All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
268 chapters
THE AGENDA FOR THE EVENTIt was the day for the grand ceremony of the Brooks family.Grandma Anderson and Louisa were preparing to attend the ceremony.Louisa was eager to attend the ceremony in order to see who the heir actually was. The heir of the Brooks family had been kept a secret from the public eye.What they heard about him was that he was such a handsome young man who lived a low profile life. The Brooks family had done all they could to keep their heir's identity a secret.Now they were about to unveil him to the whole world and make him the new ruler of the Brooks family.Grandpa Roland was stepping down for the heir to take over from him.Louisa had been longing to see or have an encounter with this young man.Ever since she heard of the existence of the heir, she had dreamingly fell in love with the young, unknown man.She had tried all she could to get to see the
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I'M REALLY NERVOUS NOWITS TIME TO TELL THE TRUTHReuben and Annabelle sat at the back of the chauffeur as the driver drove at medium speed, heading towards the Brooks mansion.Reuben was a little quiet in the car, although Annabelle was a little expectant of what would happen during the ceremony.He, however, had chit chats with her and looked like he was concentrating on their conversation, but deep down, he was lost in thoughts.Once again, his thoughts were all about the outcome of the news he was about to break to Annabelle within a few minutes.He was looking at Annabelle in the face, looking at her smile. In some few minutes to come, Annabelle's smile might turn into tears.Maybe tears of joy, or maybe tears of pain or regrets. Whichever the case, she would soon cry.But Reuben hoped her tears would be that of joy.He sat down in the car, although he was talking to Annabelle, he was not in the car, he was already in the mansion anticipating the arrival of Annabelle. Annabelle
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I'M NOT THE MAN YOU KNEW ALL ALONG Reuben followed the driver as they walked out of sight of Annabelle. The driver stood aside and saluted reuben.Reuben nodded and continued the journey alone.He walked to the door of Grandpa's study and knocked." Come in," Grandpa responded from inside the roomReuben opened the door and entered." Hey, you are here," Grandpa said with a smile.Reuben nodded and smiled back."Have a seat, boy," Grandpa said.Reuben sat on the sofa right opposite Grandpa. " You look so nervous. What's the matter? Have you told her yet?" Grandpa asked as he noticed that reuben was not carrying a happy face" No, not yet, I am actually kinda scared about this, I'm not sure how she will take it," Reuben saidGrandpa gave out a hearty laugh." Now my brave and fearless boy has now fallen in love. He is now contemplating on taking a brave step," Grandpa said amidst laughter.Reuben kept his anxious face.He knew his grandfather was only making fun of him.Grandpa Ro
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I'M NOT WHO YOU THINK I AMI AM RICH"I don't understand you, Reuben. What are you trying to say? What do you mean by what you just said?" Annabelle asked, trying to get Reuben to look at her.She knew if Reuben looked her in the eyes, he could not pull the prank on him, and he would not lie to her." Annabelle, I'm serious here. Yes, my name is Reuben Brooks. But I am not a beggar, I am not poor, and I have not been poor all along.All I did was to put you to a test, " Reuben said in a serious tone.Annabelle looked confused. She looked at reuben. " I don't understand . Putting me to a test? But you never knew me when I saw you sitting by the gates. Why then are you putting me to a test?"" That was exactly what I was trying to mean. It was a general test. When you helped me by the roadside. It was the first stage of the test.Then staying with you was another stage of the test"Reuben saidAnnabelle frowned." I can see you are only trying to pull a fast one on me. Since you
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WELCOME TO THE FAMILYAnnabelle kept mute and listened attentively as Reuben spoke to her.She was surprised about what Reuben was telling her. Annabelle waited until reuben was done speaking before she spoke."So you mean to tell me that all that we have been through together was all intentional.All that you claimed to be from the street and all that was to get to see if I'm suitable for you. " Annabelle asked in a serious tone." Yes, we just wanted to know if you are indeed in love with me. And you have proved to me beyond all reasonable doubt that you are the one for me." Reuben replied in response to Annabelles' question." Hold on. One at a time. Now, if all was a plan, how come you took up all your responsibilities from your workplace and never slacked for once?" Annabelle asked." I grew up on the streets, but I was formally educated. I hold first-class degrees i
