All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
268 chapters
LETS GET READY Grandpa walked out of the room, leaving Reuben and Annabelle to themselves.Annabelle heaved a sigh of relief" Huh, you have a nice family here," Annabelle said with a smile." Yeah, they are always like that, especially that cousin of mine Andrea, always disturbing me," Reuben said and heaved a sigh, too." But you know you really never told me you have a family as large as this," Annabelle said." uhmm, yes, I didn't really tell you about them. They were also part of the plan, though.Well, since they have introduced themselves to you, I don't think there is any problem again. Anyways, we will be staying here from now on so you will familiarize yourself with them all.You know, my two ladies, they don't stay here, Andrea is studying and Martha are both studying at Oxford University so they hardly come around.The elders all have their business doing, and some of them are married,
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HEAD TO THE HALLGrandpa and his group walked down the hallway as they headed to the event hall.They walked slowly as they chatted amongst themselves happily" Grandpa Roland, that lady is such a beauty, I nearly thought she was a goddess," Andrea said.They all burst into laughter." Yes, you are right, Andrea. The lady is very beautiful. I like her already. " One of Reuben's uncles seconded." Well, you are right, though. And she has a good heart, too. You know Reuben took her through a series of loyalty and poverty tests, but she was successful in all, " Grandpa told them."What do you mean?" One of the elders asked." Well, after the Andersons messed up with him, we all knew it was his time to come in then.But he was supposed to be married before he could take over from me.The other lady from the Andersons family never valued him.Not even any member of the Anderson family liked him.Why? Because he was poor.And we all know he acted poor.So when he returned, I was worried ab
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LET'S WELCOME OUR HOST FAMILYThe master of the ceremony, John, was with the family's event planner in the hall discussing something.The hall was already half filled, and guests were still trooping in.The music band was still playing a song, and people were nodding to the rhythm.He glanced at his wrist watch, it was just ten minutes to the scheduled time of the commencement of the program. The event planner knew that too and wrapped up what he was saying. " Looks like you have to get ready now. Kindly go to the technical room to get your microphone fixed so you can come and start your work," the woman said to John.He nodded and quickly got on his way to the technical room. He emerged a few minutes later with his body microphone fixed to him.He sat down on a comfy chair at a spot where he could see the stage clearly. (That was actually the place designated to him to sit when he wa
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INTRODUCE THE FAMILY "So, ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for our first honor of the house, She is the chief auditor of the Brooks family and one of the best auditors in the country, ladies and gentlemen, let's give a round of applause for Miss Andrea Brooks " John said as he introduced Andrea on stage.Andrea emerged from the place where Mrs Thompson was, she walked majestically up the stage, waving at the crowd as they clapped happily, welcoming her on stage.Andrea sat down on one of the chairs on the second row, with a smile on her face." Thank you, thank you.." John said as the clapping died down amongst the guests." You are welcome, Miss Andrea. John said with a wide smile to Andrea. " Andrea nodded with a smile." Right, ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome our next in line…."Within five minutes, John had introduced everyone up the stage except one, Grandpa Roland.The seats on the podium were all filled up except three.He introduced him on stage, calling for a
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EAGER TO SEE THE HEIRLouisa sat beside Grandma Anderson as the host got onto the stage and addressed them.She knew the host from a program she had attended with a friend.He was a popular host who had fame countrywide, and he was called John.John addressed the guests for a while and left the music crew to resume their work.The guests were now settling down, and that was his reason for the slight pause.Louisa sat with a glass of juice in her hand, enjoying the good music and eagerly anticipating the follow-up of the events.Soon, the music ended, and John came onto the stage once again.This time, he commenced the program properly.He thanked the guests and began introducing the members of the Brooks family one after the other.Louisa sat in her chair, waiting patiently for the name of the heir to be mentioned.She could not see the stage very clearly like she wanted, so she was lo
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A FUNNY SPEECH The guests clapped their hands after Andrea ended her speechJohn walked upon the stage just as Andrea was leaving." Thank you, Miss Andrea, for the words so sweet," John said as the applause died down." Thank you, everyone. Now, we will quickly move on to the next business of the day.Very soon, our heir will be introduced up here on stage, but that will not be done by me.So, before we move on, our boss would like to give us a short speech, after which he will introduce the heir to all of us here.So ladies and gentlemen, I would like to invite Sir Roland Brooks. Can we give a standing ovation for him as he walks up here? "John said.All the guests stood up as the applause went onGrandpa Roland stood up from his seat and walked up to John.John saluted politely and left the stage.As Grandpa Roland walked in front, one of the men in suit went over and stood behind him.Grandpa Roland switched on his microphone and addressed the guests. " Thank you very much
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THEY WILL BE DOOMEDLouisa and Grandma enjoyed the song from the music crew.As the music ended, John came up on stage and introduced the next speaker for the eveningThe lady came over and addressed them briefly before going back to her seat.Finally, as they were eagerly expecting, John talked about the heir.He made it clear to them that he was not the one who was going to introduce the heir. He stated, however, that the honor was going to be for the current Ruler of the family, Mr Roland Brooks. He invited Mr. Brooks over to the stage to give his own speech and introduce the heir to the guests. Mr Roland Brooks came up to address the guests.Louisa knew he was the one who was going to introduce the heir, so she listened attentively to whatever the man had to say.Mr. Brooks began by thanking the guests and welcoming them once again.Finally, h
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GIVE US A MELODIOUS TUNEAnnabelle and Reuben sat in the room discussing Reuben's family and their next move after the night. They could hear the cheers and the claps from the guests from the event hall.As they sat down conversing, a knock came on the door.They both looked back at the same time." Come in," Reuben said.The door gently opened, and one of the guards walked in.He saluted them and stood at ease in front of them." Sorry for interrupting sir, your presence is needed now. You will be called in any moment from now on." The guard said.Reuben and Annabelle looked at each other." We will be there in a minute," Reuben replied, and the guard nodded and left the room.. Reuben looked at Annabelle and nodded." It's time now. Let's go and show the world who we are," Reuben said and stood up from the seat. He helped Annabelle stand up, a
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SUCH A HANDSOME YOUNG MAN " Thank you. It's finally time.It's time now to invite on the stage, the new ruler of the Brooks family" He paused and smiled, looking around with a smile on his face." Ladies and gentlemen,  can we give a standing ovation for the new ruler of the Brooks family." Grandma said in a high tone.All the guests stood up on their feet as they clapped happily.Ten guards in dark suits lined up in two lines on each side of the walkway to the stage.The lights in the room automatically switched from producing white lights to producing a golden coloured lightTwo people walked in between the guardsA male and a female.The cameras were automatically focused up on them as they walked up the stage.The male wore a blue tuxedo suit, which was lightened up by the golden colours of the room.<
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IT COULD HAVE BEEN ME UP THE STAGE.Louisa was shocked to the wits when she saw the face of the man.The expression on her face was noticeable. She was sweating vigorously as she sat donHer whole body was shaking.She looked at Grandma Anderson, who was also sweating seriously. The expressions on their faces only spoke one thing “how?”Grandma wore a frown on her face.She was as equally surprised as Louisa was. They both stared at each other and then at the stage where Reuben was standing.Louisa was not able to control the tears that dropped on her face.She was drenched in sweat and tears . Despite all the coolness of the evening and the air conditioning in the room, she felt hotGrandma was lost in her own thoughts.She could not fathom the fact that the person she had not valued , the man she had maltreated, was the very heir she had been looking for for all this while.Read more