All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
158 chapters
Chapter 61
Felix Gallardo, his voice booming like thunder, addressed the room with a mixture of disbelief and infuriation, "Is this the chicken you claimed to be our supposed leader? Do you think we're a laughingstock?"The General stood there, stunned and rendered momentarily speechless, his gaze shifting towards Alonso. Ironically, Alonso resembled a chicken himself, trembling as he bowed his head, avoiding any eye contact with the men in the room.Mr McQueen chimed in, expressing his frustration, "It's just the four of us, and he's acting like a weakling. How can we possibly present him to the rest of the group?" The General, preoccupied with coaxing some words out of Alonso, was met with Mr McQueen's inquiry."Thank goodness we decided to meet him privately before introducing him to the whole team. Imagine the level of humiliation we would have faced if the entire group had been present to witness this havoc," he added, emphasizing the potential embarrassment they had narrowly avoided."Gene
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Chapter 62
"We all understand how much you long for Orlando's return, but," Hamilton's voice resounded with frustration as he gestured towards Alonso, "this person standing before us is not Orlando. Surely, we can discern the truth from an impostor. We must hold ourselves to a higher standard." General, sensing the skepticism in the room, stepped forward to present his case. "But he possesses the family's locket," he interjected, anticipating the objections. "Before you dismiss it as a mere trinket, let me assure you, I have personally verified its authenticity. It is undeniably a genuine article. Furthermore, Alonso bears the same birthmark as Orlando, a mark that remains etched upon his skin." "The only missing piece now," General continued, a glimmer of hope in his eyes, "is his resemblance to Orlando and his lost memories. Given time, those memories can be regained. We mustn't rush to judgment, for there is more to his story that has yet to unfold." With those words, General moved towards t
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Chapter 63
Over an hour had passed since Alonso had agreed to partake in the duel, and despite having been given ample time to reconsider, he remained resolute. Alonso was led down into an underground chamber, designated as the arena for their impending confrontation."You know, there's really no need for you to go through with this," Debby earnestly conveyed to Alonso, as he made preparations for the duel."If you truly are Orlando, we can explore alternative methods to establish your identity. I'm here to assist you," she added"There exists no alternative path, as you previously mentioned. Orlando possessed remarkable combat skills, and I must validate my identity by demonstrating the same," Alonso responded, emphasizing his determination. With that, he exited towards the ring, where his adversary, Jones, patiently awaited his arrival.Alonso and Jones stood face to face in the dimly lit underground chamber, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. Tension crackled in the air as the spectators,
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The duel between Alonso and Jones had been intense, each exchange of blows taking a toll on their bodies and their spirits. As the tension settled and the onlookers caught their breath, the two men lay sprawled on the floor, their chests heaving with exhaustion. It was a hard-fought battle, and the arena echoed with a profound silence.Just when the tension seemed to dissipate, and Debby rushed to help Alonso, a figure emerged from the shadows, striding into the arena unannounced. Gasps of surprise rippled through the crowd as they recognized the person who stood before them—none other than Santos, the man who had taken over Alonso's life former life as leader of the gang. All eyes were fixed on him, filled with both curiosity and trepidation.Alonso, however, remained oblivious to the identity of the intruder, lost in his own dazed state. His body ached, and his mind was clouded with the remnants of the duel. He struggled to lift his head and focus his weary gaze upon the newcomer,
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Chapter 65
Perry was filled with curiosity as he turned to the General, her voice tinged with concern. "I'm really worried about him. Can you please tell me what happened to him?" as the two of them patiently waited for the doctor who was currently attending to the person in question, Alonso. The room was filled with a sense of anticipation and unease.Feeling uneasy, the General avoided making direct eye contact with Perry as he responded, "Honestly, I don't have all the details. I wish I could provide more information." The air grew heavy with an awkward silence, making the situation even more tense. Perry was on the verge of speaking up, eager to break the silence, when their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Debby.Suddenly appearing out of nowhere, Debby's presence caught everyone by surprise. Her voice filled with concern, she blurted out, "Is he okay? What's happened?" The General was taken aback, completely unprepared for Debby's sudden appearance. His in
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Chapter 66
