All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
158 chapters
Chapter 91
Ever since James came to the realization that his family was crumbling and plunging into poverty, his life had been in turmoil. The aftermath of the stunt he pulled with Philip at Alonso's wedding, which had contributed to their downfall, weighed heavily on his conscience. Philip's life seems to be going on well, but he was terrible and he felt like he was drowning. Frustration and anger bubbled within him after the explosive outburst with his father, and the impending loss of their house only added to his distress.With a heavy heart and a cloud of uncertainty hanging over him, James decided it was best to leave his home for the night. He knew he couldn't afford to stay in a hotel, so he pondered the idea of seeking refuge at a friend's place. However, James couldn't escape the bitter truth that the so-called friends he had surrounded himself with were not genuine companions.They were nothing more than a clique of rich, entitled individuals who cared only about themselves. When fina
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Chapter 92
In the early hours of the morning, James was rudely awakened by the growling and grumbling of his hungry stomach. He had only eaten once the day before and had gone to bed with an empty stomach. It had been a difficult night for him, made worse by the looming uncertainty of what lay ahead the next day. He realized he couldn’t stay at Thomas’ place for much longer, as he wasn’t fully welcomed there, nor could he return to his father’s house.As he sat throughout the night, lost in contemplation of his life and absentmindedly scrolling through his phone, he stumbled upon a news headline: “Alonso and Philip, Contenders for the Next Chairman of Castillo Empire.” The headline hit him like a punch in the gut. Seeing that Philip’s life was going well while his own was spiraling downward, a burning desire for revenge ignited within him. He despised the fact that Philip was happy while he suffered in misery.He drifted into sleep, lost in his thoughts, and awoke the next morning with gnawing h
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Chapter 93
As James listened to the voice on the other end of the line, he couldn’t help but feel a mixture of curiosity and caution. The voice was deep and unfamiliar, yet it held a certain charisma that piqued his interest. His mind raced, trying to connect the dots and figure out who this Santos person was and why he seemed to know about his desperate situation. “I must admit, you’ve caught my attention,” James replied, his voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions within him. “But before we proceed any further, I need to know who I’m speaking with. Who is Santos?” There was a pause on the other end as if the person on the line was weighing his options. Finally, the voice responded, “Santos is someone who can make your problems disappear. Someone who can restore you to your former glory, Mr. Johnson.” James’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. How did this stranger know his last name? Had he been watching him? Questions swirled in his mind, but the allure of a solution to his current pred
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Chapter 94
It was a typical day, just like any other day for an ordinary person. However, for Santos Rodrigues, things weren’t as pleasant or delightful. It had been a few days since Alonso’s attempt with the duel to prove himself as Orlando, and despite Alonso’s denial of ever being Orlando, Santos knew it was nothing but a lie. He constantly contemplated ways to eliminate Alonso as a threat to his position.Although Santos had doubts about Alonso’s true identity as Orlando, his suspicions were confirmed when he accidentally overheard Debbie’s cheerful conversation on the phone.“Hey sis, guess what?” Debbie exclaimed on the phone. Santos had made an unexpected visit to her and froze in his tracks at her doorstep upon hearing her words.“He’s returned…” She whispered with a mix of delight and excitement on the phone.When the person on the other end of the line inquired about whom she was referring to, she replied, “The man I love has returned.”Santos, not wanting to interrupt, and thinking it
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Chapter 95
Lyra paced back and forth in the living room, her heart racing with anticipation and nerves. Her phone continued to ring, its persistent melody filling the air. She locked her gaze on her sister, Aria, who stood before her, a mixture of concern and disapproval etched on her face. The tension between them was palpable, and Lyra knew that Aria was not in support of her sudden relationship with Alexander. Aria’s brows furrowed, and she clenched her fists, unable to hide her frustration. “What do you suddenly think he wants to tell you this early?” she questioned, her voice laced with skepticism. Lyra shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant despite the turmoil inside her. “Certainly to know how I am doing, of course, and maybe he wants to ask if we could see each other later in the day,” she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of defiance. “Not that I have anything important going on with my time.” Aria sighed heavily, her worry deepening. “Lyra, you can’t keep brushing off the importan