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THE BILLIONAIRE PAUPERAnnabelle broke down in tears on the ground while Reuben comforted her.Grandpa sat on a sofa with a smile on his lips.Wipe your tears and cry no more, my daughter. You have proved to be a worthy daughter in law.Welcome to the family.Stand up and wipe away your tears. That is the reward for your kindness and good behavior.We have a ceremony ahead." Grandpa said and heaved a sigh of relief.Annabelle stood up from the ground after a while with the help of reuben.She sat down on the sofa she was previously sitting on.Tears were still in her eyes, and she was sobbing silently." I'm sorry, Annabelle, I'm sorry.I just had to wait until this time.Please, I love you, and I know very well you love.You knew me to be poor, but I am not. I am a rich man, we will have a happy life.The life you have always dreamed of with me.There is no need to worry anymore, please. Be with me and be my wife." Reuben said as he patted her on the backAnnabelle nodded." I know y
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IT'S TIME FOR THE WORLD TO KNOW WHO I AM A tear dropped forth from Annabelle's eyes unintentionally. The ladies who were attending to her paused.She had ruined the makeup.The ladies looked at each other's faces in surprise.Annabelle came to her senses when she realized what had happened." Oh, I'm sorry, I was emotional, I'm sorry," Annabelle apologized and forced out a smile.The lady nodded and took out a tissue, wiped the tears, and resumed her work.Annabelle controlled herself to make sure she shed no tears again.……Reuben went back to the study where Grandpa was sitting." Weldone boy, you've done well," Grandpa said as Reuben entered the room.Reuben let out a smile " It was not easy. She actually controlled herself more than I expected her to. She is a strong woman, " Reuben said." Oh yes, I knew that. S
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WELCOME, LADIES AND GENTLEMENGrandma took the lead with her car while Louisa followed in her own car.They got to the crossroads where Grandma's junior sister, Rebecca, who was also Louisa's aunty, was supposed to meet them.Grandma found a good space and pulled over.Louisa found a good space and pulled over, too, behind Grandma Anderson. She left the engine running to be able to enjoy the comfort of her air conditioner Grandma got out of her car with her phone placed on her cheeks.She was obviously on a call.Louisa sat in her patiently as she looked at grandma .A few minutes later, a white Toyota highlander came around and pulled over right in front of Grandma's car.Madam Rebecca got down from the car dressed beautifully. She gave grandma a hug, and the two exchanged pleasantries. Grandma opened her car and took out an invitation ticket, and handed it over to Madam Rebecca.Madam Rebecca took the ticket and walked back to her car.Grandma got into her own car first and drove
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ITS WORTH A MILLION DOLLARSReuben put on his suit and stood in front of his dressing mirror. He admires himself with a smile.He heard the music being ended from the event hall, then the voice of someone. He knew it was time to get ready.He quickly walked out of his room and onto the hallway.He met Grandpa Roland, who was going back to his room." We will have to go to the event hall very soon. But before that, get Annabelle and you both come to the meeting room.The elders are ready to meet her, " Grandpa said as he met Reuben. Reuben nodded and hurried to the makeover room where he knew Annabelle was.He knocked on the door.The door opened after a few seconds.Reuben walked in with a smile on his face." Are you guys done?" Reuben asked a s he walked in." Right on time, sir. We are done now, " the leader of the group saidReuben nodded.He saw Annabelle sitting on a chair in a new white, perfect, and befitting gown.The ladies had done for her a light makeup and some touches
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WELCOME TO THE FAMILYReuben and Annabelle walked down the hallway holding hands.As they walked, Annabelle heard the voice of a man. It was coming from a place that seemed like it was near to them" Where is that coming from?" Annabelle asked Reuben, pointing a finger to her back." That is from the event hall. The program has already started.Grandpa will join them later.Then we will join them specially, " Reuben said with a smiley face.Annabelle nodded Fierce looking men in black suits were dispersed across the hallway, standing at intervals from each other. Each one of them saluted immediately. Reuben and Annabelle passed them by.Reuben Annabelle walked down the hallway until they got to the end of the hallway. The last door was an unusually big one." Where is this?" Annabelle asked as he looked at reuben." This is the meeting room. Grandpa Roland and the other elders of the family, as well as my female cousins, are in there. They are waiting for us, " Reuben replied with
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