All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
268 chapters
A TRAPLouisa felt pity for Grandma Anderson as she looked at her.Her plan was, more or less, to abandon Grandma Anderson.She had been with her through wnough and was willing to let go.Grandma herself had already caused her enough pain.She had her own plans to get whoever she wanted in life, but she listened to Grandma Anderson and decided to rush in for Ethan, just so she could get all she wanted.Now she is stuck in the middle, and there is nowhere to go. They are now surrounded by enemies and problems from all around them.Reuben was about to take revenge on them.Their factory was about to collapse, and there was no money to put in.They had lost their precious jewelry that could have saved them a whole deal of time and stress and made them miss this oncoming catastrophe ahead of them.Their family members were now angry with them Banks have refused them grants.Louisa felt there was no hope for them, and now her only resort was to escape all this.She was awakened out of he
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WHILE AWAY TIMELouisa walked out of Grandma's room. She jumped up for joy and quickly dashed to the kitchen.After dropping the tray there, she hurriedly left for her room.She immediately dialed Ethan's number and spoke to him, and then when she dropped the call, she began with her preparation to leave.She was in a hurry, her plans had succeeded, and she was ready to leave before grandma could change her mind.In about twenty minutes, she was done.She looked at her time. It was already a few hours to midday, and she couldn't wait for the evening to approach so she could go and leave all the sorrows behind.She decided to go get her hair done just to get some time away.She quickly took her bath and went back to Grandma's room.Grandma was still sitting in the same posture as she was when Louisa left the room.Louisa looked at her with pity.She ( Grandma) was really suffering and was trying to hide it.Louisa walked in and cleared her throat." I have spoken with Ethan.I told h
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THE POWERFUL LADLouisa recognised who the man was at once. She stood still and waited for the man to get closer before calling out his nameThe sun was high in the sky as it was already close to midday.It shone bright on the land, and its heat caused some sweat particles on Mr David's forehead.“Mr David, good morning “ she greeted.Mr David looked at her and recognised her at once." Hi, Louisa, how are you doing?" Mr David responded with a smile." I'm good, sir.Where are you heading towards?. Where is your car?" Louisa asked The man seemed uneasy on hearing a question.He fumbled to find words to answer." eerrrm, I…. I …. Don't have a….a car now."I ….sold it, " He answered and looked down on the ground, avoiding Louisa's face.Louisa could not hide her disappointment on hearing that. " What happened to you? Why did you sell it?. What's going on, you look tired?" Louisa asked again.She was more curious to know what was going on with Mr David.He looked distressed and hearing
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HE IS THE NEW RULER OF THE FAMILYMr David recalled what had happened in the Andersons Mansion.Louisa heaved a sigh." So, are you trying to mean that you don't even know who he is?" Louisa asked.She was still surprised that at that point, Mr David did not know who Reuben was.Mr David shook his head in the negative.Louisa knew their conversation was going to go far, and so she decided to keep the man in suspense for a while." What is the name of your former boss who wins the delivery company?" She asked Mr david." We used to call him by the name Mr Hu. But his real name was Huyumantenacanseng." The manager replied.Louisa looked puzzled.She looked at the man with a stern face e.Can you repeat that a little bit more slowly?" She requested.Mr David heaved a sigh and repeated the name slowly.Mr… Hu… yu.. man.. tena…can.. seng, " the manager replied.Louisa heaved a sigh.She knew she could not pronounce the name, so she just ignored it and settled for the shortened form."
