All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
158 chapters
Chapter 121
The atmosphere grew even more tense as Jacob's laughter subsided, leaving behind an air of uncertainty and confusion. Alonso's mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle. Lyra, his ex, and Aria's sister? How was she connected to all of this?"Do you mean you didn't come here to talk about Lyra, your ex?" Jacob questioned, trying to make sense of the situation.Alonso's confusion deepened as he shook his head. "Lyra had nothing to do with why I came here, neither was she involved in anything. I'm not here to talk about her." Alonso's voice was earnest, his eyes searching Jacob's face for any sign of understanding.But the realization that Jacob knew Lyra added another layer of complexity to their already perplexing meeting. Alonso struggled to grasp the extent of their connection, as the pieces of the puzzle seemed to elude him.Jacob furrowed his brows, trying to recall what he had mentioned earlier. "Wait, you mean you didn't know about Lyra? About her history with my family?"A
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Chapter 122
The young lady, Grace, walked into the company with a determined stride. Her heels made a distinct clicking sound, drawing attention as she moved through the lobby. She approached the receptionist's desk, and without much patience, she spoke rudely, "I need to see Philip. Where's his office?"The receptionist hesitated, taken aback by Grace's impolite manner. Nevertheless, she reluctantly gave the directions to Philip's office. Grace continued her way down the hallway, a storm of emotions churning inside her.Meanwhile, Alonso was in a hurry to leave the office, papers clutched in his hand. As fate would have it, their paths intersected, and they collided with a soft thud. Grace's bag slipped from her shoulder, scattering its contents on the floor."Oh, I'm so sorry!" Alonso apologized sincerely, quickly bending down to help her collect her belongings.Grace's annoyance was momentarily forgotten as she gazed into Alonso's warm, brown eyes. His chivalry and politeness captivated her. B
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Chapter 123
Philip's heart pounded in his chest as he stood outside his mother's room, unable to bear the thought of losing her. The nurse and Grace, his girlfriend, did their best to console him, but the weight of the situation was suffocating. The minutes felt like hours as he anxiously watched through the partially open door, catching glimpses of the medical team frantically working on his mother.Finally, a doctor emerged from the room, his face serious and his eyes filled with concern. Philip's breath caught in his throat as he hurriedly approached the doctor. "How is she? Will she be alright?" he asked, his voice shaking with fear.The doctor sighed, trying to find the right words to convey the seriousness of the situation. "Your mother's condition is critical. She sustained severe injuries from the accident, and she's currently in a coma. We're doing everything we can, but we need time to assess her progress," the doctor explained.Tears welled up in Philip's eyes as he absorbed the devast
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Chapter 124
The words of the doctor struck Philip's heart like an arrow, piercing through every fiber of his being. "But I must be honest with you; her heart has stopped beating. We are initiating advanced life support measures, but it's a critical situation," were the doctors' somber words."But... my mother is dead," Philip whispered, the weight of those words crushing his soul. It was all that was going on in his head, a never-ending loop of despair and disbelief. He stumbled aimlessly from one point to another in the hospital corridor, holding his head as if trying to keep it from shattering into pieces.Grace, his girlfriend, watched helplessly as the man she loved spiraled into agony and grief. She clung onto him, trying her best to calm him down, but it seemed as though Philip had retreated into a world of his own pain, shutting her out entirely. She felt so powerless like she was watching him drown in a sea of sorrow, unable to throw him a lifeline.In a desperate attempt to offer some so
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Chapter 125
As the night deepened, the hospital's ambiance seemed to change. The air was still heavy with grief, but a glimmer of hope began to emerge in the distant horizon. Philip's mother's condition was still critical, but there was a slight improvement in her vitals.Dr. Myers returned with a small smile on her face, though her eyes still carried the weight of concern. "There's a chance, Philip," she said gently. "Her body is responding to the treatments. It's too early to say for sure, but there's hope."Philip's heart leaped at the faint glimmer of optimism. "Thank you, Doctor," he replied, his voice choked with emotion. "Please, do everything you can for her."The night wore on, and Philip and Grace decided to stay by the hospital bed, keeping vigil over his mother. The world outside the hospital walls seemed to fade away as they clung to each other for support. Love, hope, and despair intermingled in the small room, creating an emotional tapestry that bound them together.As the hours tu
