All Chapters of The Billionaire Heir: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
200 chapters
71. Champions!
Chapter Seventy One“Darn it! What the fuck is going on here!”“I don’t care that the president's son is among the other team, I’m willing to beat their ass for engaging in such childish behavior!” “Yishhhhhh! Our team mates will definitely not do this!”“This is so annoying. First they punch the tires of our bus which made us late , then they put speakers in our locker room, they obviously bribe the referee to give them more chances by showing them favouritism and now this !” “This is not the time to complain , the second half of the match is about to start in the next 5 minutes . We need to plan fast, otherwise we might end up as losers' ' The team members all complained when they saw the state of their Jersey.“Come on , please try it on. Can’t you manage it like that since the game is almost over ?” Said the coach but the basketball team players refuse , they have too proud to wear something this dirty and play especially when it’s live and everyone in the entire world will be wa
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72. Wetdreams
Chapter Seventy Two *** “She fills my head, and I swear I can smell her. She’s so close. I stroke myself, giving into the fantasy.I’m in bed, and it’s pitch black in the room. A knock sounds on my door, and I stir, sitting up.“Yeah?” I say, bending one leg at the knee and resting an arm on it.Kim pushes open the door, and I can only tell it’s her by the glimpse of her golden hair.“What’s wrong?” I say gently.I’m naked under the sheet, but she can’t see anything.“It’s storming,” she says, lingering at the door frame. “Can I sleep with you?”Lightning flashes through the windows, lighting up her body, and I catch glimpses of her naked legs and sweet face. The water continues to pour over me, and my cock in my hand gets longer. Reality slips away as I dive, chasing the only thing I’ll be able to have of her.Whatever’s in my dreams.“Come here,” I whisper.She hurries over to the side of the bed, and I peel back the covers for her.”“Sliding in, she huddles close to me, and I put
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73. The Party
Chapter Seventy Three“Be snappy about it” Josh answered the phone call with a slurry voice that made him sound like he was very bored. “Oh hi Josh Clinton, this is Xander Kings speaking…” Xender answered the phone in a bored and lame manner too. “What the fuck do you want from me ?” Josh shouted into the phone , he now sounded really angry. “Actually, I am the one that needs a favour from you” Xander answered smartly “What do you mean?” Josh asked, sounding really confused by the sudden phone call from his new enemy. “I should be the one asking for forgiveness from you. I actually thought you were only lying when you said your name is Josh Clinton and that you’re the grandson of the President , I sincerely thought it was just a silky prank to scare us …” Xander lied to Josh but Josh was too arrogant and self absorbed to realise that Xander is only toying with his brain and finding ways to get to his good side. “Well, you should be arrested for not knowing that. I am quite famo
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74. Boyfriend Snatcher
Chapter Seventy Four “I want her,” Josh said with a smug look of pure lust on his face.There is no way that Xander will let Josh have that lady, he will never ever let that happen. He was willing to fight and have issues with the President’s grandson all over again. Xander is willing to let hellfire break loose and break any man’s neck that will take more than just a glance at the young damsel. There were so many people in the party but she was the only one that shined the most and made matters worse ,she wore a red silky dress that hugged her slim figure perfectly. The dress was so short that it made her king legs stand out, the dress had no sleeves but it still made her cleavage look really tempting, she had her hair up in a messy bun with little curly bangs dropping to the side of her face…it gave her a cute yet sexy look, the dress made her long neck and legs stand out.Her eyes were closed but the Smokey effect of her eye makeup made the men get lost in them. She wasn’t eve
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75. New Cheating Affairs
Chapter Seventy Five “HeyAnastasia! Stop, what are you doing to her!” Xander shouted while hugging Kim in his arms. “You’re impossible Xander! Why in earth will you side with that maid. As your fiancé , I feel ducking insulted and won’t take this shit from you!” Anastasia shouted while picking random books from the table and library , she kept throwing it at Xander and Kim. Kim kept whimpering while hiding unto Xander for protection. “My problem with you is that you’re never reasonable and why on earth did you even come to my house when I didn’t invite you?” Xander spit at Anastasia whose face is already looking red out of rage and anger. “This is my fiancé’s house and it is also mine! Why will you even hold a party without inviting me huh?!” Anastasia shouted “Because of this reason Anastasia. Are you a dog? Why do you always keep shouting ? Why can’t you be peaceful and just shut up ? This your nasty attitude is the reason why I didn’t even nvite you in the first place !“ Xan
