All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
158 chapters
Chapter 81
"I warned you that your questionable behaviour would lead to trouble, didn't I? And now, here you are, hiding in my house like a frightened dog.""Listen, I don't plan on staying here for an extended period. I just need some time to clear the air, and then I'll remove myself from your life," Lyra calmly explained to her sister, who seemed to constantly criticize her every move.Lyra's life had been tumultuous ever since she was a child. She was constantly shuffled between different foster care homes, never finding stability or luck with the people she encountered. It wouldn't be fair to solely blame these individuals, as Lyra couldn't exactly be labelled as one of the well-behaved children, unlike her older sister, Aria.Lyra and her sister were taken into state custody after their mother's descent into drug addiction following their father's passing. The perilous environment created by their mother's drug use became a threat to their well-being, prompting a concerned neighbour to rep
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Chapter 82
Perry’s mind was thrown into chaos when she discovered the deceitful and infuriating trick that Betty had just played on her. She deeply regretted not visiting the day before to see her father’s body. Despite having a crucial meeting that she couldn’t afford to miss, she wished she had made the effort to come earlier, but now it was too late.After leaving the house and heading straight to the hospital, she received the distressing news. Driving to the office filled with anger, she couldn’t help but replay the conversation she had with the doctor in her mind. With each replay, her anger grew exponentially, and she felt an intense desire to strangle Betty the moment she laid eyes on her.*****“I checked with her to make sure you were informed about the cremation, and she confirmed it. That’s why I didn’t feel the need to call you before proceeding with the cremation.” The doctor’s words echoed in her mind as she drove***** And she vividly recalled the moment she erupted in anger,
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Chapter 83
"What just happened? I heard she physically confronted you," Philip inquired, escorting his mother back to her office. Frustration welled up within him as he pleaded, "Come on, Mom, speak up. I can't simply overlook this."Betty proposed, "Let's allow the situation to settle down. Pretend as if nothing occurred." However, Philip disagreed, unwilling to support that idea."Are you to blame, Mother? That would be the only reason you wouldn't want to pursue legal action against them. And besides..." Philip's words were interrupted by Betty."Legal action, huh?" Betty interrupted, raising a questioning eyebrow. "You want to take legal action against the same individuals who spared you after you nearly sabotaged their wedding? You want to confront the people who will soon hold authority over this company, with the ability to evict us?" She paused momentarily, walked over to the small refrigerator in her office, retrieved a bottle of water, and slowly drank it down.Philip struggled to find
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Chapter 84
"I deeply apologize, Alonso. I take full responsibility for the fact that you were unable to speak with the Chairman upon his arrival, and Philip shamelessly exploited that opportunity," Perry expressed with sincere remorse as she listened to the account of what had transpired during the meeting.Alonso remained motionless within his managerial office, reflecting upon the course of the meeting and contemplating the extent of the falsehoods Philip must have concocted about him, which undoubtedly influenced the Chairman's perception. The ramifications of this deceit must have been significant, causing considerable damage.Following the incident involving Betty and Perry, Alonso escorted Perry to a secluded location outside the office, providing solace and comfort. It was a pivotal moment for Perry, where her emotions overflowed, and tears streamed down her face. Even during his previous persona as Orlando, Alonso had never witnessed Perry cry to such an extent as she did at that moment.
