All Chapters of The Billionaire Heir: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
200 chapters
81. Karma Is A Bitch
Chapter Eight One The courtroom was silent as the judge read out the verdict. "After careful consideration of all the evidence presented to this court, the jury has found the defendant, Ashton , guilty of the charge of first-degree murder."Ashton's head fell forward as he heard the verdict. He had been hoping for an acquittal, but now it was clear that he was going to prison for a very long time.The prosecutor stood up and addressed the judge. "Your Honor, I ask that the defendant be remanded into custody immediately. He has been found guilty of a heinous crime and poses a clear danger to society."The judge nodded his agreement and turned to the defendant. "Ashton , you have been found guilty of the charge of first-degree murder. You will be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole."Ashton looked up, his eyes full of fear and disbelief. He had never imagined that he would end up in prison for the rest of his life.As the court officers moved to take him into c
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82. When Will You Get Married?
Chapter Eighty TwoFinally, the Ashton drama is over and he is out of the lives of Xander and his family for good. In Fact even if he gets pardon by the government and comes out of prison. He will still be regarded as a outcast because of what the news and media people write about him and his family. Ashton didn’t only bring himself down , he also destroyed the reputation of his entire family and their business. All the businesses that his father is associated with , they all crumbled down and the stocks became so low that in a matter of 2 days the Ashton’s powerful and wealthy family became really broke and bankrupt. Xander was invited to his grandfather’s house when the news went out. In Fact Grandmaster Kings had to come back to the country from his business trip, he came back I make sure that Xander is not affected in anyway. He knows that a real and successful business man requires someone if intervention, someone that has good reputation and no dirts in his name.“Didn’t I tell
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83. Erik’s Confession
Chapter Eighty Three “What’s going on here? I think you have the wrong person” Xander said, looking around the hospital and checking his back to see if someone was standing behind him. “Forgive us young master ,we have the right person and we will forever be indebted to you “ a voice that sounds like it’s coming from a more elderly and matured man.“Please please be on your feet and stop calling me young master. I don’t v know you and even if I do. I won’t let you speak to me in that position so please stand up” Xander Kings told the three men that all looked as if they were from different age groups. The men still insisted on kneeling down , it was like they were giving respect to a god or an idol. They didn’t care about the dirt on the floor of the hospital. They kept muttering words of appreciation with their heads still looking down in a humble manner that people started looking around at them and it was becoming embarrassing for Xander but they still refused to stand up on thei
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84. Steamy & Spicy 🥵
Chapter Eighty Four ****Kim 's POVHe eases me toward the bed, until I feel it behind my knees. I think he's going to push me down on to it, but he doesn't. Releasing me, he suddenly drops to his knees. He grabs my hips with both his hands and runs his tongue around my navel, then gently nips his way to my hipbone, then across my belly to my other hipbone."Ah," I groan.Biting my lipsSeeing him on his knees in front of me, feeling his mouth on me, it's so unexpected,, and hot. My hands stay in his hair, pulling gently as I try to quiet my too-loud breathing.He gazes up at me through impossibly long lashes, his eyes a scorching smoky gray. His hands reach up and undo the button on his jeans, and he leisurely pulls down the zipper.Without taking his eyes off mine, his hands move beneath the waistband, skimming me and moving to my behind. His hands glide slowly down my backside to my thighs, removing the boxes I had on as they go. I cannot look away. He stops and licks his lips, never
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85.Don’t Fuck my Sick Daughter
Chapter Eighty FiveAs Xander sat by his girlfriend Anastasia 's bedside, he felt a sense of emptiness engulfing him. It was as if his world had come crashing down around him, and he was struggling to hold himself together. He had never felt so lost and alone.The guilt he had in his heart is too much . Anastasia had given you her life to save him, and she was now unconscious in the hospital bed, hooked up to a web of wires and machines. Xander sat beside her, holding her hand, hoping and praying that she would open her eyes and smile at him.He couldn't bear to see her like this. The sight of her lying there, pale and lifeless, was too much to bear. He had always known how much he loved her, but he had never truly appreciated her until now.Xander had always thought that they had all the time in the world, that they would grow old together if she changes her character but now he realized how fragile life really was. He regretted all the petty fights they had had and wished he co
