All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
158 chapters
Chaoter 101
Philip and Alonso left the conference room, their footsteps echoing through the empty corridor. They had just attended a tense and grueling meeting with the company's executives, where their rivalry had been more apparent than ever. Both men were high-ranking members of the organization, each leading a different department and constantly vying for power and influence.As they walked in opposite directions, Philip's phone buzzed in his pocket, indicating a new message. He pulled it out and glanced at the screen. It was from Frederick, his loyal right-hand man. The message read: "Emergency board meeting. They need you ASAP. Important decisions being made."Simultaneously, Alonso's phone chimed, signaling an incoming message. He retrieved it from his pocket and saw that it was from Mia, his wife's secretary. Their animosity towards each other was notorious, but now it seemed that circumstances were forcing them to collaborate once again. The text from Mia simply stated: "Urgent meeting.
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Chapter 102
Santos Rodrigues nervously adjusted his tie as he approached Gray's den. The notorious gangster's reputation preceded him, and Santos knew he had to tread carefully. As he stepped through the heavy steel door, the dimly lit room came into view, filled with a motley crew of able-bodied men, their eyes assessing him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.Gray, a rugged figure with a scar tracing his cheek, sat on a leather chair behind a large oak desk. The room reeked of cigarette smoke and the faint aroma of illicit substances. Santos cleared his throat, mustering all the confidence he could muster, and walked towards Gray."Gray, I presume," Santos said, extending his hand, which Gray ignored. Undeterred, Santos withdrew his hand and took a seat opposite Gray. "I've heard you're the man to talk to if one needs to arrange certain...shady deals."Gray's icy gaze fixed on Santos. "Depends on what you're lookin' for," he replied gruffly, leaning back in his chair.Santos leaned forward,
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Chapter 103
Perry woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing on the nightstand. Rubbing her eyes, she reached for it and groaned inwardly when she saw Betty's name flashing on the screen. Memories of the past flooded her mind, the bitter taste of betrayal resurfacing. Betty had cremated her father's corpse to avoid a DNA test, denying Perry the closure she desperately sought. Reluctantly, she unlocked her phone and opened the message."Hey Perry, I need to talk to you. It's important. Can you come to the mansion this morning?"Perry sighed and stared at the message, her emotions conflicting within her. She contemplated ignoring it, but curiosity got the better of her when Betty mentioned her father. There was a small flicker of hope that this discussion might bring some answers. With a heavy heart, Perry decided to go.She roused Alonso, her husband, from his sleep and filled him in on Betty's invitation. Alonso furrowed his brow in concern. "Are you sure about this, Perry? After what she did to y
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Chapter 104
As Perry and Alonso stood outside, wrapped in each other's embrace, a sense of calm washed over Perry. She realized that she couldn't let the actions of the past dictate her future, and no matter how she tried to let it go, the pain and betrayal would always be a part of her, but she had the power to shape her own path and find her own closure.Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Perry gently pulled away from Alonso's warm embrace, feeling the lingering comfort of his touch. Wiping away the tears that had escaped her eyes, she mustered the strength to look into his understanding gaze. With newfound determination in her voice, she spoke, the weight of her emotions evident in every word."You're right, Alonso," Perry began, her voice wavering slightly but growing stronger with each passing moment. "I can't let Betty's actions define who I am. I won't let her betrayal consume me. I need to find my own truth, confront the past, and heal on my own terms."Alonso nodded, his expression a mix
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Chapter 105
One day, while Perry sat in her tranquil garden, a notification chimed on her phone, indicating the arrival of a new email. Curiosity and trepidation warred within her as she opened the message, revealing it to be from Betty.Her heart skipped a beat, unsure of what to expect. As she delved into the contents, Perry found herself reading a heartfelt apology from Betty, who acknowledged the pain she had caused and expressed genuine remorse for her actions and the betrayal Perry had endured.Emotions swirled within Perry as she absorbed the words on the screen. It was a step, a small glimmer of hope that perhaps Betty was sincere in her desire to reconcile. Perry understood that an apology couldn't erase the past, but it could serve as a starting point for healing.Without hesitation, Perry forwarded the email to Alonso, seeking his opinion on the matter. However, Alonso was not at home to discuss it in person, so they continued their conversation via text.Alonso expressed skepticism ab
