All Chapters of Zepp: Chapter 121
- Chapter 130
227 chapters
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Hardy had not slept even for one second after the odd dream .He believed in dreams and used to love to interpret the meaning himself especially when it's profitable but this time he didn't want to remember as there's something terrible to explore .The pain was getting more and more excruciating until he couldn't stand up so he crawled but suddenly everything went black till he could not see anything..was the light off?There was no mumbling or shouting as an upset expression in the unison around the neighbors which usually happened if the electricity went out.Hardy rubbed his eyes and scare if he suddenly became blind .A few minutes passed.His heart was beating fast , wondering what happened to him? Was he ill badly?There was knock on the door .Who the hell someone visited his house?He will not open it .What if the person broke down the door forcefully ,the thief ,robber the criminal ... would he fight back and could he ? his feet were stiffly glued to the floor and feet fel
The Vulture
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
"In every form of cooperations and businesses, there are always people who abuse trust.Betrayal might be occurred since Adam ." I have been waiting for the time to start working.I was thrilled by the new things"" Yes .l can feel that . Prediction, hopes ,fear are in a package of everyone' s tomorrow " Mr Trapp looked at the elderly woman who had not willing to retired yet." What did you teach your son about all that?" " Teaching things to our own children is like throwing a huge heavy stone nearby Arizona waterfall .. hahaha ....sometimes he seems too soft to be in business""What do you mean too soft ? Being a it included ?"" Nah ..." He shook his head .His attention turned to the trucks conveying sacks of sand, cement and stone.There were next load of bricks , roof tile, plywood.He remembered that day Girraldy had to handle all the matter to build a new project just a few hundred meters from where he sat chatting with his favorite friend._________Hardy felt that h
The Siren
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Management of Business Art is one of the knowledge of numbers and logic .It's been booming many years ago in America then scattered to Europe,Asia , then everywhere. Harvard opened this department asEconomy subject lengthening.German is one of the greatest producer of the human resource from this field.The scholarship always be offered to their best students then they would get good post at instances relevant.Hardy Fischer was one of the best graduate. could he not be so proud to be the person who beat 1000 competitors for the IT and management communication major, young, smart and brave.Radar Transfer Technic System,his dissertation was entitled 'Integrated Monitoring of Communication Electronic Radar'In the country of Westhauff he lived for a few years.His parents still supported him financially.Abundant money, hereditarily as heritage of nobility where he was born. Academic achievements for the comfort and honor of life. in that country he was increasingly mastering the
Cain Merck
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Any meeting ,tour,visits ,feast Hex and Axel ran always had one secretive aim , which was how to get source of information about the real background of Zepp 's parents mother and father.lf only they could find something wrong with them .. insanity or unclear birth could be approached as a written evidence for a civil law submission that they could get ...well , that's always be their goal to get part of the inheritance as cousins."There are condition to be done, each one has responsibility for one thing .""Even what just has happened on the road had been handled by the police ...but none can not only see and leave , right? " All of them has their own way to retell what they saw ..a truck collision, a few people bleeding , screaming,messy cars ..but to the law eyes society is something to be seen as incompetent source as everything must be proven as truth..if there are some more evidence completion ""'Mmh ..yeah ,that is what differ human and anima
Torch To Be Lighted
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Late in the evening June breeze crackled in the trees Coldness pierced brow of the silent moonlit nightYou have gone with my love full of aweLove is dead if you let me turn it on again for someone you cried and laughed with And if you nodded ,did l agree ..?Cold June with the white moon alone in the free huge sky The tin roof occasionally crackled and nocturnal animals go sleepingWhat dream you have now dear ,is it bad ?Long dream in the grave ..if only l can hug your shaking , sweating body ..or Is it beautiful dream ? Ask the angels if you could sleep soundly for a while and wait for me.. For the one who had gone awayThey kept on the buzzing chat on the old note ."Because love is all about possesing ,giving and demanding as well ..all concerning ego to ego..many fail to love and being loved fully...""Well then ..'Histoire repetez''"History repeated ..hey ..there some more here behind the paper " "Y