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86. I Will Marry You
Chapter Eighty Six “I am so sorry for what my grandfather did if it was insulting , he just wanted to help you out with some business but it’s okay if you don’t want to accept it. Forgive me Duke Ambrose but I promise not to mess or misbehave with your daughter from now on” Xander said whilee bowing down in front of Duke Ambrose with humility. Xander isn’t angry with Duke Ambrose even though he kept shouting at him because he knows that he will react in a much worse manner. If something this horrible happens to his own biological daughter , especially an only child who is a daddy’s girl.“”Daddy, please stop shouting” Anastasia whispered while holding her head and Duke Ambrose quickly went and sat close to her while he comfort her . Xander also stayed and stubbornly refused to leave the hospital room despite Duke Ambrose several threats. “You, didn’t I tell you to get out of here?” He asked and Xander remained standing with his had bowed“It’s okay daddy, you can let him be” Anastas
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87. 800,000 million dollars
Chapter Eighty SevenThe day had finally arrived. After months of anticipation, the opening ceremony of the new shopping mall was about to begin. Kim had been looking forward to this day for weeks, and now, as she stood in front of the entrance, her heart raced with excitement.She couldn't believe how grand the building was. It was a massive structure made of sleek, modern glass and steel. The mall's signage was in bold, bright letters that read, "Grand Opening: Welcome to KINGS CENTER SHOPPING MALL."As Kim made her way through the entrance, she was greeted by the sound of a live band playing upbeat music. A crowd had gathered around the stage that was set up in the center of the mall's atrium. The energy in the air was electric, and Kim felt herself getting caught up in the excitement of the moment.As she looked around, Kim saw that the mall was everything she had imagined it to be. There were hundreds of stores, from high-end boutiques to fast-fashion retailers. There was als
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88. The Engagement Party
Chapter Eighty Eight “Xander stood nervously in front of his grandfather's ornate mahogany desk, feeling the weight of the family history pressing down on him. His grandfather, the esteemed businessman and billionaire, sat on the other side, his face impassive."Grandfather, I need to talk to you about something important," Xander began, his voice shaking slightly.His grandfather raised an eyebrow. "What is it, Xander ?""I want to marry Anastasia," Xander said, his heart pounding in his chest. "I love her more than anything, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her."His grandfather steepled his fingers and looked at him intently. "And what does Anastasia think about this?"Xander 's mind flashed back to the conversation he had with Anastasia just last night. "She's thrilled," he said with conviction. "She loves me too, and she's excited to be a part of this family."His grandfather sat back in his chair, his eyes searching Xander 's face. "You know that our family has c
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89. The Love Triangle
Chapter Eighty Nine Don’t marry him Anastasia “ he whispered to her ears which made Anastasia freeze with shock. “What do you mean Josh , are you not happy for me ?” Anastasia asked with confusion written all over her face. “I’m not , you deserve better. You might not know this but I have known and observed you for quite a while and from a distance and I know that that guy is only getting engaged to you out of pity because you saved his life. Even if you’re not going to accept me, don't marry him please , you’re young and you will meet a better guy that deeply loves and cares for you” Josh said and he meant everything that he said with his lips. “If you’re not going to be happy for me then leave my engagement party , please “ Anastasia said, taking her hands away from Josh even though what he said kind of made her feel really bad. “What do you mean by that Josh, get away from her “ Xander said angrily, going to drag Josh away from his now legal fiancée. As they stood there tog
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90. The Secretary Is A Trash
Chapter Ninety Anastasia’s POV It feels so crazy and unreal that Xander stood up for me , I was a little bit mad and angry with Josh Clinton for what he said earlier on but then the way Xander stepped in tti d we end our relationship made me believe it’s real , it feels so good for him to stand up for me and I love the fact that I got shot that day with the gun instead of him because it brought a blessing in disguise to my life.Xander and I had the last dance and he made the closing speech before we left some of the guests still enjoying themselves at the party. Xander was all over me the moment we were alone in the car on our way to his apartmentHe couldn’t stop touching me , his hands and lips were all over me and it felt nice and I am also happy that he has now forgotten about that his poor secretary, she was a threat to our relationship but now I can discard her case and enjoy my man peacefully since I have him all to myself. "Was it so terrible that the only thing on my mind
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