All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
172 chapters
chapter 161
I heard a knock on the door, It shook me from my seat. Had Kurtis left and realized that I wasn't in the same class as him and he wanted to tell me that he didn't know what he was doing when he asked me out. The knock came again. I went to the door and turned the locks, I opened it. It wasn't Kurtis, it was Solo.I smiled, relief washed over me.“Hey baby. “ He told me." Come on in, how was work?. “" Work was fine. It's going super great, things are turning out as planned, you know how stress free it is when things turn out as planned. “" I'm happy for you. “" You're glowing, what's happening?. “" I don't know, I'm out of the sun, I'm not longer walking in the sun or guiding people, maybe that's the reason why. “" Honey, of course I understand but you're glowing, your eyes are twinkling. “" Do you mean literally?. “ I asked touching my face." No, I mean in a beautiful kind of way, and your voice... What happened in here, why are you looking psyched, where's Kai?. “"
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chapter 162
I thought about what he said. “Just once?." I asked him.“Just once," He said smiling. " Thank you. I promise call you tomorrow. Will you be free tomorrow?. “" Yes, I'll be free tomorrow. “" Thank you for the opportunity. “ He said Smiling." Jeez, you don't have to thank me. “ I told him." I want to. “" I'll give you a call and I'll tell you the location, I can send a car to pick you up tomorrow. “" You don't have to. I'm trying to keep this as discreet as possible. “" I understand. “ " See you tomorrow. “ He told me." See you tomorrow. Take care of yourself.“I heard the knock on the door. I looked at the time, it was evening. I opened the door, solo was standing there Smiling.“Good evening." I told him.“Guess what?."“What?."“I said Guess."“I can't gues, you have to tell me."“Okay, I got something for you."“What?."“Do you remember the time we went to Miss Liz's store and you wanted a dress."“Solo, why are you bringing it up now?."“Because I couldn't get
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chapter 163
“Hello, Ana, please can you come get Kai, I'm going for an interview with one organisation I had applied for a job... Thank you." I prepared everything that Kai would need in his bag. I went to the bathroom. Standing under the shower, I felt that I should maybe cancel, but there was no way to go back, I had burnt my bridges... But this time it wasn't for a good purpose. I had gotten dressed when I heard the knock on the door.“I'll be there." I shouted. I turned the locks and I saw that it was Ana.“Hi, good morning." I said to her.“Mrs Garcia, you look so good. Wow." I had worn th dress that Solo had gotten for me.“Thank you."“You said you were going for a meeting?."“Yes." I ssid with a small smile.. she looked at me for about five seconds and then she smiked a knowing smile.“Be safe. “ she muttered to me. “Kai is in his bedroom. I'll be back before evening."“I'll take good care of him, you don't have to worry." I took my purse and I went outside.I
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chapter 164
“I'll be back soon." I told Ana. I turned the door and I walked out of the house. I went outside and I saw a different car, but it was black. And sitting behind the wheels was the same driver.“Hi." I said to him. He smiled at me. It didn't take long before we reached the beach. I climbed down from the car. The sun plastering on my body. The wind scattering my hair and my dress, kissing me everywhere. “Mr Kurtis will be waiting for you in the boat right there.“ The driver said pointing to a boat. It was the only boat that was there and it was big. Written on the body was 'Aqua-Marine'. I liked the name, very much. I walked to the deck and I turned around, the driver had started to drive away. This time there was no body to lead me. I saw Kurtis standing there when I was on the deck. He smiled at me. I turned to the ocean then to look at him.“Eyes like the heart of water." I told him. He laughed and stretched out his hand to me.“You look beautiful."“Than
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chapter 165
I heard the knock on the door. I wondered who it was. I was in the kitchen setting the things I would use to prepare dinner. I turned the locks, opened the door and I saw Kurtis standing there with two huge boxes standing beside him. When he saw me, he bent and he carried the both of the boxes and they seemed heavy. “Good afternoon." I said and he walked past me.“These boxes are heavier than they look." He said to me laughing. He dropped it on the table." I wasn't expecting you. “ I said to him." I know. “ He said walking to Kai's bedroom. " I was just in the office and I thought I'd come and surprise you and Kai. “ He said touching Kai's face." What's in the boxes?. “" Toys, mostly and the other things are just for you.“" For me?. “ " Yes, I picked them today myself. I'm sure you'd love them. “" Thank you, but what are they?. “ I asked him." You'll find out when you open the box. “ Kai was awake so they were playing together while I was cooking in the kitchen
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chapter 166