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
"I don't need to own homes myself,"Aragon cleaned the table with the yesterday dirty cups and plates ,and replaced them with the new clean ones .Starry did not offer to help as he preferred to do it quickly by himself.Dream passed by without deep question of what might mean of message in it . He dreamed of meeting with some old teenage friends..Hex ,Axel , Fallady, Erlangga, Zepp..Our friends resembled to the blowing wind that come and go without traces ,or like the water puddle, absorbed into the ground to dry later .All forgotten,only sometimes a few of them come out from somewhere in the back of minds .But Starry, while sipping the latte he brought for her ,"Old friends exist in our mind as nasty or nice faces but when you meet them long years after ,All of the memories changed at different forms like seed turn to be plants ..growing mature ..still have the features of course."" We are the result of imperfect management of our choices ..when we were kids ,bullying and mocking
The Web Spider
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
The thickness dirt on the dusty brown reddish stairs was blown slowly by the crackled wind outside and penetrated the wall ventilation.The spider webs was swinging the owners which were knitting their homes . A sharp-edged piece of wood jutted between them.The chap put his tired head on his hands .He sat on the logwood .The stairs shaped a number and it was 7 .But there wasn't any room was stopped at the wall corner.He lifted his head for a while and then returned to the first position. He glanced at it with an empty look .Then he looked down at the floor indifferently .Many things hadn't been accomplished when the death came to him. Does time move ? He wanted to talk to someone,or some people, but where are they? He just couldn't go out .He wasn't even sure if he had energy, was it necessary to get out and was he able to do it.But he didn't care.Regression was beyond everything. He was contemplating himself and it was empty outside . At some moments he heard someone
The Thunderbolt
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
"Yes , the hardest is forgetting and forgiving ..He sat on the indented inheritance stairs shaped 7.He had not completely entered the immortal realm . Didn't know where .Many things hadn't been fixed with his family.The problem of inheritance that leaving concealment.Forgiveness which hadn't been said among he and his siblings . Grudge and sense of rebellion which was still kept inside and trapped in the farewell .In the sudden death he got .At the tennis field .The 7 number stairs shaped that didn't get to the next level and room caused by nomore space above it ..and the spiders..pointed wood , someone being chased ,hiding but was he or she: s safe from the chasers ? None knows..7 was in the 10 commandments of God ' s rules made him left inside old house . Nobody.No time .No food.He did not need all that .He just need the earth ' s time .To accomplish the unfinished matter ,so that he could enter the next space or the time to the next life .He was trapped in beetween.The mor
Unclear Clues
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Aragon handed Starry another bowl of popcorn while having a talk in one fine day ." Do l have twin too ? tell me , l'm forgetful,as you see, l am old ,you mentioned l have twin ?where is he or she now ?"" I know this is only a joke but let's fancy this as real thing you have a twin and so have l .Start with this question . How do you feel about him ? ""Mmm..yeah ..we do have twins .l like my him, it is so good to have a person really look like me ,so l don't need a mirror to see myself ""If you are smiling , is he doing the same? Imagine you 're more genius than Stephen Hawking.. he genius too ? What if ...not ? "" You mean can we be compatible if we have different level of intelligence say l 'm sadistic and rude person but my twin is simple humorous...which will create more incompatibility .. character or lQ "" Hopefully you help me doing all that must be crying now then hug the bitch... instead of your fancy twin ...the real person you are
Sorry...One More Time
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
The crazy woman went out at night to steal anything she could grab .One night she took some plastic baskets full of clothes and books . Most ot them were old notebooks and diaries. None knows that for the time in the future it's so important stuff as they have lots of clues and proof for someone related to his identity and life history .Time scroll between pieces of desire .Moving in the muddy rice field .Hoping to see the carpet like _field yellowing but's also streaming under the bridge.Expecting to take him till a point but then it fell before reaching there ."Very beautiful flowers.. That's because ones don't care of what their jobs except how they you think they are interested in good communication ? Work is a bridge not only economically but socially,l believe.""What the differ between us and fauna world then .if only we care of how to get things to survive but not caring for.. you know what l mean ""Agreed.It's not only about how much we earn but ho