Alonso's heart raced as he approached the secret location that Lyra had sent to him. It was an unusual and lonely space that had bushes and he wondered how she got to know of such a location.The moonlight spilt through the trees, casting eerie shadows on the path leading to their meeting spot. As he got closer, he caught sight of Lyra, her silhouette unmistakable against the night."Lyra," Alonso called out softly, his voice carrying a mix of anticipation and caution. Lyra turned towards him, her face etched with worry and frustration."You're finally here," Lyra sighed, her voice tinged with a hint of annoyance. "I've been waiting for ages,” she complained as she furrowed her eyebrow. Not wanting to waste so much time, Alonso tried to calm her down and inquired about the reason for their meeting.“I need more of your time, Alonso. This pregnancy is not something I can handle alone," she complained and shrugged offAlonso's steps faltered as he walked closer to her side, his eyes sea
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Chapter 67
As Lyra walked away from her conversation with Alonso and got home, a few minutes later, she got a knock on her door and it was James. She greeted him as she normally would, but his voice was filled with a seething mix of accusation and pain."Lyra, where were you? I saw you with Alonso. Don't lie to me." he questioned not responding to her greeting or a warm welcomeLyra's eyes darted nervously, her voice strained as she mustered a feeble denial. "James, I don’t know what you are talking about. I have been at home all day and…” she tried explaining but the look she got from James made her nervous as it wasn’t the normal look she was expectingJames had reached his breaking point. The months of financial struggles had worn him down, and now the betrayal he had discovered left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. He couldn't simply let it slide, not when an opportunity for his own gain presented itself."No more lies, Lyra," James spat, his voice laced with a mix of anger and hurt. "I
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Chapter 68
The thought of giving Alonso a renowned position in the company had been on Perry's to-do list before they get married and finally, she had made up her mind to give the announcement and it involved calling for an emergency board meeting.Everyone sat still as they anticipated what Perry had to say and what big announcement she was about to give. Perry's voice echoed through the boardroom as she stood before the assembled members and welcomed them, her gaze fixed on Alonso, and shifting to Philip at intervals.The atmosphere crackled with anticipation and tension. This meeting would determine not only Alonso's future within the company but also the dynamics of their personal relationship."Members of the board, I gather you here today to address a matter of utmost importance," Perry announced, her voice steady, though a hint of vulnerability laced her words. "I have made a decision that I believe is crucial for the success and growth of our company."“Alonso my fiance, would from immed
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Chapter 69
As James stormed towards the exit of the office, frustration etched across his face, he felt a hand grab his arm, halting his steps. He turned to see Frederick, the cunning and ambitious right-hand man of Philip who had always seemed to have an ulterior motive."James, wait," Frederick pleaded, his voice tinged with urgency. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Alonso earlier. I think there's a way we can both benefit from this situation."James, taken aback by Frederick's sudden intervention, furrowed his brow. "What are you talking about? I don't have time for games."Frederick's eyes darted around, ensuring no one was watching. With a sly smile, he leaned in closer to James. "Listen, James, I know you're looking for financial assistance, and I can offer you something even better than what Alonso promised. But we need to talk privately. Follow me." he saidCuriosity piqued, James hesitated for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. He followed Frederick through the ha
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Chapter 70
Lyra got a knock on the door, that threw her into a frenzy as she was not expecting anyone, so she anxiously opened the door to James, her eyes betraying a hint of fear. She knew the conversation they were about to have would be intense, and she braced herself for the confrontation."I need a cut of whatever you are receiving from Alonos" James demanded as he stepped into the living room with Lyra, who was confused about his sudden request.Lyra stared at James, her mind swirling with confusion. She couldn't comprehend why someone she thought was financially well-off would even be interested in the meagre amount she received from her ex. It didn't make sense to her until James finally revealed his own financial struggles, his voice filled with embarrassment and vulnerability.Her initial shock gave way to a mixture of emotions—pity, understanding, and a tinge of anger. She had misunderstood his motives, assuming he was driven by greed or a desire to control her. Now, faced with the re
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