have followed his instincts and gone back home but despite being tired and a bit tipsy , he still followed Duke Ambrose’s instructions because he was afraid of hurting their feelings or getting into their bad books. He is sure that some of the members are angry with him because he came late and he insulted them by saying they sold their soul to the devil. Xanders intentions were pure and he wondered how the hell did he end up becoming part of the association of these old men? Some of these men
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49. The False Accusation
Chapter Forty Nine Anastasia looks absolutely gorgeous and stunning , she is naturally a very beautiful looking young lady and she even looks more hot and sexy when she doesn’t have much clothes on, Xander’s self control was extremely tempted. “Anastasia, you’re very beautiful and you look like a goddess right now but this is a misunderstanding. I have no intention of doing anything with you especially when I don’t love you and when we are not married” Xander managed to tell Anastasia whose eyes were already filled with life lust. “I know you’re a shy guy and only playing hard to get beside who will say to such a beauty goddess like me . I know you like me Xander , you even got me a diamond necklace and I like you too. We are both adults and it’s okay to have sex together , it's normal . Don’t be a kill buzz “ Anastasia said with a tiny voice as she climbed the bed with her long legs. She climbed Xander’s body and placed her legs on the two sides of his body till he was shirtless an
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50. Last Warning
Chapter Fifty “Are you threatening me, Duke Ambrose ?” Asked Xander with an annoyed look “I am just telling you what will happen when you dare go against my word. Anastasia is my only child and daughter , she is the heir to my legacy and I will never allow any man toy with her “ replied back Duke Ambrose with all seriousness. Xander took a deep breath and decided to think of a smart way to get out of this mess before he replied. “Duke Ambrose , I really appreciate what you have done for me but remember that I am the grandson of grandmaster Kings and the only heir to the KINGS EMPIRE so you better watch your mouth if you don’t want to have issues with my grandfather. I hope you know that my grandfather is also a powerful man and just one word from him is enough to ruin you all if I mention this to him” said Xander face slapping them back. The business men of the KNIGHT club all looked scared when Xander mentioned the name of his powerful grandfather. Their scared reaction made him
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