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Chapter 85
Santos sat in the opulent confines of his office, a testament to his position of power within the corporate world. Bathed in the soft glow of ambient lighting, the room exuded an air of luxury and sophistication. Polished mahogany furniture adorned the space, complemented by plush leather chairs that invited guests to sink into their sumptuousness. Expansive windows stretched from floor to ceiling, offering a panoramic view of the bustling city below. As Santos reclined in his comfortable leather chair, his mind wandered back to the recent encounter with Alonso. The memory of their exchange gnawed at him, especially the lingering doubt surrounding the fate of Orlando, a mutual acquaintance whose sudden appearance haunted Santos. The gang he led and belonged to was notorious for its volatile internal politics, with individuals constantly vying for power, especially since Orlando's disappearance. Seeking opportunities to undermine their rivals. Santos knew all too well that his leadersh
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Chapter 86
The opulent living room exuded an air of luxury, with plush velvet sofas, gilded accents, and an expansive crystal chandelier cascading light across the room. Lyra sat there, her legs elegantly crossed, a glass of exquisite, expensive wine delicately held in her hand. The television murmured in the background, providing a low hum of entertainment as she indulged in the evening. taking a sip of her wine “Aria, do you remember how I asked for the Château Lafite Rothschild 1996? This wine is exceptional. They say it pairs perfectly with the truffle-infused snacks” she gestures to the plate of delicacies nearby Aria entered the room, a mixture of excitement and anticipation evident on her face. She had been away for a few days, and now she stood before Lyra, eager to share her news. beaming “Lyra, guess what? I got you a job! It's at the hospital I work as a cleaner. I thought it could be a good opportunity for you to start working again.” Lyra's expression shifted, her brows furrowing
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Chapter 87
As Lyra entered the interview room, she found herself in a well-lit space with shiny tiled floors and cream-coloured walls adorned with abstract paintings. The room was spacious, with a large table positioned in the centre, surrounded by comfortable leather chairs. The table was cluttered with stacks of paper, pens, and a laptop. The air carried a sense of tension, almost palpable, as Lyra's nerves heightened at the sight of the seven interviewers sitting around the table. Each interviewer wore a professional attire, and their stern and serious expressions sent a wave of apprehension through Lyra. However, her sister's husband, Jacob, who was one of the interviewers, managed to break the tense atmosphere with a warm smile. His presence reassured her momentarily, providing a flicker of hope that she could make it through the interview successfully. Summoning all her courage, Lyra cautiously walked across the room, her footsteps echoing softly against the floor. She made her way to the
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Chapter 88
Lyra walked with Jacob to the exit, her heart pounding with disappointment and frustration. She feared and believed she had been rejected for the job she desperately wanted. As she reached the sidewalk, she pulled out her phone and saw the dreaded notification. It was from the law firm, and she knew it held the disappointing news she had anticipated. Too nervous to read the email herself, Lyra handed the phone over to Jacob, the only one she could count on at the moment who had accompanied her to the interview for moral support. Jacob's face fell as he scanned the contents of the email, and Lyra could see the disappointment reflected in his eyes. She snatched the phone back from him, her hands trembling with anger and hurt. Her eyes scanned the email, her heart sinking further with each word. It began with an apology, which did little to console her. Then, the email listed the reasons for her rejection—lack of experience, absence of a bachelor's degree, and the audacious mention of h
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Chapter 89
Aria sighed as she stepped out of the hospital, grateful for the early end to her shift. She had been looking forward to this evening, wanting to cheer up her sister Lyra after her disappointing day. Lyra had been turned down for a job she had been hoping to get, and Aria wanted to make her favorite dinner to lift her spirits.Glancing at her watch, Aria realized it was already past 9 pm. Lyra should have been home by now, and the thought bothered her. Lyra didn't know anyone in town and had no friends to speak of. Aria's concern for her sister's well-being grew, but then she reasoned that perhaps Lyra had decided to spend time with Jacob, Aria's partner.A few minutes later, Aria's anticipation turned to confusion as Jacob entered the house alone. His expression mirrored her concern, and Aria's heart sank. Something must have happened, she thought, as she approached him."Jacob, where is Lyra?" Aria asked, her voice trembling slightly.Jacob sighed, running a hand through his hair. "
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Chapter 90
As Philip left the meeting with Santos, his heart swelled with joy, and a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins. The vision of the day he would finally oust Alonso from the company played like a vivid movie in his mind. Every step he took reverberated with the exhilaration of impending victory.Lost in his triumphant reverie, Philip's thoughts turned to the conversation he had with Santos, and a nagging doubt began to gnaw at him. He had asked Santos how they had met, a seemingly innocent question, but Santos had brushed it off as irrelevant. Yet, Philip knew deep down that it held some significance, and it was a puzzle piece he needed to unravel to fully understand the situation at hand, and the man he was dealing with.As he made his way back home, Philip's excitement grew into a burning desire to share the exhilarating news with his mother. However, a subtle unease crept into his consciousness. Would reveal his plans to her makes him appear weak? He had always strived to pr
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