All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
158 chapters
Chapter 31
Upon returning from Florida, Perry couldn't shake the sense of tranquility she had found there. However, her newfound serenity was soon put to the test by her stepmother, Betty. Perry knew from past experiences that Betty had a knack for stirring up drama and testing her patienceEver since she got married and lost her father, she hadn't come home, knowing fully well of the monsters that lived there, but today she really needed something that was dear to her. As Perry stepped through the front door of her childhood home, she was greeted by Betty's sharp gaze. The atmosphere in the house was heavy with tension. Despite her efforts to maintain her calm demeanor, Perry couldn't help but feel the knot in her stomach tighten as she prepared for the storm that awaited her.As minutes passed, Perry longed to hold onto something tangible that reminded her of her late father. There was a precious item he always kept in his safe - a family heirloom passed down through generations. Perry cherish
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Chapter 132
Perry looked troubled as she sat in her living room after having an awful encounter with Betty, deep in thought. She couldn't shake the nagging feeling that Betty, her stepmother, had something to do with the disappearance of the family heirloom, the cherished ring that had been passed down for generations.Alonso, her caring husband, noticed her distress and approached her gently. "What's bothering you, Perry? You seem really upset," he said, concern etched on his face."It's Betty," Perry sighed, her frustration evident. "I can't help but feel like she had something to do with the missing ring. She denied ever having it, but I know she's lying."Alonso's expression darkened at the mention of Betty. "I wouldn't put it past her," he said bitterly. "She's never liked us, especially since I became chairman instead of her son, Philip. And that incident where she blamed us for her accident didn't help matters.""I know," Perry nodded, her voice wavering. "But this keepsake means so much t
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Chapter 133
The city buzzed with its usual activity as Lyra cautiously made her way through its familiar streets, staying in the shadows to avoid any chance encounters with James or Philip. Her heart raced, every step a reminder of the past she had tried to escape. She had been hiding for so long, moving from place to place, but now she was back, seeking something she hoped to find in the heart of the city - a chance to start anew.As Lyra walked, her thoughts wandered back to the time when she had left Alonso for James, a decision that she now regretted deeply. James had convinced her to betray Alonso by attempting to blackmail him, but her conscience had prevailed, and she had refused to go through with it. The fallout had been swift and embarrassing for James and Philip, tarnishing their reputations and leaving them fuming with anger.Lyra's escape had been borne out of fear - fear of what James and Philip might do to her for not following through with their sinister plan. She couldn't risk st
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Chapter 134
As the days passed, the tension between Perry and Lyra escalated, fueled by their shared history with Alonso. Perry couldn't shake the feeling of unease around Lyra, suspecting that there was more to her sudden reappearance than met the eye. Lyra, on the other hand, saw Perry as a threat to her newfound life with Alexander and vowed to protect what she had at any cost.One evening, as a lavish company gala was in full swing, Perry found herself face-to-face with Lyra. Her eyes narrowed as she detected a smirk on Lyra's lips, hinting at hidden intentions. "What brings you back, Lyra?" Perry asked, her voice tinged with skepticism.Lyra tilted her head, feigning innocence. "Oh, just giving the city another chance, Perry. You know how it is."Perry couldn't shake the feeling that Lyra's return was calculated and not as innocent as she claimed. Still, she decided to keep her suspicions to herself for the time being.As the night went on, Perry noticed that Alonso and Lyra were engaged in
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Chapter 135
Amidst the bustling streets of Newcrest City, a luxurious restaurant called "Eclipse" stood as a beacon of sophistication and opulence. It was a favorite spot for high-profile individuals, from successful entrepreneurs to influential celebrities. On this particular evening, the restaurant was abuzz with laughter and clinking glasses, and a vibrant energy filled the air.As Perry and Alonso stepped into the restaurant, dressed to impress for a rare night out, their eyes were drawn to an enigmatic couple seated at a private corner table. The man exuded an air of power and charisma, while the woman beside him possessed an elegance that commanded attention.The couple's eyes met Perry and Alonso's, and the woman offered them a warm smile. Curiosity got the better of Perry, and she couldn't resist walking over to their table. Alonso followed her lead, intrigued by the aura of mystery surrounding the pair."Good evening," Perry greeted with a friendly smile. "I couldn't help but notice how
