All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
268 chapters
THEY NEED TO FACE THE LAWReuben snapped his fingers loudly.The guard behind him handed him the keys to the apartment, and that of the carHe took it and gave it to the manager." So these are the keys.Once again, thank you for your kindness, sir. I really appreciate it, " Reuben concluded.The manager took the keys and dropped them on the table." Alright, Mr Reuben, you are welcome.Once again, congratulations on your wife and your new position, " the manager said." So that being said, we would like to take our leave now." Reuben said and stood up from his chair.He tapped Annabelle, who stood up too and with a smile.The manager stood up, too." Alright, sir, thank you for visiting us. Thank you, " the manager said and escorted them outReuben's colleagues were standing outside waiting for him.He waved all of them as he saw them, standing in groups and staring at him.The manager left them at the reception and excused himself while Reuben and his wife walked back to their car
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PURSUE JUSTICE" But lest I forget, she will be entitled to a lawyer, and from the look of things, your in-laws are going to find a lawyer for your granddaughter." The policeman said.Grandma nodded." That is not a problem for me.Since we still have the evidence available from her own statement and the fake jewellery, she can not escape this.She can only plead guilty for her sentence to be reduced.I am not afraid, and besides, I also have a lawyer too, and all odds are against them." Grandma replied and smiled wickedly." That is all for now then. You will hear from me again. I will let you know when the court approves the suit." The policeman said and rose from his seat.Grandma stood up too, and they exchanged a handshake." Thank you very much, officer. I very much appreciate your efforts to help pursue this to the latter, " Grandma said with a smile.
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WORK ON THEMReuben and Louisa had just returned from their tour and were back in their apartment.Reuben left to go see his grandfather. He went to the study, and Grandpa Roland was there working on something on his laptop." Are you guys back already?" Grandpa asked as Reuben walked in." Yes, and there is news," Reuben said as he stood beside him." Have a seat, what is it?" Grandpa said and pointed to the couch beside.Reuben heaved a sigh and sat down" the partner called me. They have already delivered the message to the AndersonsSo I asked them to go prepare the proposal letter first before the lawsuit." Reuben said.Grandpa heaved a sigh.He was busily working on his laptop.He clicked a button loudly and stopped.A smile brushed across his face as he turned to face Reuben. " They were quick enough to take action.I received a report from two banks that they were requesting for a loan of two million dollars each from them.So I made them approve of a loan of one and a half
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THIS IS YOUR OFFICE Reuben paused work on the computer and looked on his left side.The printer brought out a paper with some words printed on it.Reuben took it, glanced at it, and handed it to Annabelle.Annabelle began reading the contents on the paper.It was the names of the companies she was supposed to take care of."So there are thirty-one companies there.You will be required to take care of themSo we will give you your personal computer that you can use and a personal office for yourself.We will also take you through a tour to the said companies. Andrea will be in charge of that.Probably that will be next week.Afterward, we will host a meeting for you and your managers.After which, you will resume work officially.Your personal car for a business trip is also ready and set for you." Reuben said.Annabelle looked at him in disbelief as he spoke.She could not believe all that Reuben was telling him, yet she was not in doubt of the truth.This family was one of the ric
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THE NEW OFFICE Annabelle was beholding an eyesight.The office was magnificent, coupled with the features and the blend of technology.She was just awed by the interior decor and the arrangement of the machines in the room.A knock was heard on the door.Reuben looked at Annabelle." The face of the person should appear on the desktop screen," He said.Annabelle glanced at the screen." It's Andrea," Annabelle said as she pressed a button on the screen before her.The door opened, and Andrea walked in." Good afternoon, guys. Hmm, I can see my sister is enjoying her new office, " Andrea exclaimed as she walked in.Reuben nodded, and Annabelle gave out a wide smile." Annabelle, do you like the arrangements of the office?" Andrea asked.Annabelle nodded once again..Andrea went over and stood beside Reuben as they both looked at Annabelle, admiring the room and looking around with awe.The whole room was quiet.Annabelle walked around for a while, testing all the features in the roo
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A FAIR JUDGEMENT?" Well, Mrs Anderson, I have the files ready, and I also received the footage you sent me.I also have the information stated on the file that the police have in their custody, the bag of fake jewellery.." the lawyer said and paused.Grandma nodded in affirmation to his words." … So I can assure you that today is going to be a good day.We are going to come out really successful.All odds are against them now." The lawyer said.He was firm in his statements and seemed sure of himself.Grandma nodding affirmationThe police outside were seriously restricting the media from entering the premisesThe lawyer glanced at his wristwatch. They were ten minutes away from the scheduled time." We need to get seated mow, maam," the lawyer said and motioned towards the door.They walked in, the room was deserted, and they could only see the court clerk who had just arrived, settling in for the day.The lawyer pointed to a place where they could sit throughout the proceedings.