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MR David shook his head vigorously in disbelief." Do you mean reuben is a rich aman?" Mr David asked.He just wanted some reaffirmation from LouisaLouisa nodded and pulled out her phone from her handbag.She opened her phone and fished out some pictures from Google.She showed the pictures to Mr David, who stared at them in disbelief.He gave the phone back after viewing the pictures.He wore a sad countenance on his face." Then I think the real cause of my unemployment is from this Reuben.Since he has so much power, he might be the one behind all of these, " Mr David said in a low tone.He was down.Louisa looked at him with pity.The once rich and arrogant manager of the delivery company was now a poor and humble unemployed man struggling to find a job.She shook her head in pity." So, what are you going to do now?At least, you know what you are supposed to know now.How do you intend to go about it now?" Louisa asked him.She wanted to know his plans on how he was going to a
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Louisa recalled to Mr David Mr David was surprised.He remembered that happening, yet he thought it was just a light misunderstanding and was going to be resolved after hearts had calmed downTo him, he knew reuben to be a poor man who would not leave the Anderson mansion to go suffer" But you didn't grant him the divorce, so he is still your husband legally," Mr David said.Louisa shook her head in the negative." I did.Grandma approved for me to sign it, and I did.That was when We were in the mansion."[“...... You have also falsely slandered your wife. You have wrongly accused her of cheating. And you have discredited the trust my LATE HUSBAND had for you.I was only tolerating you in this house as an in-law based on his last wish and the promise I made to him on his dying bed in his last days on the earthBut now you've proved yourself not trustworthy enough for all the merits we have offered you.You have disappointed all of us in this family . You are therefore going to be
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WHAT IS WRONGLouisa got home three hours later to prepare to go meet with Ethan.She had already called Ethan while she was returning from the salon, and they had talked.After getting home, she went to check up on grandma.It was already 4 pm in the evening, and the sun was already setting.Grandma was in her study sitting behind her laptop.Louisa greeted her and spoke with her for a few minutes before going to prepare herself for the dinner date that lay ahead of her.In about an hour's time, she left the house and set off to meet Ethan.She left the house that early in a bid to avoid any bad news.That was the same evening they were expecting the final news from the last bank they had applied for the loan from.If they were able to secure the loan, the next day was going to be a very good day as they were going to pay off the bills for the factory and everything was going to go back to normal.However, if on the other hand they were not able to secure the loan, they were going t
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I HAVE ALREADY FILED The waiter served the food and left the table. Louisa heaved a sigh and cleared her throat. “ Please, I want you to be very honest with me. I don't know what is going on, and I would appreciate it if you could tell me” Louisa said with a tone of sincerity in her voice. She was really sure the silent treatment she was observing from Ethan was not about the ghosting. Ethan shook his head and smiled wickedly. “ Are you really eager to know what you have done?” Ethan asked and frowned. Louisa nodded without a word, confusion written all over on her face. Ethan shook her head in the negative and picked up the brown envelope on the table. Without a word, he handed it over to Louisa. Louisa took the paper with much nervousness and slowly opened the envelope. She wondered what was in the envelope that made Ethan so angry. She slowly took out some hard papers from the envelope and heaved a sigh. She took out the papers and stared at it. It contained pictur
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IT IS REALLouisa’s mouth went wide open as she heard the word from Ethan’s mouth.“ Sorry, what did you say?” Louisa asked in a whispering tone.She heard what Ethan said clearly. She just wanted to be sure she had not heard the wrong thing.She never for once thought she would hear this from Ethan, at least, not when they had already talked cool on the phone.Ethan was speaking just fine, and nothing showed he was angry or that he was not in a good mood.Louisa just wished this whole thing was a dream.A dream where she could wake up and all will be over.She would have woken up and unheard all that she had heard this very momentEthan was silent as she heard the question from Louisa.He acted as though he did not hear it.“ What did you mean by that?” Louisa repeated her question“ You heard me right ma’am . I said I have filed for a divorce, and there is nothing you can do about it.” Ethan repeated himselfLouisa closed her eyes and heaved a sigh.“ You can’t do this now,
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DENIED AND DECLINED.Grandma Anderson was in her room when she heard the footsteps of Louisa in the corridor.She knew Louisa was just about leaving for her date with ethan.She heaved a sigh as she sat on her study chair, behind her already functioning laptop.She was working on something on her laptop and had stood up to go get herself a glass of water.As Louisa’s footsteps faded away down the hallway, she could not help but drift back to her thoughts about all the recent happenings, losing focus on what she was doing before she stood up.She thought about Louisa.Louisa was her only hope and comfort, and as if it had already been planned, she too was leaving to face her own life,Now she (Grandma) had been left to her own fate.She felt like the whole world had turned against her.Family, friends, business partners, and finally Louisa.She heaved a sigh as she drifted back to reality.She looked at the time that was displayed on the laptop in front of her.It was alre
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