All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
158 chapters
Chapter 71
Alonso sighed heavily as he stepped into the bustling hospital, the weight of the past week's events hanging heavily on his shoulders. It had been one hell of a rollercoaster ride, filled with unexpected twists and turns that he could never have anticipated. The pressure of Lyra's pregnancy had been suffocating. He knew deep down that the child she carried wasn't his, but circumstances had forced him to play along, to act as if it was his own. And now, both Lyra and James had discovered the truth, using it as leverage to blackmail him for money he didn't even have. It felt like his whole world was unraveling before his eyes. However, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there was a glimmer of hope that shone through. The only good news he had received today was about Mia, Perry's beloved assistant-turned-sister. She had been in a coma for what felt like an eternity, her life hanging in the balance. But today, the doctors broke the good news and informed everyone that Mia could finally s
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Chapter 72
The next day Perry and Alonso came to visit Mia again, just to check up on her.Mia, now able to talk, was eager to catch up on everything she had missed during her recovery. As she sat with Perry in the comfort of her room, she couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Tell me, Perry," Mia began, her voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and fear "What happened on the day I was stabbed? Why did it happen? And who was responsible?" Perry took a deep breath, knowing that this conversation would be difficult, but also knowing that Mia deserved to know the truth. She recounted the events of that fateful day, describing the attack and the subsequent investigation that led to the capture of the culprit. She reassured Mia that she was safe now, and that they had taken all the necessary precautions to ensure her security. Listening intently, Mia absorbed the information, grateful for the closure she had finally received. Her heart ached for the pain Perry had endured during her kid
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As the internet buzzed with excitement and well-wishes for Alonso and Perry's upcoming wedding, Philip found himself engulfed in a completely different state of mind. While everyone celebrated their love, Philip harboured deep resentment and a burning desire to stop the wedding altogether. His mother's constant pressure only added fuel to the fire, warning him of dire consequences if he failed to intervene. Desperate to find a way to disrupt the impending nuptials, Philip racked his brain for any piece of information that could be used against Perry or Alonso. He recalled the snippets of conversation Fredrick had overheard involving James, but he knew it was not enough evidence to sway public opinion or halt the wedding. Philip needed something concrete, something that would expose Alonso's alleged misdeeds and put an end to the celebration. Philip sat in the luxurious VVIP section of the upscale restaurant, anxiously waiting for James to arrive. The weight of the impending wedding
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Chapter 74
As James left the meeting with Lyra, feeling satisfied that he had gotten what he wants. Her mind buzzed with thoughts and plans of her own. She couldn't allow herself to be used as a pawn in James' game. Instead, she resolved to use the information she had for her own advantage. Over the next few days, Lyra discreetly conducted her own investigations and found out that James and Philip were in this together. She reached out to Alonso, seeking a private conversation where she could share her concerns and suspicions about James. Alonso's curiosity piqued and he listened attentively, his own doubts and uncertainties surfacing. Lyra shared her own reservations about James' true intentions and the potential harm his plan could cause on the wedding day, using her as an instrument “Are you sure about all you have told me about James?” Alonso questioned Lyra thoroughly as his heartbeat increased “Do you think I will spend and waste my time for nothing? You seem to have forgotten the part
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Chapter 75
On the eve of the wedding, Perry found solace in the arms of Alonso, seeking comfort and reassurance. They reminisced about their journey over this short period they had been together, acknowledging the challenges they had overcome and the strength they had found in each other. Alonso pressed a gentle kiss to Perry's forehead, his voice filled with love. "Tomorrow, we'll make a lifelong promise to each other. I can't wait to see you walking down the aisle, my beautiful bride." Perry looked up at him, her eyes filled with surprise at Alonso's words. "you are aware that this is just a show we are putting on right? It is not real so stop acting like it is and just let us enjoy this cool evening. Just stick to the plan and everything will be fine” she said “and also save the kiss for the main show” It was finally the day the whole city have been waiting for, their wedding day. It was a long night for Alonso as his night was heavy. He couldn’t discuss what was going on with anybody and