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SOMEBODY IS ABOUT TO CRAZYThe lady in the gown sat all through the proceedings till it was all over.No one noticed her slip through the crowd and to the back of the courtroom where a car was parked She got into the car and drove off.The lady drove to the Brooks mansion, and the security guards opened the gate immediately for her.She drove in and parked the car in the garageAs she emerged from the garage, she removed her face covering. It was Andrea. She took out her phone from her purse and dialled a number." I'm back, I will be in Grandpa's study in a minute." She said and dropped the call.She walked into the house, waving to the guards who were saluting her.She took the elevator upstairs, and when she walked out, she took the hallway leading to grandpa's study.She saw Reuben entering the study.In a few seconds, she knocked on the door and entered." Good afternoon, guys. I'm back from the court," She exclaimed with joy.Reuben and Grandpa looked at each other in surprise
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DECLINED- CAN MAKE YOU CRYGrandma and Louisa reached their mansion. It was already past midday, and lunch was ready.The househelp was already serving it when they went in.Grandma Anderson rejected the food and went straight to her room.Louisa knew at once what was wrong with her; she was sad about Christine's incident. Louisa shook her head and headed for the dining table.She had lunch alone and went to her room too.Grandma rushed to the room after refusing to eat and went straight to her washroom.She stood in front of the sink and washed her face three times.Her eyes had turned sore red, and she was breathing heavily.She had a flashback of what happened in the courtroom.She saw the reaction of madam Rebecca and the remaining family members. They were shocked and had their hands on their heads.They were all crying in pity for Christine.She saw one of them giving her a deadly stare.Her eyes were full of tears, and anger could be seen there.Grandma saw the look on Christ
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HAVE A RENEWED HOPELouisa woke up from her bed the next morning.She got out of her room and headed to Grandma's room.After three consecutive knocks, without any response, she opened the door and barged in.Grandma Anderson was not in there.The bed was disorganised, and so was the whole room.She looked around.That was so unlike grandma. She was used to always laying her bed before going out.Louisa figured out that she might be in the study by then.She walked out of the room and made her way for the study room.She knocked on the door, and there was no response.She opened the door and walked in.Grandma was sitting on her chair and had her head bowed on the table before her.Her laptop was still on and was in front of her.Louisa looked at her in shockShe rushed over to her side and tapped her vigorously." Grandma, grandma," She called hurriedly, a sense of worry in her tone.Grandma shook her head before waking up.She looked up at Louisa and sat up.Her whole face was co
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THIS WAS THE ESCAPLE PLAN.Louisa cleaned the hole room quickly and went to get some tea.When she returned, grandma was already back from the washroom and was sitting on the bed.She still wore a sad countenance on her face, and Louisa couldn't help but to worry.She gave her the tea, and grandma ate silently.Louisa sat at the edge of the bed, just looking at grandma as she ate.About ten minutes of absolute silence except for the noise of the ta cup, grandma finally dropped the tray and the empty cups on the bed." Have you heard from Rebecca or any of the others?" Grandma asked Louisa. The answer was obvious, but she just wanted to be sure.Louisa shook her head in the negative." Nothing from them yet.I bet they are mad at us.I can really tell.I wonder what we are going to do about them, or should I say, what they are going to do to us." Louisa said, shaking her head." They won't do anything to you, I am their target, I am their main focus I called for the arrest and prosecu
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