All Chapters of The Billionaire Heir: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
200 chapters
51. Forbidden Desires
Chapter Fifty One “Good boy , I can’t wait to have you as a son-in-law” said Duke Ambrose with a proud grin on his face. “Can I go now ? " Xander, who is now very angry and tired. “Yes, we will continue this meeting some other time , it is late now and be careful on your way out. I don’t want anything bad to happen to my billionaire son in-law “ replied Duke Ambrose “I am not yet the billionaire heir yet and I am also not your son in-law because I am not married to Anastasia yet” answered Xander as he pinched the bridge of his nose , he was totally tired and wasted. Even if his neck, which is already healed, started paining him all over again. “You should talk to your father in-law with respect Xander, “ said Anastasia as she put on her clothes. “Spare me your trash, you didn’t speak when I needed you to defend me” said Xander looking at Anastasia who doesn’t look remorseful at all. “I know you’re angry now Xander but let me tell you something, you will be grateful that you choo
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52. An Angry Grandfather
Chapter Fifty Two “We can’t do this because you’re my Boss and you are engaged , congratulations young master” Kim said with a sarcastic tone , it’s so obvious that she wasn’t happy for him and didn’t mean it it when said congratulations. “Ahem , who told you that and where did you hear such wrong information from this early morning ?” Xander asked her while trying to use a sofa pillow to cover his boner. “It’s all over the news and tabloids , everyone knows that you and Duchess Anastasia are the latest couple in town,” said Kim, coming back to her senses. Her face is red because she is still flustered , but she managed to stand up and adjust her clothes well. She stood up and sat in the seat that was very far from Xander.“What do you mean by that ? Anastasia and I are not engaged. I rather be with you than to be with such a vain , manipulative and arrogant woman” said Xander but before Kim replied him. She took out her iPad and scrolled through the internet and the celebrity and
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53. Plenty Enemies
Chapter Fifty Three The deadly silence sent chills to Xander’s spine.His grandfather is looking so scary and was only sending deadly glares his way without answering him. Xander thought that it was a network problem so he asked his grandfather the question again and he was bolder this time around.“Yes grandfather, I heard some rumours about you having a young step grandson. No one told me anything about it, is it true that he is going to replace me when I don’t meet your heavy demand?” Xander asked his grandfather, making sure that his voice was louder this time around. “Nonsense, don’t ever speak about this in your life ever again. They are just rumours and you should know that this is a problem since I have never spoken to you about it. "His grandfather finally answered with so much seriousness in his voice which only made Xander to be more suspicious, grandfather Kings didn’t answer his question directly , he only beat around the bush and Xander wasn’t satisfied with the answer.
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54. The Deal
Chapter Fifty Four “What’s wrong ladies, what’s happening and why are you shouting like this ?” Xander asked the ladies who look fine , they don’t look harmed or in danger and they had big smiles and curious look on their face which had heavy make up. Infact they were also busy using their phones to take pictures of Xander which made him really confused and uncomfortable. “Is it true that you’re not in the mafia ?” “When are you getting married ?”“Will it be a royal wedding?” “Does Anastasia knows that you got your money and wealth from drug dealing ?”“Why is everything about you so mysterious and secretive Xander Kings , there is no information about you on the internet” The girls kept babbling about a lot of things at thesame time , Xander wanted to tell them to stop disturbing him and he also wanted to clear the air and explain things to them but he remembered that he has no time for dramas.“Where is Anastasia ?” Xander asked , he needs to deal with her since he is the sourc
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55. The kidnap
Chapter Fifty Four “Promise me that you will keep to your own end of the deal Ashton” asked Xander because he knows that Ashton is a cunning person. “What an insult , have I ever backed out of any challenge ? Don’t you know who I am ?” Boasted Ashthon as he and Xander looked into each other’s face , eyeballs to eyeballs as if they were about to start a wrestling match. “Okay, fine. We are going to compete in a short basketball game where we will see who throws the most number of balls into the basket . If I win then I won’t leave and I won’t quit the basketball team and I will also become the captain of the basketball team but if I lose then I will leave the basketball team and you can carry on as. The basketball captain, do we have a deal ?” Xander asked Ashthon not to reply to him, Ashton was busy biting his lips and looking around. Their little argument attracts a lot of the team members to come and watch, Ashthon knows that Xander can play basketball better than him. He was onl
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56. Terrifying Message
Chapter Fifty Six “You dumb ass, do you have to ask. Of course, your friend Zion has been kidnapped “ said the voice that is not familiar to Xander , in fact it sounded like it was a robot speaking or maybe the kidnapper used auto tune to change his voice so that Xander won’t recognize the person speaking. Xander is still so sure that the kidnapper knows him on a personal level for him to know that Zion is his best friend and for him to pull out a crazy stunt like this. Xander went on alert and immediately put the phone call on record before speaking again.“What do you mean you just kidnapped Zion ? What did he do to you and what do you want. In Fact , I don’t believe you . Zion and I just left basketball practice less than an hour ago, stop kidding around. I don’t have time for pranks if this is a joke “ said Xander with all seriousness. Xander Kings is already physically exhausted from training hard on the basketball court and now someone is trying to play with his intelligence.