The next day, after Solo had left for work. I took out those boxes, sat there in Kai's closet and I tore them. Toy train and cars that could moves with remotes... There were too many toys in the first box, too many that I wondered how Kai would play with them, all. Then in the other box were jewelries... How would I explain how I got them. I knew that I would have to come up with a new lie. If Solo asked who bought them, I would say that my colleague, Marietta gave them to Kai... She had a rich uncle no, I wouldn't say she had a rich uncle, I could say that she had a rich brother and she had a wealthy family too... And she loves Kai, should add that she also has a daughter or maybe I'll say she has a son. When Solo had come back, he had met me sitting in the living room with the two boxes on the table.“Jeez babe, what are those, the boxes are huge."“The boxes are huge aren't they... Let me tell you, come and have a sit. Do you remember Marrietta, my colleague, the funny lad
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chapter 167
I went home. As if Ana smelt it... As if she knew that I had done the abominable, she smiled a very fake smile.“Gael, you're back." She said to me. It wasn't Mrs Garcia or Miss Gael, it had changed to Gael, only Gael. But I felt good, I felt alive, I felt in love again almost reborn... I was born again. Gone was the old Gael and come was the new one. Not that they both of them had too many distinct features they didn't, they had too many in common, but this new me was the manifestation of the reborn Gael, the one that was formerly lost in being loyal... The one that had to quench her fire to fit in a type of lifestyle. “Yes, I'm back. “ I told her... My voice seemed foreign to me, it was much more bolder than the former, I was much more confident. “Hey Kai, how are you doing?." I asked Kai. “Momma." Kai said giggling. I took him from Ana.“Thank you Ana.“ I told her. She walked out of the door without saying anything. I was still in the bathroom having
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chapter 168
I woke up and made breakfast for Solo. While Solo was still asleep, the phone rang.“Hello." I said into the phone.“Hey baby." Kurtis's voice cut through the phone.“You called this early." I said above a whisper."I've been awake since dawn, I didn't know if would be so early, I'm sorry. ““You don't have to be, I was just worried that Solo might have picked the call." " How are you doing?. “ He asked me. “I just made breakfast... I'm good, how about you?."“I miss the hell out of you." He told me“I miss you too."“How about I come and pick you up today. My yacht is out in the ocean."“I don't know about today..." I started to say but he cut me off.“Solo is going to be done with his work soon, in two days time. I can't hold him here, surely he's going to get any contract, I can arrange that but I don't know how valid that plan would be, we literally don't have time on our hands, I've been thinking about it for so long and it's chewing me up. “" I thought about it too. “" I
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chapter 169
I woke up the next morning to find the bed empty. I went to the sitting room. Solo was already dressed and he was drinking coffee.“Hey baby, why are you dressed so early?." I asked him." Mr Kurtis called. He's going to have a meeting with us today. He wants us to be there earlier today. “" Okay.... When will you be back?. “" In the afternoon. “" Good bye. “ I told him and he dropped his cup on the table." I love you sweetie, take care of Kai and yourself.“ He told me. I watched him leave.I went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and I had my bath. I was still dressing up when I heard the knock on the door. Did Solo leave anything in the house that he should have carried. I tied a towel around my chest. I went to the door, I undid the locks and then I turned the door open, standing there was Kurtis. He walked past me.“Jeez, Solo just left, what if you met him here."“I saw his car leave, I knew he just left, I was outside."“ For how long?." I asked him.“N
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chapter 170
Once again I was making lunch while Kurtis spoke to Solo. To keep my mind away from what was happening, I decided to bury myself in poems, poems that nobody had heard.'I know but I don't want to believe, that there is no such thing as love, I know it's true that love dosent exist but If believing in it is being foolish, then I want to be foolish, if being foolish is being happy, then I want to be foolish it's not everytime in your life that you have to be wise, sometimes you know what happens next, so why not close your eyes and fall blindly into love even though it comes with heartbreak(s), at least you were once happy, at least you were once foolish. ''I have the mind of a ninety year old but the heart of a three year old, I love desperately and I care quietly, I miss calmly and I wait patiently, I want truly and I think fastly, I think deeply, I listen, I understand truly, I judge with reasons, I'm calm, my heart is stupid, my mind is mature, I won't compare myself to a lonely fl
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