All Chapters of The Billionaire Heir: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
200 chapters
61. Mission Accomplished
Chapter Sixty One Xander lowered his gun and decided to walk closer to the kidnapper with an intention of settling the matter up close . This matter has been dragging for too long and Zion is on the ground lying and bleeding to death. “Don’t come closer ! Move aside and let me use the back door to go out” shouted the kidnapper who used one of the reverend fathers as cover so that he could conveniently carry the metallic box filled with the ransom money. Xander was thanking God that the kidnapper is finally leaving but then he suddenly heard loud noises from different sides of the church building. Xander turned around and noticed that the church door had been broken down and severe police men entered the building with their solid large guns pointing towards Xander.“Tell them to stop right now !” Shouted the kidnapper whose eyes have turned red, he looks like an evil villain of an anime show.“What if I don’t ?” Said Xander as he watched more policemen filling up the church. *Boom B
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62. Horny In The Middle Of Hell
Chapter Sixty Two “Is my best friend dead?” Xander asked anxiously when he saw the way the medical team laid Zion on the stretcher before lifting it up and placing it carefully into the ambulance.“Calm down young man, you friends are indeed lucky. He is currently in shock which made him faint and become unconscious but we didn’t see any gunshots or severe injuries on his body. Just some hits and bruises that look like they came from a really bad punch. Your friend is also hydrated and we will have to administer some drip into his system.” Said the leader of the emergency medical team.“So ,So you’re saying that he is okay , he won’t die and the stupid criminal didn’t pull off his nails or harm him in a dangerous way?” Xander had to ask for more clarifications. “Yes, yes. You heard me right . He will be as barbs as new after a day in the hospital “ the Doctor explained patiently. “Oh goodness, that’s a relief . I will never die Ugh myself is anything happens to him, he is innocent a
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63. Love Triangle With My Enemy
Chapter Sixty Three “Hahahahahaha” “Pardon me but I can’t help it but laugh at the entire situation “ said one of the policemen as all eyes turned to stare down at him with a pinned look.“Are we out here to act in a comedy show ? Do you want to get punished or demoted ?” Shouted the chief police officer to the junior guy.“No sir , please pardon me sir. I am new to the job and this is my first operation “ answered the young policeman.“Well, now that I have seen your name on your tag , I will make sure you get a more dangerous job next time so that you won’t have any time to laugh because of the nightmare and horrors you will be facing” shouted the chief police and Xander instantly felt bad for the young guy so he decided to bring another topic that will act as distraction that will stop the chief from humiliating the young guy in front of everyone.“Chief , you don’t have to worry about the criminal tracking me down or trying to catch me later. I had a deeper plan “ said Xander ,
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64. Plot Twist
Chapter Sixty Four “Fine . What do you want ?” Xander asked, rolling his eyes at her really annoying voice. “Fantastic, I will need you to tell your lawyers to withdraw the rape case because they are asking me to pay a bail or 100,000 thousand dollars which made me and my mother bankrupt. I also need you to use your connections and get me some modelking jobs , thanks to this rape case …I lost all of my modeling jobs and side gigs and lastly I will like you to go out with me and be my boyfriend “ the delusional Karen finished saying the impossible conditions “Why are you so delusional Karen? I hope you know that I will have my way around things and I can always ask other people for help. I called you first because you and Ashthon have history and I assume that you will know about his whereabouts '' Xander said while everyone listened carefully, the whole drama going on seems so interesting and a lot of the policemen and bodyguards were invested in the whole drama because some of the
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65. The Forbidden Affair
Chapter Sixty Five“What do you mean by we have a problem ? “ Xander asked Kim before slumping on the couch without bothering to remove his shoes. He was too exhausted to do even that. “Young master , I know that you have been through a lot lately and you’re tired but this is an emergency and needs your attention” said Kim with a low tone because she also feel really bad for her workaholic young master that gets getting into dangerous trouble all the time.“Wait, I don’t want to hear it yet. Get me some food and heat up my bath for me , atleast let my belly be full with food and I should smell fresh and clean when I face the next problem “ Xander answered Kim sarcastically and she smiled softly.“Your bath is already warm, your food will be ready before you finish taking your shower “ the efficient Kim said and Xander gave her a thumbs up. He was too tired to even talk too much. Kim disappeared into the large kitchen to go prepare Xander’s dish. Even though Xander had three top Chef
