All Chapters of Zepp: Chapter 51
- Chapter 60
227 chapters
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
He saw the dew fell on the wet grass. It looked cold and fresh un haphazardly . But when the sun started to go down its yellow light gave a fire of joy. He saw it. then he invite Nerida to sit on a park bench and talk about something that brightens up their mood." .. riddle for kid .see if you can give a correct answer " said Zepp whilst she started sipping her morning coffee." Try me " ." I have a little sister They call her Peep PeepsShe wades in the water Deep deep deepShe climbs over mountainHigh high high My poor little sisterHas but one eye .." She tried hard to think ..and tried some answers but all fail .Zepp blinked his one eye ." Give up ? " She nodded and laughed freely when he said "it's A star " ." We haven't thought about it .. is funny..yeah yeah's a star ..what a riddle! Now your turn .This is a piece of one cheerful lyrics.Queation is ,who is the songster ..ok ?"" Got it .I will know "."Ahhh..don't be so sure ! Ok., listen
The Undergrowth
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Dear Sir,flowers popping up from the gaps in the undergrowth . The wind sweeps through the forest . He still maintains that strange smile even though he has changed the subject .Now he talks about people who speaks grandiose and unnatural because he is not from the same world as him. In the dim night he goes out with the half moon...while the silent sea in the twilight of life which is almost invisible starts to play..One hears his own voice in a long empty echo far away maybe partially thrown from his nightmare. when the sky is covered in mist of the northern hemisphere where those flying swallows unite in the gray purple of the night when it's finished ..saving the story and invites him to sleep immediately before chasing the empty shadow of a mumbling sorrow story." Ah , good morning dear"He picked up some small stones and threw them one by one into the muddy pool. There were lots of dry twigs and leaves falling onto its surface. He stood close beside her and joined in to wa
Prang! Prang!
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
The rancid troublemakers started to arrive. Middle-aged teenagers laughing and shouting happily between their groups. There was no voice controlling. It made people disturbed by the noisy talk ." My grandmother also used to scowl when we laughed me and my siblings or if my friends came for a study group or just hanging out.""What she did ?""She brought a sprinkling of oil and banged the kitchen stuff loudly prang prang! then we understood she didn't like us to laugh and talk loudly ""Indeed when people talk loudly usually the contents of talk are also not of good quality....haha ..""Can you identify school children with imaginary friends and followed up six years later as they were completing high school. ? ls it possible that there were follow-up story as they displayed preference for better peers.?"" Look at a few opinions and woman.. for the case "" She suggested that imaginary friends may were remaining benefitable even for adults ."" He has determined if having a
The Nightingale
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
The street looks dark.It 's such lightless space .Zepp writes something on a paper at the dinner table.Only a faint light from the street road at the farthest corner came into his room .He is perspiring as that night so hot.None calls him and he calls none either.The athomosphere reminds him to his past years living ...Dim and quiet.Now he feels a soft wind blowing and touches his skin .He thinks about when his life story will end .Nothing concerned him in the next year or month except the yearn for the old work in a new island , a new place .He writes," l am coming home .I will stay for a couple of days .l went by ship .The trip was quite hard.She always feels bad about me...and talks bad about everyone..l love dad.None perfect and he is not perfect dad either but he is sincere..."Then the light gone. It's totally dark now .Maybe something turns off the last light on the corner too..Tonight stands just like yesterday when it lighted his sleep.He saw a big park .The grass and
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Like lightning, Nerida splashes the water till her face and clothes wet then dissapeared.This made him laughed at her with a little hope that she would come back in a minute.Maybe nature must be there and ready to stay with them .What happens to their state of mind?Centuries ago People searching lands To live and die Some nation invade others then those tribes vanishedTheir blood absorbed by the weeping mother earthBlood still stream and scream Tears if dream of agony...One day the world exhale its final breathDarknessNothingnessMight be the next form of universe"Support female work and study at lab....See ? ..Being a gentleman is not only being polite ,romantic,neat.." suddenly Zepp heard her talking from behind the house."Fighting for the Championship? Better off Surrender ! "She called a name instead of responding him in any way.Life needs endurance..she knows ..she always knows it. .."Everything is not like the way we thought is full of bored