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Chapter 76
The arena fell into stunned silence. Philip and James, once confident and composed, stood frozen in their tracks. Their plan had backfired spectacularly, and they were left exposed in front of everyone they had sought to deceive and also on the live broadcast. Philip's voice rose above the silence, laced with anger and disbelief. "Lyra, what are you saying? You can't seriously be doing this." Lyra stood her ground, her eyes locked with Philip's. "I have no reason to lie, Philip. I won't be a pawn in your game any longer." James, his face contorted with rage, stepped forward. "You ungrateful woman! We gave you everything! How dare you turn against us?" Lyra's voice quivered, but she refused to waver. "You didn't give me anything. You manipulated and controlled me. But not anymore." Alonso, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and hope, spoke up. "Lyra, is this true? Did they really do this?" Lyra turned to Alonso, her eyes glistening with tears. "I'm so sorry, Alonso. I let them
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Chapter 77
The news of James and Philip's deceit spread like wildfire across the internet, sparking a wave of outrage and disbelief among the online community. Social media platforms were flooded with comments, hashtags, and memes condemning their actions and expressing support for Perry and Alonso. "I can't believe James and Philip would stoop so low," Jessica exclaimed, scrolling through her Twitter feed. "They were supposed to be Perry and Alonso's friends!" "I know," replied Mark, shaking his head. "It's a total betrayal. How could they play with their emotions like that? I wonder what is going on in that family anyway" Jessica and Mark were one of the invited guests and office workers. As the news broke, the internet became a battleground of opinions. Some condemned James and Philip for their selfish motives and manipulation, while others expressed sympathy for Lyra, recognizing her role as a pawn in their scheme. User 1 tweeted, "I can't forgive James and Philip for what they did to Per
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Chapter 78
After their blissful and joyous honeymoon, which was filled with peace, laughter and joy, Alonso and Perry returned home to a flood of well-wishes and congratulatory messages. Their colleagues and friends had sent an array of flowers, gifts, and cards, expressing their joy for the newlyweds. The outpouring of love and support touched their hearts, reminding them of the strong bonds they had formed with those around them.As they settled back into their routine, Alonso and Perry knew that it was time to address the matter of Alonso's managerial position and his transition into the role of Chairman. The previous chairman, Perry's father had unexpectedly moved on to the great beyond, leaving a void that Alonso, when leaving as Orlando, was well-prepared to fill. But now he wonders if he could as the time had come for him to step up and take on the responsibilities that came with leading the company. Despite his fear, he kept it away from Perry and wore that bold and courageous smile.Al
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Chapter 79
Philip seethed with anger and resentment as he received the news about Alonso's meeting with the Chairman of Homos group. It was a blow to his already bruised ego, and the fire of hatred within him grew even stronger. The thought of Alonso forging a partnership with such a prestigious organization, a partnership that Philip had desperately sought but failed to secure, fueled his determination to eliminate Alonso from his path once and for all.In his seething rage, Philip began to concoct a plan to bring about Alonso's downfall. He knew that a direct confrontation or act of violence would only land him in legal trouble, so he had to devise a more cunning and covert strategy.Philip's mind raced with ideas as he considered the various ways he could sabotage Alonso's reputation and success. He delved into his network of connections, seeking out individuals who shared his disdain for Alonso and would be willing to aid him in his mission. It didn't take long for him to find a group of lik
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Chapter 80
Lyra had retreated into hiding ever since the unfortunate incident that occurred during the wedding ceremony. All efforts to locate her have proven fruitless, leaving everyone concerned for her well-being and hoping that she remains safe and in good health wherever she may be.The sudden disappearance weighed heavily on Alonso, as he harbored genuine concern for Lyra's welfare. He yearned for reassurance, longing to know that she was doing well in her chosen refuge. Although he hoped for her safety, he longed to see her so that he can question her and know the reason why she had lied to him and why she also didn't go through with what she had planned with James and Philip.While James and Philip still felt the lingering impact of the distressing event, their individual circumstances were distinctly challenging. Philip not only suffered the loss of his reputation and any opportunity to assume control of the company, which had slipped from his grasp and into Alonso's hands, but James a
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