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66. Wine Before Problems
Chapter Sixty Six Xander decided to keep his mind really busy when Kim bent down and started treating his injuries with the fist Aid items. Xander tried his best not to think about anything sexual.Xander started thinking of more business strategy and it didn’t work so he decided to think about the pain his best friend Zion is undergoing in the hospital but that wasn’t enough distraction. Kim looks so beautiful in a pure way, he couldn’t help it but admire her while she carefully blows the injury gently which helped in making the stinging feeling of antiseptic go away.Xander soon found himself thinking of starting a family with Kim, she just started staying in his house but he is already comfortable with her presence. It made the extremely large house feel like home and it’s also nice to have someone to always come home too. Xander Kings is also certain that Kim will make a good mother and she will teach her children good character and discipline. “You will be a good mother dimple
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67. New Rich Friends
Chapter Sixty Seven “Please calm down and don’t panic because you need to know that the news of you getting kidnapped is on social media and local newspapers. I don’t know how they got the information or who gave them but it’s not good for business “ Kim said and Xander held his head with his hands.“How on earth did someone leak that ? I am very sure that my bodyguards signed confidentiality agreements!“ Xander said standing up and pacing up and down with an angry face because he doesn’t want people knowing his personal business but most importantly he doesn’t want his father to find out. “Maybe it’s someone from the police but that’s not our concern, we need to find a way to tackle it before it blows up tomorrow morning “ Kim said with a loud sigh “ Oh my goodness. What should I do now, you should have told me earlier ?” Xander asked, pacing up and down the room. “But you told me that you want to relax first before we get into business “ Kim said with a putty voice “Fine , fine.
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68. Gold Digger
Chapter Sixty Eight “What does this girl wants by this time of the day when the sun is even yet to rise, I only have some few minutes to sleep before I carry on with my busy day” Xander hissed as he dragged the thick duvet to cover his entire face, he didn’t want to get distracted by the drama on the screen of his laptop. “Fine! I will just go and have a quick look at what’s going on. Will dismiss her and come back for a quick nap before it gets all sunny and busy” Xander whispered to himself after a few minutes under the duvet , the thought of Anastasia doing something crazy and stupid bothered him.So Xander sighed and stretched his arms and legs before getting off the bed . He lazily walked downstairs towards the front door and without taking another look at the CCTV camera so he didn’t know what was going on. “For goodness sake,what do you want Anastasia? Don’t you get tired of pestering my life like some parasite?” Xander asked while yawning while slightly closing his eyes so h
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69.Captain That Is A Loser
Chapter Fifty Nine“Zion! Is my friend dead ? Doctor , nurses …tell me what’s going on!” Xander shouted immediately he entered the hospital, he was making so much dramatic noise and it made quite a number of people stare.The nurse on duty , walk out of the receptionist unit and came to go and meet him thinking it was an emergency “How can we help you young man, are you sick and is anything wrong with you , are you bleeding anywhere?” The nurse asked in a calm and reassuring manner while the other people kept minding their business, a lot of really sick people kept coming in while the health practitioners kept helping them in their scrubs and crocs outfit that made them look different and standout.“I am looking for a friend of mine, he was admitted yesterday alongside some priest “ Xander explained and the nurse gave a sigh of relief “Ah, in that case. You didn’t have to shout and make people scared around, what’s your friend's name and I will check the ward and doom number for you”
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70. Dirty Game
Chapter Seventy Xander woke , had a brief workout session ,before he took his shower and left for Princeton university, where they will all gather and head over to Harvard University in a designated bus. Xander left Zion at home and he refused to answer Zion’s question because he kept asking Xander why Miss Kim is living with them. On the way to school , Xander received an alert and it was a message from his grandfather wishing him the best in his championship basketball match. This made Xander to be more motivated and more inspired to win this championship, this also made him know that his grandfather is aware of everything that is going on in his life.“Alright team, we have to do our best and lead our prestigious university to success!” The coach told the basketball team and they all cheered happily. Xander looked around and he noticed that Ashton is still not among the team members and no one has any contact with him for 2 days straight.Princeton University provided 3 boys for
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