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76. Threatened By The Kidnapper
Chapter Seventy SixXander on the other hand apologised to Anastasia and told her to ignore Anastasia so that she can continue enjoying the party. Kim listened to Xander and left the study office room but instead of her going and joining the party, she went to the kitchen to make sure that there were enough snacks and drinks going round at the party. Xander picked out his phone and swiped through the pictures he took with Josh Clinton, he chose the one that made Josh look more awful before sending it to his grandfather, grandmaster Kings. The message got delivered and the only response he got from his grandfather is a thumbs up acknowledging that he has received, Xander didn’t feel bad about it because he already knows that his father is a man of few words.Xander was about to go back to the party but then he received a call from the chief police officer. “Hello chief, what’s going on ? Why are you calling me at this time of the night ?” Xander asked sounding so worried “Good ev
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77. Fake Bomb
Chapter Seventy Seven “Ashton ?” Kim whispered while cleaning her eyes. It feels unbelievable that the man they have been looking for during the past few days suddenly appeared out of nowhere and in the middle of their house, hell it was creepy. Xander was still shocked to see Ashton looking hale and okay, Xander tried to sneakily dial the number of the chief police officer but Ashton was smart and fast to know what he was up to. “If you dare press anything in your phone , you will have to take the blame for the number of people that will be dead tonight. I was busy planting bombs in strategic places while you all were busy partying around and getting drunk , your drunk state will only make my vengeance more sweet” Ashton threatened while casually coming closer to them. Xander still tried to secretly dial the number of his phone but Ashton approached him ,snatched the phone away from him and threw it into the swimming pool. “Please please don’t kill him, please” Kim carried whi
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78. Anastasia Is Dead
Chapter Seventy Eight Ashton’s body began to shake a little when he heard what Josh said but he pretended to act cool. “It’s not fake or do you want me to press the button and show you whether the bomb is fake or now huh?!” Ashton threatened “No, don’t do this. There is a lot of innocent life around. Please don’t do this , if it’s the 1 million dollars you want. I will get another one for you so please stop this madness already” Xander pleaded getting fed up with Ashton’s bullshit. “You all might think that I’m dull or won’t bother about my studies because my family has everything and I can easily get a job but you’re wrong there…” Josh said calmly but in a commanding tone which made everyone to pay attention to what he was saying“Can you hurry up and get to the point Josh. Stop eating around the bush. You’re not campaigning to be a president and this is not some kind of debate show “ Ashton said to Josh sounding pissed and irritated. “…I’m currently a final year engineering stud
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79. Face Slapping
Chapter Seventy Nine Xander was so worried and concerned about Anastasia that he thought his heart will Burt’s open, he never imagined in his entire life that thee selfish , manipulative , egoistic and beautiful duchess will risk her life and her beautiful body to save and protect him,her actions shocked him to his bones and he made a vow never to judge people based on some certain experiences in life. Xander kept looking at the ambulance tillIt disappeared before he turned around to face the police and Ashton. Xander went towards Ashton and gave him a dirty slap on his face even though he was still chained in the hands of the police men.Before police men could come and grab him, he used his shoes to hit Ashton directly in his groin which is his private part in betwween his legs till he feel down while holding his stomach in pain. Xander was still not satisfied , he wiggled his way out of the arms of the two police officers that were holding him and gave Ashton another diety sla
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80. Life Imprisonment
Chapter Eighty The police station has been really busy because of Ashton’s case. A lot of evidence and court proceedings took place , Ashton’s lawyer really had a tough time trying to defend him but all evidence proved that he is guilty. Ashton’s father tried his best to bribe the other lawyers and the police so that they could spare his son but it was impossible for him to do that, the case is sensitive and it involves a lot of rich and wealthy people. The trial in the court took more than a week and Ashton was kept in a prison throughout those times because the police needed to make sure that he did not escape out of the county. Even though Ashton stubbornly refuses to deny it accept his fault. He started experiencing some pain and suffering in the prison, he is used to living a luxury and lavish lifestyle then all of a. Suddenly he sleeps on the bare floor which is attached to a toilet. There were insects and cockroaches around, he only got to eat once a day and bath one a week
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