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Chapter 126
Dr. Myers nodded understandingly. "You've been through a lot, both of you. It's essential to take care of yourselves too. I know it's hard, but try to get some rest and eat something. We'll keep you informed of any changes."Philip mustered a faint smile. "Thank you, Doctor. We'll take care of ourselves."With the glimmer of hope now shining brighter, Philip and Grace took turns to rest and eat, ensuring they would be able to continue supporting his mother. Throughout the day, they remained vigilant, never straying far from her side.As the day turned to evening, the atmosphere in the hospital seemed to change. The staff carried on with their duties, but there was a sense of anticipation in the air. Hope mingled with the medical expertise, and everyone prayed for a positive turn of events.In the midst of this hopeful undercurrent, Grace noticed a subtle shift in Philip's demeanor. There was a newfound strength in his eyes, a determination that radiated from within. Despite the exhaus
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Chapter 127
Philip found himself grappling with conflicting emotions. He wanted to support his mother, to make her happy, and to reclaim the position that he believed was rightfully his within the company. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that using his mother's accident to manipulate the truth was wrong, might come back to bite them someday.Hours later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the hospital room, Philip finally broached the subject with his mother. "Mom, I've been thinking about what you said, and while I want to support you, I can't help but feel uneasy about using your accident to our advantage."Betty looked at her son with a mixture of disappointment and determination. "Philip, my darling, you don't understand. This is our chance to reclaim what is rightfully ours. Alonso took the company from you, and he doesn't deserve to be in that position.""I know it's been difficult for me since Alonso became chairman," Philip admitted, "but I still believe in d
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Chapter 128
In the heart of the bustling city, Alonso and Perry found themselves entangled in a web of accusations and betrayal. The name of the once-respected duo was now tarnished by the allegations brought forth by none other than Betty, Perry's stepmother, who had long harboured a deep-seated resentment towards him and Alonso.Alonso and Perry hurried through the hospital corridors, their hearts pounding in their chests. The accusations against them had left them bewildered and hurt, and they couldn't fathom why Betty would go to such lengths to tarnish their reputation. As they approached Betty's room, uncertainty gripped them, but they knew they needed to confront her and try to make her see reason.The scent of disinfectant and the soft hum of machines filled the air as they entered Betty's hospital room. She lay in the bed, her face pale and expression hard. The moment she saw Alonso and Perry, her eyes narrowed with contempt."Well, well, if it isn't the two culprits," Betty sneered, her
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Chapter 129
The atmosphere in the conference room was heavy with tension as Alonso and Philip sat across from each other. Despite all the drama and conflict that had been going on between them, they had managed to complete the project for the Homos group. It was a testament to their professional capabilities, but their personal animosity remained unresolved.Their presentation had been a success, showcasing their ability to bring separate ideas together as a cohesive whole. However, as they left the room, neither of them made an effort to exchange any pleasantries or even acknowledge each other's contribution. The victory seemed hollow in the face of their unresolved issues.The situation had only escalated when Philip's mother claimed that Alonso and Perry were somehow involved in her accident. It was a bombshell accusation that added fuel to the fire of their enmity. Alonso vehemently denied any involvement, claiming that they had only been trying to protect her from herself.The tension betwee
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Chapter 130
Perry sat in her cozy living room, surrounded by the chaos and drama that seemed to have taken over her life. She felt exhausted, emotionally drained, and desperately needed a break from it all. The constant arguments, misunderstandings, and tension were taking a toll on her well-being. With a deep sigh, she made up her mind - she needed to get away. Florida seemed like the perfect escape.Excitement and nerves mixed within Perry as she started preparing for her impromptu trip to Florida. She packed her bags with some clothes, sunscreen, and her favorite novel, hoping to find solace in the pages while soaking up the sun on the sandy beaches. As she locked the door behind her, she couldn't help but wonder if this journey would truly help her find the peace she desperately sought.The warm Florida breeze welcomed Perry as she stepped off the plane. The change in atmosphere immediately lifted her spirits. She checked into a small beachside cottage, where the sound of crashing waves outsi
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