All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
172 chapters
chapter 151
In the morning, the nurse had come with the baby and she had brought him for his mother to suckle him. When the nurse had left and the baby was full. I stood up and I held the baby. She didn't want to let him go but I was determined.“When your husband comes, maybe he might not come but when you get home, tell him that he had suffocated the baby. The money in the envelope is enough pay you off for everything. ““The universe wants this, this is fate, I can't stop fate.“ She said crying. I saw her peek into the envelope. She held the big fat envelope to her chest, started to cry and then turned away. I held the baby to my chest and I left the hospital filled with happiness. Whoever the universe was or wherever it was, I thanked it cheerfully. Holding a living breathing baby felt very good. Holding a living breathing baby that was yours felt very dreamy. I kissed the top of his head and he purred like a small kitten. The woman that I had employed to nurse
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chapter 152
“Why are you leaving, where are you going?." I shouted after him. I took my clothes from the floor and I chased after him. “What's wrong?." I asked him when I met him downstairs.“It's nothing. It's just that, I think you should leave."“Why?."“I don't feel like having you around."“I told you that it would put you off but you insisted on hear it, this is exactly what I feared would happen."“That was more than putting off."“Don't push me away."“I'm sorry."“But you said you loved me."“I didn't say that."“What?."“I said I didn't say that I love you." " Then what did you say?. “" I said that we could build a relationship. “" Aren't they both the same thing?. “" No, they're not.“" Asher, don't do this to me, why would you lead me on and then let me go. “" I didn't lead you. “" You did. “" I'm not interested in you Bridgette, I never was, I'll never be. “" Asher... “" Bridgette please, just leave. “" Who have you ever loved, your whole life, have you ever loved?.
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chapter 153
From outside the pub I could hear the music playing, I couldn't pin down the lyrics, though. I looked to the windows and I saw streak of light escaping and fading off Into the night. I walked into the pub, dancing peoole were painted blue, green and red by the light. The strong lights…. It was almost blinding and the alcohol that hung in the air made it harder to breath. I knew that I wouldn't spend much time in the pub. I skimmed through the crowd of hormone enraged people to find the pretty lady from the other night. I caught sight of her and I felt my shoulders relax, a smile spread across my cheek and I felt lighter. She was at the corner of the pub serving some drinks. I watched her walking back to the bar when she was done with serving the table and I followed her.“Hey." I said and she spun around, a smile appeared on her face when she saw it was me.“Hi sugar. “ She said placing the tray on the counter. The bartender took the empty cups and I watched him replace
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chapter 154
“Two hours have passed and I'm not seeing any money." She told me.“Two hours already?."“Yes sugar, I count the time, I've been counting it since I stepped into the house, it was twenty minutes after eight when I looked at the grandfather clock down stair . It's ten PM already.“" I didn't know that. “ I said standing up." Do you have twelve thousand dollars packed somewhere waiting for me?. “ she said jokingly. " I have thrity six thousand... In my suitcase. “ I brought the suitcase and I dropped it on the table. She opened the suitcase nervously. She gaspeed when she saw the money. She took some bundles and I watched her bring it to her nose and sniff it." Thank you. “ She said running to me and hugging me. “But we haven't spoken so much, I mean, I don't deserve this much money." She said. “Dalia, it's worth it, you don't have to worry, it's not so much of money for me."“It is for me, it's really huge money for me. To be honest, I don't think I've seen this amount o
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chapter 155
“What were you thinking?." He shouted. I shifted in my place and I removed my eyes from his and I placed them somewhere else. I didn't want him to see that I was sacred so I decided to go and take a seat in one of the couches." Now I'm the one that's the bad guy?. “ I said adjusting myself so I would feel more comfortable “Everything that happens you shift it and make me be the bad guy and you've been doing this for years and I just had it figured out, I'm not the one that's meant to be apologizing, you are, you're angry at me for catching you having sex with another woman and you expect me to remain calm?."“Are you crazy?." He asked me.“What do you mean by that? Are you still trying so hard to make me seem bad for catching you cheating on me, you should be begging me." " Leave my house. “" I can't leave, I'm your wife. “ He started to laugh. He laughed harder than I've ever seen him laugh my entire life.“What did you just say, you say you're my wife?."“Yes." I said stiff
