(HIGHVILLE)Ashley had been handed over to the cops by Captain and Sharpshooter, and both just arrived at the team's base; everyone including Theresa was there. “Bonnie Rose is from New City; but years ago, she worked in a project at Star city and the first ultra human explosion incident gave her powers; she later moved to Platinum city, and then, back here in our city”, Selena explained “and I have an idea” Randy cuts in “what?”, Miley asked “if she's planning both in this city and Platinum city, we gotta find motion and the heroes of Platinum city', he suggested. “that’s right” Roose supported “That means… Randy, Selena, Roose, Tiger, and I will go to Platinum city”, Miley said, and Tiger added, “Theresa, Kate, and Natalie will be here”. “good idea, but she could come here”, Kate said “True… I'll stay here”, Miley replied, “, and Tiger too” “O-okay”, he agreed! So, Randy, Roose. And Selena would go instead..********** .(PLATINUM CITY)
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