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Chapter 106
As Perry entered the house, her frustration was palpable. Alonso was already there, and the moment he caught a glimpse of her expression, he knew that the meeting with Betty hadn't gone as planned. He could sense the storm of emotions brewing within her. Silently, he set aside whatever he was doing and approached her, ready to lend a listening ear.Perry paced back and forth, her words tumbling out in a mix of anger and disappointment. Alonso watched her attentively, understanding the weight of her feelings. He knew better than to interrupt her while she was trying to express herself."It's like she didn't even listen to me," Perry vented, her hands gesturing animatedly. "I tried to be calm and reasonable, but she just wouldn't let go of her own agenda. It's as if nothing has changed between us!"Alonso nodded, acknowledging her frustrations. "I can imagine how difficult that must have been for you. It seems like she's still holding on to old beliefs and not willing to see things from
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Chapter 107
As Betty returned home, she found Philip waiting in the living room, his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. He had been aware of his mother's meeting with Perry, and he was not pleased."So, how did it go?" Philip asked, his voice tinged with disapproval.Betty took a deep breath, bracing herself for her son's reaction. "It didn't go as I expected. Perry was... cold, distant. She didn't seem willing to let go of her anger towards me, and she insisted on putting a hold on any discussions about the Chairman position until after her father's burial."Philip scoffed. "Why did you even apologize, Mother? This is a sign of weakness! Perry and Alonso will see it as an opportunity to mock us, to think they have the upper hand."Betty sighed, feeling torn between her desire to mend the broken relationship with Perry and her son's concerns. "I understand your point, Philip, but I felt it was necessary. I hurt Perry deeply, and I need to take responsibility for my actions. Besides,
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Chapter 108
Perry and Betty finally agreed to come together for a meeting to finalize the details of the burial. Despite their lingering resentment and clashing visions, they understood the need to find common ground for the sake of honouring their loved one's memory.Perry and Betty sat across from each other in a small, dimly lit café, their faces etched with a mix of grief and determination. The time had come for them to finalize the details of the burial, a task they had been avoiding for weeks with their constant arguments and disagreements. As the waitress brought their cups of coffee, the air seemed heavy with unspoken tension.Betty spoke first, her voice filled with a mix of sorrow and determination.Betty took a deep breath and looked at Perry. "Thank you for meeting me, Perry. I know this is difficult for both of us, but we need to make decisions together for the sake of your father, my beloved husband."Perry scoffed and nodded, her eyes flickering with a hint of resentment. "Let's ju
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Chapter 109
Days passed, and the tension between Perry and Betty remained unresolved although they had come to a compromise for the burial. Despite their differences and the palpable animosity that had poisoned their relationship, the burial day arrived. Perry's desire for a simple and quiet ceremony was first, and she had made the necessary arrangements accordingly.On a sunny morning, friends and family gathered at a serene cemetery nestled in the countryside. The atmosphere was solemn, as mourners paid their respects to Perry's father. The air was filled with heartfelt prayers and gentle sobs, echoing the grief that had enveloped everyone's hearts.Perry stood near the open grave, her eyes red from tears that had already been shed. She clutched a small bouquet of white lilies, her father's favorite flowers. As the priest recited final prayers, Perry stepped forward, her voice quivering yet filled with love."Thank you, Father," she said, her words carrying a mix of sorrow and gratitude. "Thank
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Chapter 110
The sun was gradually setting, casting a golden glow over the gathering, as the event drew to an end. Betty, the widow of the late Chairman, stood tall and composed, dressed in an elegant black gown that spoke of both grief and wealth. In her hand, she held an expensive souvenir with a picture of her late husband boldly emblazoned on it. She made sure the media captured the moment as she posed for photographs, accepting condolences from well-wishers.Perry sat in silence, still wrapped in her husband Alonso's arms. She watched Betty's display with a mix of anger and disbelief. It had been a lavish affair, and while she understood the family's wealth, it seemed excessive and showy to her, considering the occasion. She couldn't help but feel like Betty was using the funeral as an opportunity to flaunt her prosperity."Why does she have to make such a spectacle of it?" Perry whispered to Alonso, her voice filled with frustration.Alonso tightened his grip around her, offering comfort in
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