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Chapter 96
As Lyra and Alexander walked along the shore, their steps gradually slowed, allowing them to immerse themselves in the tranquil atmosphere. The waves crashing against the shoreline provided a soothing rhythm as if nature was serenading their budding connection. They stood as Alexander placed both his arms on Lyra’s shoulder as they watched the sea in silence.Alexander turned to Lyra, breaking the comfortable silence, his eyes shimmering with sincerity, probably that was what Lyra saw.“Lyra, I want you to know that I’m committed to building something more than superficial,” he said, his voice carrying a gentle determination. “I want to understand your fears, your dreams, and your aspirations. I want to be the person you can lean on, not just during these extravagant moments, but during the mundane and challenging times as well. Let me be your man”Lyra’s heart swelled with a mixture of hope and vulnerability. The words Alexander spoke resonated deeply within her, erasing any lingerin
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Chapter 97
Philip's gaze narrowed as he observed James across the table. The room was dimly lit, casting elongated shadows on the walls that mirrored the unease that filled the air. He couldn't shake off the memories of their previous fallout, the bitter arguments and broken trust that had once consumed their friendship. It had been months since they had last spoken, and now they found themselves face to face, forced to confront their differences.James, however, seemed unfazed by the tension, a disarming smile playing on his lips. His casual demeanor irked Philip, who expected a more serious and remorseful attitude from his former friend. But there was something off about that smile, a glimmer of deception that didn't sit well with Philip."James," Philip began, his voice laced with a cautious edge, "It's been a while."James nodded, his smile widening. "Indeed, it has, Philip. Too long, if you ask me."Philip resisted the urge to scoff at James's attempt to normalize their situation. He knew b
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Chapter 98
_______________MEETING POINT___________Days turned into weeks, and weeks blended into a haze that felt like months. The lives of the characters and their families had taken divergent paths, each veering towards a destiny they had either chosen or been thrust upon. In the aftermath of their fallout, their individual journeys were marred by struggles and hidden conflicts.General had spent his days confined to a sterile hospital room, tending to the injuries sustained during the turmoil that had engulfed his life ever since Alonso's arrival. Fortunately, his wounds weren't severe, and the doctors deemed him fit enough for discharge within a week. As he stepped out into the world again, a sense of relief washed over him. He could resume his duties, albeit with caution, and contribute to the cause he believed in, and also find out why Santos had to send his henchmen after him and what the threat meant.Meanwhile, Lyra had been forced into a life of hiding, seeking refuge from the consequ
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Chapter 99
"Excuse me, sir. I would like to inform you that all the attendees are already present and eagerly awaiting your presence in the conference room," the secretary politely conveyed the message to the chairman. However, it seemed that the chairman was completely absorbed and preoccupied with another task, oblivious to the fact that a meeting had been scheduled for today.With a sense of urgency, the chairman clarified, "Please inform them that I will join them in approximately…” he took a short pause and glance at his wristwatch“Forty-five minutes I am currently engaged in an online meeting that holds direct significant importance for the gathering and proceedings of our upcoming discussion that would take place in that conference room." The secretary comprehended the situation and acknowledged the chairman's instructions. Of course, she had no intention of refusing; her role was to dutifully follow any directives she received.As the door swung open, the atmosphere grew thick with anti
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Chapter 100
As the Chairman's car vanished from sight, Philip couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. He had hoped for a chance to present his ideas directly to the Chairman, but it seemed that opportunity had slipped through his fingers. Determined not to let this setback deter him, Philip took a deep breath and refocused his thoughts.Meanwhile, Alonso had indeed enjoyed a pleasant time at the golf club with the Chairman. Their shared passion for the sport had served as a bonding experience, opening doors to further meetings and hangouts. Alonso relished these moments, recognizing the value of forging a personal connection with the influential figure.The next day arrived, and anticipation filled the air as Philip and Alonso prepared for the crucial meeting. Both men were armed with their presentations, meticulously crafted to convince the Chairman to award them the coveted contract. They had spent sleepless nights, refining their strategies and honing their arguments, fueled by their
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