Caroline had dropped by at Ajax, Raphael and Elena’s place to fill them in on what was going on. However, she was beyond disappointed to not meet them at home. She sat on the porch waiting for them, thinking about Elena and wondering what she was up to.Caroline had come to three conclusions. One, It was either Elena had been compelled or Two, Gregory had managed to convince her and so she had been brainwashed or Three, Elena had an ulterior motive.Caroline really hoped it was the third one.If Elena did have an ulterior motive, could she not at least let Caroline in on it instead of pushing her off her game.It was not long evening came and it started getting dark. She had been sitting on that porch for hours now, watching people walk pass and go about their daily life. If only they knew what went on behind the scenes.Sighing in frustration, Caroline took a pen and paper from her purse and began to write a note. In the note, she asked them to call her when they got back home becaus
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