All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
158 chapters
Chapter 111
Over a week had passed since the burial, yet the event continued to dominate conversations. The controversy surrounding Betty's behaviour had not subsided, but instead, it seemed to fuel her pride. She revelled in the attention, relishing in the fact that her actions were the topic of discussion among friends, family, and the public.One evening, at a social gathering held in honour of Mr Montillo by one of his business partners and closest friend, Betty couldn't resist showing off her perceived triumph to Perry.Betty sauntered over to where Perry and Alonso stood, a smug smile playing on her lips. She made sure to make her approach noticeable, her steps deliberate and confident."Well, well, if it isn't Perry and her handbag Alonso," Betty said, her tone dripping with condescension. "Quite the event we had, don't you think? I mean your father's burial"Perry forced a polite smile, though her patience was wearing thin. "It was certainly an eventful day, Betty. But I believe the focus
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Chapter 112
Alonso had finally been announced as the chairman of the company, and ever since Betty had been boiling with anger, frustration, and jealousy. She hadn't wasted any time blaming it on Philip, her son, as she unleashed a torrent of insults and derogatory remarks."You are nothing but an incompetent fool, Philip!" Betty spat, her voice dripping with venom. "How could you let this happen? You're a disgrace!"Philip tried his best to maintain his composure despite his mother's verbal assault. He took a deep breath before responding, "Mom, it's not entirely my fault. You need to understand that."Betty scoffed, her face contorted with rage. "Oh, please! Spare me your excuses. You've always been weak, incapable of seizing opportunities. Now Alonso is the chairman, and it's all because of your incompetence!"Philip felt his anger rising but knew he had to remain calm. He decided to confront his mother head-on. "You know what, Mom? It's actually your fault." He reminded her that it was her ow
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Chapter 113
After the disheartening scene that unfolded before Philip's eyes, he resolved to pour all his energy into the project he was assigned to work on with Alonso, the newly appointed chairman of Homos Group. Perhaps, by focusing on the project and ensuring its success, he could turn the situation to his advantage.However, a seed of doubt crept into Philip's mind. He began to question whether the glory would solely be attributed to Alonso, now that he held the coveted position of chairman. Philip pondered the possibility of being sidelined and ultimately removed from the project. If that were to happen, he made up his mind that Alonso would not emerge unscathed; he would bring him down with him.News of Alonso's inauguration as chairman spread like wildfire, engulfing the air with anticipation. His face appeared on every blog, news outlet, and even in advertisements, further solidifying his newfound status.Two days after Alonso's appointment, Philip and Alonso had a scheduled meeting to p
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Chapter 114
The atmosphere in the meeting room was tense. Voices were raised, and arguments filled the air as the chairman, and two other key contract holders of the company, engaged in a heated debate. The topic of discussion was the unsatisfactory performance of Philip's company in fulfilling their contractual obligations.As the meeting reached its peak, emotions running high, Mr Anderson banged his gavel on the table, calling for order. "That's enough!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration. "This meeting is adjourned. We'll reconvene in a week's time."Philip looked visibly relieved, but his relief was short-lived. The chairman's gaze fell upon him, a mix of disappointment and determination in his eyes. "Philip, I won't deny that I have the urge to remove you completely from this contract," Mr Anderson declared, his voice stern. "However, I believe in second chances due to the friendship I had with Mr Montillo. You have one more opportunity to prove your worth."Philip nodded earne
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Chapter 115
Months had passed since Alonso assumed the role of Chairman, and he and Perry worked tirelessly to bring stability and innovation to the company, as they've campaigned. They focused on honoring Perry's father's legacy, emphasizing the core values that had made the company successful under his leadership.The initial tension with Betty had not dissipated, though it had taken a more subdued form. Betty couldn't hide her resentment and disappointment at her son, Philip, for losing the Chairman position to Alonso. She viewed it as a personal defeat and couldn't help but blame Perry for it.One evening, during a corporate gala, Perry found herself face-to-face with Betty once again. The room buzzed with conversations and music, but an unspoken tension hung in the air as they exchanged pleasantries."Perry, congratulations on Alonso's appointment," Betty said with a forced smile. "It's quite the achievement."Perry remained composed, knowing that Betty's words carried a bitter undertone. "T