Letters Of The Long Ago Years
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Dear Alsava l saw your photo in Sunshine international magazine.Your photo appeared a long time ago so maybe you are surprised to still get a letter..are you? l am sure that you received many letters already.l hope that you have not become too bored or disinterested in receiving these letters.So , don't give up yet .Write to me and tell me about yourself.Actually,l thought about writing to you before,but decided it was better to wait until lam ready to visit your state again .l have already visited your country 3 times .l like your state very much .l plan to visit it again in the next few months.Maybe then l can see you.What do you think? l live in Honolulu Hawaii USA for 16 years.Before that l lived in California, Michigan,New York.Hawaii has the best 's warm all the year,much like your state.l work for the University of Hawaii .Iam a marine biologist (scientist)and study things like fish and shrimp.l also study other environment subjects as freshwater lakes ,ponds a
An Ugly Little Room
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
This is another dream of poor people who have been living in an upside down situation.Succsess is a monstrous word them.ldeas come and go just like wings of a strange pretty bird . Flying above in the endless blueness of the sky.Just catch .Take a step to get it,says the old saying.But good commanding words are not always true ..No ..One wishes a masterpiece will be born there ,in a little ugly room .Some stuff of ideas come over her head , about the love life and life matters in overall.Some seems just drowns in a greyish season.And all about criminals in medias who spread fear in society.Some times it's nice to say what a crazy world this is but still ,it goes round.A burden can be lightened after that.That woman has a relationship with a married man .He is an unbeliever. A westerner.He said he was divorced.Lately ,just eight days ago he told her that he still loves his wife and the wife told him to start trying again .What an old fashion story ! Not so funny for the love
My Little Girl
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
"l got drowsy.There ,a man asking thing but then he answered himself and he felt was funny .The old weak beggar approached each vehicles at the red light " Thanks, ma'am, thanks " he said and bending his body ,for only a coin .I should have given him a bit more.The well - built employee was going to resign in a few days . Business needs such hard heart indeed. Feeling guilty for this case . Releasing a spoilt cheerful young man is not an easy decision but l must .l will need more time to decide anything from now on. Can't ones enjoy life in full ? l do not have such skill . Enjoying life well .Mm.Meridian still there , crossing legs with the random ideas in her mind .Nerida was just ready to go for the weekend after she gave a piece of paper .It's a soft sensitive slanting handwriting belong to Zepp .Will he be mad if he knows Nerida did that for her ? Is that kinda spying on his life ?She began to peruse :" From year to year trouble change over my life till almost dying
At The Doctor Consultation Room
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
The doctor wrote something,it might be another prescription.Meridian just watched him and waiting for the next " must and must not" do from the day on she consulted him.She listened in half daydream mode .But it's ok,as long as she still care about herself and making progress."Promise yourself to reform the way of seeing things . Many people trapped in the external factors by keeping them as condition of being right and happy." He whispered right in her ear.It was like a tickle .He saw her giggled." Are you talking about Mental instability like what happens in our place where we are now ?" She read it lazily."Hypersensitive to nuisance and adversitySwoop on one possibility as sudden decisionPinned in many difficulties and stamped in itEasily sparked by one option ,rooted but easily come out again to the first pointUnstable in one positionUnhappy with many things then trying to come over the newness but actually the old condition,Reach out a trust and chase for it but buyin
The Wealth
Zepp/Anggin Kenari
Ansel still keen on thinking about getting wealth at the easiest way..Hey boys ! Young ones ! Get back to your place , consider this as worthless to try again . Measuring things by the beliefs .He sensed it.Hopefully he conquer the virtues of sharing and dividing .Zepp had lots of things he always been dreaming of ..he got no child or anyone as heredity to get some wealth packages if he died ... would he obliged to prove that he was his cousin ? Did he have right for that?All Ansel could do was just let the evil do whatever they want,But then he will never release them..So don't send black magic to kill !He realized that .some foolish people think they can dance over the body of other people they just hurt..they don't see such existence gripping their souls.. yes ,it's absolutely true..He doesn't demand anyone to be super..just ask them to do their best,Never ask them to succeeded..just want them to do efforts..If you see things nice around in the dept store or traditional ma