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chapter 156
I was waking up, I could smell something sweet in the air. I opened my eyes to see Kai dropping some plates on the dinning. As if smelling me he looked up from the table and his eyes met mine.“You're awake, good, I was about to wake you up, breakfast is ready."“ Their mother walked out of one of the doors and she stood there, resting her body against the frame. She didn't look a day over thirty, she looked like she was their sister and not their mother. She still had the darkness of her hair, she still had a nice figure. She turned to me and then she smiled." Good morning. “ I told her." Hope you slept well. “ " Yes, I did. “I told her, she smiled some more and then she turned to Noa that was walking into the house." Hey baby, how are you?. “ She asked him." I'm fine. “ He said, he turned to me and tuned to Kai. I watched him take a seat at the table. " Come on, the food is getting cold." Kai told me. Nobody spoke till we had finished eating." Your food tastes great. “ I
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chapter 157
“No."“What do you mean by no?."“We're not calling the nanny back you're going to take care of Kai, you're quitting your job."“Solo, look at me, I like this job, we actually need it, one gig is not enough to keep the family going, imagine I'm earning and then saving the money and you're providing more, we will be able to put Kai in one of the best schools, we'll get a better car, a nicer house, it's like a win win..."“The both of us know that ever since you started working in that company you've been different."“Different, in what way?."“All round."“I don't believe you, you're just trying to make me feel bad and guilty Solo but it's not going to work, I've been the same, I feel the same only that I feel happiness and joy and peace... aren't you glad I'm looking better?."“You no longer pay attention to me." He said.“What do you mean, it's not true, that's not true, I give you attention." “When was the last time we had sex? ."“Christ, solo, you can't be serious."“I'm serious.
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chapter 158
Solo's car was in the compound, he was in. I climbed the stairs and I stood in front of the door. I wondered what would happen if I confronted him, what would be the outcome... I turned open the door and I walked in. He was in the sitting room looking at some blue prints. Immediately the door opened, he looked up at me and smiled. I didn't smile back. “Hey honey, how was your day?." He asked me shifting the papers aside." It was good, at least. “" You don't sound so good, any news?. ““I almost broke my leg."“What happened." “It's not important though, I was walking and I wasn't watching where I was going and I just tripped but someone caught me, if not I would have a limp. How was your day?."“It was really, really good."“You met Mr Kurtis huh?." I said dropping my purse on the couch. “Yes, I did."“What did you both talk about?."“The construction."“And?."“Nothing else just the construction, he handed me this blueprints to preview." He was flatly lying to me, that'
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chapter 159
I opened my eyes and saw that morning had come. I looked at Solo, he was still sleeping, he looked peaceful now, like a child. He was laying naked under the cover, so was I. I shifted in my position before I finally decide to lay flat on my back. I looked at Solo again, he had stirred and touched the bed till he found me and he drew me closer to him, I thought that he would wake up, but now he was going back to sleep. He felt warm, his grip on my body was strong but bearable. I closed my eyes and I tried to envision my life from here. What would the future hold, would I ever get a job, ever again?. I had quit my job just to settle the fight that I and Solo had. I had to give up. He felt threatened, he felt his family could fall apart and when a man like Solo sees a threat he won't stop till he eliminates the attacker, even worse when they threaten his family. I didn't remember when I had opened my eyes, they were now open and I had been staring at the thin air bu
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chapter 160
“Sweetheart, I'm leaving." He said.“I love you. See you in the evening."“See you too, I love you." He told me and I heard the door open and shut. After about an hour, I went to my bedroom in search for my phone book. I remembered that I had the contacts of some of the people in our company, I also had Mr Kurtis's office telephone number. I opened the top drawer and I saw my phone book, it was laying there in the top drawer. I open the phone book and I skimmed through it and I found Mr Kurtis's number. I went to the sitting room, took the phone and I dialled Mr Kurtis's office. It rang once, twice and then I heard the ding from the other end.“Hello, Mr Kurtis O'Malley's office, how can I help you?." I could almost recognize the voice, it sounded familiar but it couldn't click for a reason....“Good morning, this is Gael Garcia speaking, can I speak to Mr Kurtis?."" He's not in. “ She said like a bot." Who's speaking?." I asked. “This is Molly Pierce, his
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