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Chapter 116
Aria walked into the room to find her husband, Jacob, engrossed in a pile of documents spread across the desk. She hesitated for a moment, watching him concentrate, before finally deciding to break the news to him. Clearing her throat, she said, "Jacob, can we talk?"Jacob looked up from his work, his brow furrowing at the serious tone in Aria's voice. "Of course, sweetheart. What's on your mind?"Aria took a deep breath, trying to collect her thoughts. She had rehearsed this conversation in her mind countless times, but now that the moment had arrived, her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. "It's about my sister, Miranda," she began, her voice wavering slightly.Jacob leaned back in his chair, giving her his full attention. "What about Lyra? Is everything okay?"Aria shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "No, Jacob, everything is not okay. Lyra told me something today that... that I can't even begin to comprehend." She paused, struggling to find the right words. "She's pla
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Chapter 117
James sat in a coffee shop, frustration etched across his face. For weeks, he had been trying to find a way to engage Philip in conversation, to extract the information he needed. He knew that this was his ticket to securing his family's social status, but Philip seemed to be elusive, always offering excuses for his unavailability, and leaving James pissed off.James had thought that their recent peace would make it easier to approach Philip, but it only seemed to complicate matters. He had hoped that their newfound and probably repaired friendship would open doors to confidential conversations, but every attempt had been met with Philip's busy schedule. It was as if he was intentionally avoiding James.He sighed and reached for the cup of coffee placed on his table, which had already gone cold, and then his phone, tapping his fingers anxiously on the desk. Just as he was about to dial Philip's number, an email notification popped up on his screen. It was from Santos, the man who held
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Chapter 118
Betty paced back and forth in her lavish office, her mind filled with thoughts of vengeance and ambition. She had been betrayed by Alonso, her once trusted colleague, and she was determined to bring him down. But it wasn't enough for her to simply eliminate him; she wanted to expose his incompetence before the entire board and the company. She knew that it would be a difficult task, but she was ready to go to any lengths to achieve her goal.After hours of strategizing and plotting, Betty came up with a plan. She had heard through the grapevine that one of the board members, Mr. Roberts, often frequented a prestigious golf club to relax and unwind. It was the perfect opportunity for Betty to get closer to him and gain his support in her mission to discredit Alonso.With her plan in mind, Betty quickly made her way to the golf club, dressed in an elegant black suit that exuded confidence and power. The sound of her high heels echoed through the spacious lobby as she walked towards the
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It was a normal day for Jacob, and he began his routine with the familiar rhythm of his daily jog. The cool morning air filled his lungs as he pounded the pavement, the rhythmic thud of his sneakers providing a steady beat to accompany his thoughts.As he finished his jog, Jacob made his way to the mini gym in his neighborhood. It was a small space filled with the scent of sweat and determination. He greeted a few familiar faces, exchanged nods of acknowledgment, and set about his workout routine. Sweat glistened on his brow, The clanking of weights and the rhythmic grunts filled the air as he pushed himself to his limits. seeking solace in physical exertion.Returning home, he poured himself a refreshing cup of smoothie, relishing in the vibrant colors of the blended fruits. The fruity flavors danced on his taste buds, awakening his senses and energizing him for the day ahead.The house was so quiet as his wife and sister-in-law were not at home. Dressed in his sharp work attire, Ja
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Chapter 120
Conflicting thoughts raced through his mind. Should he ignore the email, dismissing it as a mere coincidence? His heart pounding, Jacob weighed his options. The logical part of him urged caution, warning against walking blindly into a potential trap. But the relentless gnawing within him, the yearning for answers, pushed him towards taking the risk.With resolve hardening in his gaze, Jacob made his decision. As the time of the meeting approached, Jacob's heart pounded in his chest as he stood before the abandoned building. The cracked concrete walls and broken windows whispered tales of forgotten memories and concealed secrets. Doubt clouded his mind, casting shadows of suspicion on the mysterious meeting that had drawn him here.He glanced around, searching for any signs of danger. The empty streets surrounding the building added to his unease, the silence amplifying his apprehension. Was this a trap? A ploy orchestrated by a rival seeking to harm him or gain the upper hand?Takin
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