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Chapter 136
In the wake of the exposé, tensions reached a boiling point as Victor and Isabella confronted Alonso, Perry, and Lyra in a high-stakes showdown.Victor's face contorted with rage as he bellowed, "You fools! Did you really think you could take us down? You've unleashed forces you can't possibly comprehend!"Perry stood her ground, her voice unwavering. "We did what we had to do to expose the truth and protect the city from your corruption. Your reign of deception ends here."Isabella, her composure slipping, shot back, "You think you're heroes? You're nothing more than insignificant pawns in a game you don't understand. We'll make sure you pay for your treachery."Alonso stepped forward, a fire in his eyes. "Your reign of terror ends now, Isabella. We won't be intimidated by your empty threats. The city deserves better, and we won't rest until justice is served."The confrontation grew increasingly heated, as the air crackled with tension. Victor and Isabella's once impenetrable facade
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Chapter 137
In the shadows of Newcrest City, unseen by the public eye, lurked Philip and Betty, still nursing their wounds from their previous defeat. They were seething with resentment towards Alonso, Perry, and Lyra, blaming them for the destruction of their carefully crafted plans.Philip, a cunning and conniving individual, had inherited his mother's thirst for power and was determined to regain the position he believed was rightfully his. He believed that Alonso had stolen the chairman position from him, and he saw this as an opportunity to exact revenge.Betty, on the other hand, was consumed by a bitter desire to protect her son at any cost. She couldn't bear to see him fail again and blamed Alonso and Perry for his perceived shortcomings.The duo knew that they couldn't compete with Alonso and Perry on a level playing field. The power couple had garnered immense public support, and their reputations as champions of integrity and justice were unshakable.So, Philip and Betty resorted to mo
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Chapter 138
Amidst the aftermath of the debate, Newcrest City was buzzing with discussions and debates. The coalition’s victory in exposing Philip and Betty’s deceit had rejuvenated hope in the hearts of the citizens. As the sun set, Alonso, Perry, Lyra, and Alexander gathered at Everbright Enterprises, eager to discuss their next steps.“We did it,” Perry exclaimed, a smile of relief crossing her face. “The city finally knows the truth.”Alonso nodded, his gaze meeting Lyra’s. “Your bravery on that stage, Lyra, it made all the difference,” he said. “You reminded them of the power of redemption and the strength in vulnerability.”Lyra blushed, humbled by the praise. “I couldn’t have done it without Alexander’s support,” she said, looking at him fondly.Alexander grinned, wrapping an arm around her. “We make a great team,” he said. “But the battle isn’t over yet. We need to stay vigilant.”He was right. Even with Philip and Betty’s deceit exposed, there were still loyalists within the city who mig
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Chapter 139
The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the elegant garden where Perry and Alonso stood. They had been married for just over a year, their love once the talk of the town. But now, the once vibrant atmosphere seemed tinged with tension.Alonso’s jaw tightened as he looked at Perry, his eyes a mix of hurt and frustration. “Perry, you’ve seen the headlines, heard the whispers. How can you deny it when there’s so much evidence?”Perry’s face flushed with anger, her hands trembling as she gripped the bouquet of roses she held. “Alonso, I can’t believe you’re even entertaining these baseless rumors! Do you really think I would go through something like that?”A group of onlookers had gathered nearby, their murmurs growing louder with each passing moment. Perry felt a knot forming in her stomach, a sense of betrayal and heartbreak she never imagined experiencing.Alonso took a step closer, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. “Perry, there are photos, anonymous sources
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Chapter 140
Amidst the ongoing challenges, Perry and Alonso found themselves at yet another media event, this time a press conference. The cameras flashed relentlessly as reporters fired questions at them.Reporter 1: “Perry, how do you respond to those who claim that your efforts to prove your marriage is genuine are just a publicity stunt in themselves?”Perry’s jaw tightened, her frustration evident. “It’s disheartening that some people still see our sincerity as a ploy. We’re here to share our truth, not gain more attention.”Reporter 2: “Alonso, the doubts seem to persist despite your efforts. Do you ever worry that you’re fighting a losing battle?”Alonso’s gaze hardened, his determination unwavering. “It’s not about winning or losing. It’s about standing up for what we believe in, for the love we share. We’ll keep pushing forward, no matter what.”As the questions continued, tensions escalated. Perry and Alonso exchanged a brief glance, silently communicating their shared frustration. Sudd
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