All Chapters of ALL I LOST : THE FIRST HEIR: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
158 chapters
Chapter 51
After an unrelenting barrage of appeals, Alonso ultimately persuaded Lyra to depart from the hospital, he ensured that he would contact her. In exchange for her compliance, he made her vow to keep their conversation confidential, promising her a weekly stipend to ease any financial burdens she may have. ***** Three days had passed since the unfateful attack on Alonso and the bombshell news from Betty. The city was gripped with a palpable tension, eagerly awaiting any news regarding Perry's whereabouts. As night gave way to day, however, there was still no official word from any family members. Throughout these days, Alonso had been working tirelessly to come up with a plan to help Perry. Unfortunately, all of his efforts seemed to have hit a dead-end. Initially, he had considered meeting with the Mafia group but quickly discovered from General that they held a deep-seated grudge towards him. Undeterred, he turned his focus towards forging an alliance with Philip, and a meeting had
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Chapter 52
"Immediately cease the dissemination of this video," Betty exclaimed with urgency, her eyes widening in distress as she observed the disturbing footage playing before her."I'm afraid that's not possible, Madam. The video is currently being streamed live," General responded, emphasizing the logistical challenges and urging her to comprehend the gravity of the unfolding crisis.Overwhelmed by a profound sense of helplessness, Betty reluctantly sank into a nearby chair, unable to tear her gaze away from the distressing content displayed on the screen."I will make my introduction brief and concise," Sylvester began in the video, his demeanour calm and collected. "As I am certain you are all already aware, Miss Montillo has been abducted. However, the reason behind her captivity remains unknown to you all."He proceeded to unveil his identity, providing a comprehensive explanation for his capture of Perry and articulating his deepest desires. With unwavering clarity, he broadcasted live,
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Chapter 53
Betty's voice was laced with anger as she gasped for air and placed her hand on her head."I saw this coming from a mile away," she exclaimed. "It's all because of you! Ever since you came into our lives, we've been plagued with one misfortune after another. Did you and your cohorts even discuss the use of explosives, or is it solely your plan?" Her tone dripped with sarcasm as she glared at the person in question.The atmosphere was thick with despair, and everyone felt as though they had hit rock bottom. However, for Alonso, it was as though he was drowning in his emotions. He couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt, even though he knew he wasn't entirely to blame for their predicament.As they all racked their brains for a way out, a squad of police officers burst into Philip's office, and without hesitation, they arrested Alonso. The room fell silent as everyone tried to process what was happening.A desperate attempt to voice his thoughts was abruptly silenced as Betty delivered
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Chapter 54
"Allow me to elucidate," began Mr Arnold, capturing the attention of the attentive gathering. "Sylvester senior, you see, was not merely an acquaintance, but a cherished companion who shared a long history with us—myself, Mr Montillo, and Mr Castle. In days gone by, our camaraderie knew no bounds, for we were inseparable in our endeavours. Our bond extended so far that we even partook in the most mundane activities together, such as sharing the same showers." Mr. Arnold paused momentarily, before resuming his narrative."Sylvester, in particular, was the epitome of brilliance among us, the mastermind behind every venture we embarked upon. While I hailed from a humble background, Mr Montillo and Mr Castle were born into opulent households. As for myself, I was the penniless youth who possessed intimate knowledge of all the exhilarating venues and the art of clandestine entry. It was perhaps my knack for discovering these hidden gems that facilitated my integration into their privileged
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Chapter 55
Arnold carefully observed Betty's expression, detecting a subtle but undeniable shift in her demeanor. With a gentle yet pointed tone, he spoke, "It seems even your own mother may have reservations about the decision you've made." Though Betty attempted to maintain a facade of composure, her face betrayed her true emotions.In an effort to assuage the collective apprehension, Philip interjected, "Let us all take a moment to relax. Rest assured, I have no intention of simply relinquishing the company to an individual of unsound mind. Instead, I propose we employ a strategic maneuver—a well-devised trap to ensnare him and facilitate his subsequent arrest."Philip's suggestion breathed a renewed sense of hope into the hearts of those present, prompting a collective flicker of smiles across their faces. However, as the intricate logistics required for executing such a plan began to weigh on their minds, the once-upbeat expressions faded into a contemplative silence.Philip proposed a bold