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57. The Master Plan
Chapter Fifty Seven “Bloody hell” whispered Xander in horror and he almost threw up when he saw the content of the message on his iphone. It was a picture of Zion’s body covered in blood and sweat. Blood was coming out of Zion's mouth and nose , his white shorts had turned a dark shade of red and he looked almost lifeless. The scene around him is so terrific, like a scene from a horror movie . It made Xander’s heart bleed with guilt. “I can’t believe my friend is suffering because of me “ whispered Xander as his hands began to shake making the phone he was holding call down. “Who can do such a thing ?” Xander asked himself as he tried his best to remember an enemy that knows Zion.Zion is not into the business world yet so how did the kidnapper even know that Zion means a lot to him? ***I will be sending your hourly updates of how your friend is suffering so you better act fast *** Was the message attached to the picture. Xander tries to zoom in the background and check if he can
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58. A Scandalous Sin
Chapter Fifty Eight “Fine! I will come alone, stop hurting him!”Shouted the compassionate and sympathetic Xander. “Are you sure about this ? It’s not too late to call the police '' whispered Xander’s bodyguards but he signaled him to keep quiet with his index finger. Xander is still holding the phone in his hands as he waits for the Kidnapper to give him the next instructions, Zion’s cries and shouting in the background reduced but he can still hear the soft and choking whimpers of his best friend“What do you want me to do now ? I am outside my car” said Xander speaking into the phone while he casually checked around the area to see if he could spot anything suspicious.“I know , I can see you and I can also see that you came with your bodyguards. Do you and your friend have a dead wish ? I can shoot you and all your bodyguards from my hiding spot and still get away with it. said the kidnapper with a smug arrogance. It’s so obvious that he talks a lot and Xander just wants to save
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59. Dumb Police Siren
Chapter Fifty Nine “If you know what’s good for you , quit the basketball team and drop your position as the captain” said the kidnapper and Xander had to turn around and he is trying to look for the person.“I now have my suspect confirmed, '' whispered Xander while wondering why the hell a kidnapper will tell him to leave the basketball court. It sounds so childish and silly. There is only one person that is dumb enough to say something this stupid when there are better things to think about in life.“If you are bold enough. Why don’t you come out and show yourself right now !” Said Xander which is probably a stupid idea but he doesn’t care at all. “Shut up and carry your weak ass friend out of here!” Shouted the kidnapper as his voice echoed throughout the cathedral. Xander decided to ignore the stupid person and head out of the church with Zion in his arms. The church is very beautiful and it feels so wrong for such a scandalous thing to occur , Xander vowed to employ security
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60. Twisted Game
Chapter Sixty “I will never trust you!” Shouted the kidnapper which made Xander hissed in annoyance and frustration.“I am giving you the last warning! Drop your weapons, pick the money and run before the police men barge and kill you. You are lucky that despite you sick attitude and hurting my friend, I still gave you the chance to repent and redeem Yourself!” Shouted Xander , by now Xander is so certain that he is dealing with one person who has two guns.Xander also had two guns and a bullet proof vest on him. *Bang Bang Bang* Both Xander and the police heard the banging sound the police made at the entrance of the church, Xander could also hear a true rush of policemen running around and surrounding the church building. “Open up and surrender with your hands up if you don’t want this to get messy!” Shouted an authoritative voice through a loudspeaker which Xander and the kidnapper can hear loud and clear, this gave Xander enough confident that he and his friend are going to be
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