All Chapters of Zepp: Chapter 111
- Chapter 120
227 chapters
" Miss.."
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Terra wished to convey the words of Aristotle," The man who is unable to live in society,must be either beast or a god " and she said so to Meridian.'' Haha..that's good idea ,Terra , why don't you do it ..say it to him !"But till now she has not time to say it to Zepp ." I don't know him except from stories people say ..and my sixth sense telling me more ...that's what make you feel it is good if I know him ,no ?" " What your sixth sense inform you ?"Before Terra opened her mouth,Nerida came to the room to tell Meridian that she needed some more new equipment.Meridian smiled and introduced both of the girls.They smiled faintly and both could not hide their dislikeness of one another.Meridian caught up the situation but she was nonchalant.She just handed Nerida some money to purchase those stuff and went on her lazy talk with Terra ." I need the bellboy to help me with those stuff, is it ok ? " " Samy ? Ok , he can come with you but make sure Nathan is in " '' Don't worry ab
The Strong Wind
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Having good habits is practicing goodwill itself,no ? By the way,Why do you like watching video crimes a lot ? " Asked Erlangga when Danzel brought him some grapes to munch and having a leisure time together at his house.''Tidy tidy ..Neat neat Words messyHeart empty What is good in lifeAre you that one.. ?.mmm if so, you are pleasant person .. remember,people need people ""Yes,true ! Hard things can be conquered by these 2 ..effort and keeping the faith "" is too short to live in hatred and dismay. "" You asked me what made me like seeing crime matter video ? Well ,I want to get knowing about life and death limit .There are people committed suicide as they fed up with life while others were killed by criminals when they still want to live .""You yourself often want to die soon , don't you? ""Right .that's what make me wonder. Life is unwanted by those unhappy people.Then some other are taken forcefully by the's an irony ""How can people g
The Prince ' s Bedrock
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
There is nothing certain in life but death , isn't it ?Preparing to die is not similar to preparing commiting suicideIt is faith in the huge plan behind the simple but complicated matters in life as it's precious value and meaning in every death occurrence,There is fear and also courage..What you see in both ,Which ,whom Why and how .Then where to go ?That is the question of lifeAnd Death. "" Some time those stories make us creating some imaginary friends, you know ... they lived once ""Who are they? Might be of them was our own ancestor""Mmmm...and she or he was precisely like your ideal lover or palOr yourself in childhood ""Or what you dream to be ,one day At A Time Mm.. reasonable ""Great analogy of what you say about human need humanwhile nature can not be arrogantAs one has one function,not the whole ...So be humble...Well ,life is not so easy""When you must decide somethingBeetween virtues and being practical ""What ..This is.. Another matter
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Zepp stopped.His stainless pen nib made points at the the end of the sentence.The phone at the den was ringing repetitively before he realized that.He glancing at the return flight ticket to a not so famous state in Europe had been held ,depend on when and how long he would go . What to do and not to do at all . Could he have such options? He just daydream,if only he got options that much . He shuffled in a narrow room as a savior of hopelessness in the pouring rain of the wet and cold month of December when the leaves are freshened , the season folds hands, hides the little wind, innocently asks "what's going on there..? There ,it's a new year !Wanting to draw the ocean waves.. Painting the light and gripping the wind and water ripples through anything l 'm unable I thank you for the piece of passion of my dry soul and tiredness...breathe ! The sinking ship of your life, the ocean is rock that rolls over you when you want to get up and embrace the loneliness
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
The tubs and jar are now located near the well. Usually they draw the water from there but now the rainfall is enough to meet the needs for washing clothes and dishes then the dirty floors immediately without having to store water in buckets and fear of running it out."said Fallady ,pleased in seeing interest in Zenana expression hearing his story about the place he had ever seen. His body feels like salty while imagining ."There is a tumor in them ? Unhealthy organs? Certainly .. that happens to such ? " "O yeah,rats, cats, dogs, grasshoppers, cockroaches, ants, passing on the roofs of the slum houses.A depiction of a dry grove poverty field which is bordered by a bamboo fence."Both of them finally met in person after sending each other mails . Walking along the pavement having ice cream , swapping stories life experience living overseas.They really enjoyed the good time . It is said that Einstein the genius use his brain as a laboratory.And the adven