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Chapter 56
It's been over twenty-four since the signing took place. All major news channels have been eagerly asking and expecting a response concerning Perry and the company."I can't believe he actually has the company over to that maniac like it was nothing. And you were they and allowed it to happen?" Alonso asked Arnold in confusion and anger.Arnold had come to bail him out and give him an update on what was going on. Being locked up wasn't new to Alonso, but he had expected he would have been bailed earlier and didn't imagine he would spend the night behind the counter.He was given a little bit of preferential treatment though, so he didn't really feel it."Philip has a plan to lure Sylvester out and get him arrested. The papers he signed weren't really authentic, so you do not have to worry about anything." Arnold said "The only problem is that Sylvester is taking too much time to show himself, and that is giving us concern" he added" Did he say that was his idea?" Alonso asked and sco
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Chapter 57
It has been more than a week since Sylvester's arrest. As time passed, things gradually returned to normalcy, with the company's shares and stock reclaiming their value in the market. Remarkably, they managed to recoup triple the amount of money lost during the Sylvester ordeal. However, amidst this progress, one lingering factor prevented complete joy—the condition of Mia, who remained hospitalized. Although there had been significant improvement in Mia's health since our last update, she was no longer in a coma. As a new week approached, the topic of their wedding once again filled the air with anticipation. Nevertheless, they decided to release an official statement, stating that the wedding would be put on hold for a while. They explained the need to recover from the shock they had experienced, and everyone understood and respected their decision. As they patiently awaited a rescheduled date for their wedding, Alonso found himself engrossed in an entirely different endeavour alo
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Chapter 58
"James Johnson, is there something on your mind that you wish to share with me?" Lyra inquired once more, noticing the palpable fear in James as he desperately attempted to conceal it. "Oh, come now, do you genuinely believe that I am financially destitute?" James queried, his lips curved into a smile. Lyra found herself at a loss for words, yet maintained a serious expression while gazing at James intently. "I only acted in such a manner because I am well aware of your desire for spending, and currently, I am engrossed in an important project that needs the allocation of millions of dollars. Consequently, I preferred to exercise caution and refrain from indulging in unnecessary expenses," James explained. Lyra's laughter echoed through the room as she scoffed dismissively. "You? Engaged in a significant project? Since when?" She bombarded him with questions, her skepticism evident. "James, you're affluent, and no matter how much I spend from your account, it won't have any impact
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Chapter 59
"Oh, James," Perry exclaimed, surprised. "I had no idea you were involved with someone." She broke the tense and uneasy silence that had enveloped them."Well, there are many aspects of my life you're not aware of," James replied, his lips curling into a gentle smile. "I must apologize for all the unfortunate events that have occurred in your life recently. Firstly, the loss of your father, then Mia's shooting, and finally, the horrifying ordeal of being kidnapped. I deeply regret not being there for you during these challenging times," he continued, gently removing his hands from Lyra's shoulders and taking hold of Perry's palm, tenderly caressing it."It's alright, James," Perry reassured with a warm smile. "I know you've been praying for me." She gently withdrew her hands from his grasp and reached out to hold Alonso's hand, her face lighting up."Besides, Alonso has been a constant source of comfort during those challenging times.""Oh, yes, I definitely have been praying," James
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Chapter 60
The journey they undertook was a lengthy one, stretching out before them with no end in sight. Throughout most of their trip, an uncomfortable stillness hung in the air, enveloping them in silence. Seeking respite from the quietness, they turned to music, allowing its melodies to accompany them on their drive.In the midst of this pervasive silence, Alonso, yearning for a connection, bravely shattered the tranquillity."Can you tell me more about my relationship with Perry during the time when I truly felt like myself?" he inquired, injecting life into the stagnant atmosphere. General, his countenance brightening with a smile in response to the unexpected question, chose to remain silent for a while, savouring the query."I anticipated that you would inquire about your life within the Mafia group, yet here you are, delving into matters of the heart," he remarked with a playful grin, expressing his surprise.Alonso defended himself, "Come on, I'm simply driven by curiosity. Besides, I
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