The Sunset
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Zenana preferred if Hex acted less formal.She had known lots of men who were polite enough but a bit flirty.Some of them might see it as bravery or manliness.And for some women flirt ,even a bit is lack of teaching or impoliteness.She would adapt to the real fact ,what kind of person to whom she talks to .Being humble,or just using the banality or having a certain aim .She would not tell Hex that Fallady wasn't there at the time and frankly saying it's not a big deal for her and anyway talking with him was quite a pleasure. Zenana drew the little drawer and took out a pack of cigarettes which had been used half of it ,thenoffered him .Hex took one cigarette and had her to give him light .He stared at the yellow and blue fire at the matches which was a bit blown by the wind of early Fire was attractive view but when she had a glimpse at Hex ' s hairy manly hands she sighed and thought that it was far more attractive than fire .She quickly turned her attention to anothe
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
* "Wind away!" whispered the beautiful queen with her long hair rippling against the rocks and flurry of long hair that touched the rocks. The wind moved away , invited the purple carriage encrusted with quality emeralds.The golden chariot whipped up the mighty horses through the thick orange-gray sky. Followed by a thousand of guards troops.ln the northern hemisphere there is Manggala king who will rule the south and west seas to rule over all corners of the sea as the ideal of insolence, the power of being a god, after that, he himself. Queen Nyrodas is a folktale of fishermen at the south sea scretched from city full of myths and mystical power .The myth of Nyrodas had been occured since the beach area visited by newcomer fishermen.Some of them happened to be stranded there and managed to survive and having descendantssome other came there purposely after witnessing the vivid living there as fishermen. Myths is mouth to mouth tales . Usually
A Story To End
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Hardy stretched out the white blanket to Rera while whispering " l am cold" ,but his wife did not hear it.He still need to pick up some more stalks of flower to give to her but when he just about to devote it altogether with his most seductive words all at once Rera ' s face turned to be his mother who was blushing and smiled shyly like a teenage girl ... He woken up ,bumped and wet perspiring...dream ! Why he dreamed like that,? He sat and took a cloth to wipe his wet chest.He was in fear when he took a glass of water.His wife wasn't in .She stayed at her mom's house for a couple of days.None home ...what happened then ? Was his mom there He was shuddering.It's creepy.His mother had died years ago.Was it a dream with a message about the hell night ,and also a clue that he himself was going to die soon ? No ! He was not ready for death.He must do the repetitive first and he wished he had long years still to live on earth.Ah ,it's just a dream ...He was a golden child and mos
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Waiting for 2 weeks, ah ,here it was,Good news for Rera as the business opportunity finally came, well well..he was always lucky, how could he not?lucky, smart, cool, friendly, good at taking the heart of anyone, man or woman, has the secret key to success in overall,he got ability to gain other people ' s trust .Everyone will definitely be lulled by 2 things: flattery and the promise of spectacular profits. After they invest an amount of money, In the beginning, yes, there was indeed profit, maybe the second then , after that he was letting them wait for the profit for the next period.Then he will appoint a scapegoat if at a later time it is stated that the business is experiencing a loss .So far, the pattern he used had always been like that, no one dared to bring it up even though people knew that he was sneaky and deceitful.He had a soft move but horrible .. why did he learn black magic that sucks and complicated because he was persistent and strong-willed.The only matter o
A Scethcs
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
The train whistle screamed and started to move. Alsava leaned her shoulders against the second-class model seat and tried to sleep when the train almost reached the 15 th station.Its such a long trip.There were 9 more stations to go before arriving at her destination.But she could not close her eyes.She felt the same yesterday weight on her back ,like a wounded bird drooping its head on the ground when she looked outside through the window train where those trees seemed as if they were running along the and so did the poles of the telephone wires all moving .Ach , the dusk was nearly came, the train was about to stop discharging those passengers and brought some more from station to the next ones before arriving at the last one .Her body was a bit shaking forward when the train really stopped.Oh , finally arrived. She heard herself talking inside " we get on here .Why silent? Do you have heart to see me carrying two briefcases ,walking alone,noneto talk with? Then why l still