All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
268 chapters
HOW DID YOU DO IT REUBEN Now the truth is outAs it had become clear that the manager was playing tricks with the minds of all of them. He had lied to them about his job and that made all of them congratulate him.Grandma was angry at the manager.She addressed by his name and asked him to apologize.“ Now you Ethan, how could you that here, you lied to everyone here including myself about your job. You are trying to play with our minds and make fools out of us” Grandma burst out at the manager.The manager's face darkened as he heard addressing him by his name.He knew all was lost.Now they had stopped addressing him by ‘ manager’ and he's now been called by his name.He knew he had lost his pride and ego .However, he was more worried when he understood the grave impact on what he had done.He stood quietly and watched Grandma during her outburst. “ It's better you apologize to everyone here Ethan, or you will find yourself incurring the same wrath Reuben has incurred from all o
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THE OFFER HAS BEEN TOSSED BACK All the guests were surprised by Reuben's revelation.The actions from the manager confirmed it all..They began to wonder who Reuben really was. How did he come to know of all these if he was but only a delivery man and a pauper as they all regarded him. A poor son in law who had just lost his job and family but knows grave secrets of his superior and unfolds them as though they are his own.Grandma, like all others, was surprised.She wondered how Reuben knew all the information of the manager and she questioned him about it.“ Now if I may ask Reuben, how did you get to know all this information about your boss…. I mean your former boss… Ethan here? How did he know he was going to be fired? And how did you know about all his doings that the owners of the company found out about? Grandma questioned raising an eyebrow.Reuben sighed . All the other guests were eager to hear his answer. They as well needed an explanation to this weird boldness and a
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WE KNOW THE REÀL LOSER NOW “If you would bow down to me and kiss my feet, I will give you a job in my company "The lady repeated her offer to the manager with a mischievous smile“ Oh No!! ” the manager muttered under his breath.A few minutes ago, he witnessed this silly offer being tossed to someone else. Reuben. He had mocked him and laughed at him.And when Reuben rejected it, he cursed him in his mind for being so stupid Now this same offer has been reverted back to him.He had to make a decision. Put himself in Reuben's shoes.This is what he termed a clear case of “ what goes around comes around..The manager shook his head in pity for himself.He began contemplating“ If I accept this offer, Then that is the last bit of me. Reuben will mock me. I've already lost my dignity and respect amongst high profile people. Not again!!If I chose not to accept this offer, I would have no job. And I don't have any chances of getting a job. I will be homeless and live on the streets!!
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I AM NEED TO SEE THE MANAGERReuben got out of the house in which the party was going on and headed out of the premises. He quickly flags down a taxi and gets inside. Instructed the driver to an address he showed him on his phone and relaxes on the seat behind him“ Hush, that was a close one back there.The drama was too much ” he muttered under his breath with a sigh.He glanced at his watch and he had about 15 minutes before his chauffeur arrived. “ we have arrived sir”. The driver said as she stopped the car beside the road. Reuben gave him a couple of dollars and got down from the car. He looked ahead and saw that his chauffeur was already waiting for him.The driver of the chauffeur opened the gates on seeing him near the car and he entered as he patted him on his shoulder.The driver smiled and closed the door after him, he quickly got into the driver's seat and drove off.A few minutes later Reuben was at the gates of his grandfather's house. The chauffeur drove and parked
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YOU NEED TO FIRE HIM NOW“ The only help you can offer me now is to get me the manager. Where is the manager? ”.She screamed.“ I'm right here madam. How may I help you?” the manager responded from behind the attendant. “ Very good Mr manager, now this stupid worker of yours has hit me with his mopping stick and I need you to fire him now” the lady said pointing at Reuben.The manager signaled Reuben to come over and he did without hesitation.By this time all the passersby who were entering the hall had stopped and we're looking at them.The front desk attendant was pitying Reuben. She knew there was certainly gonna be trouble . “ Reuben, you heard her and you know what to do huh ” the manager said and raised an eyebrow.Reuben knew what to do and he had already done that . Yet he had to do it again.“ I'm very sorry sir. I'm sorry ma'am it wasn't intentional. I didn't mean to hurt pls forgive me” Reuben said and bowed his head.“ I'm very sorry madam, I also apologize on his beha
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A MANAGER'S MEETING AND A SPECIAL INVITATION Grandpa Roland was escorted by his armed guards to sit in his chair facing the people. He had a wireless microphone attached to his ear and he addressed the people as he sat.“ Good day everyone. I am very glad to see you all here and I thank you for honoring my invitation.As we all know we are here to discuss the growth of our various companies that has been trusted in your care.Firstly I would like you all to know that this is my last meeting with you as the ruler of the Brooks family.The next meeting with you will be my heir is going to take over from me as the ruler of the Brooks family.He would take over the affairs of the family and the business and he would be your new masterNow we as the Brooks family have received information from our sources about some of the works of you all.Our sources have stated clearly that some of you abuse your powers on your subjects and generally, people below your statuses.I must say that is a v
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THE ANNIVERSARY SECRET LEAKEDAfter Grandma's birthday party went with the whole drama of Reuben and the manager, Grandma sent news across to all family members about the upcoming anniversary for the family's business.Everyone in the family was supposed to be present at the function regardless of their schedule. The only person who was forbidden from the function was Reuben.The news came with the fact that .The soon to be CEO of a multi million dollar company will be present to grave the function The whole family was happy at the news of the celebration. Everyone anticipated the appointed date in readiness.Grandma secretly sent for Louisa for a private discussion in her secret chamber.Upon receiving the news of her invite, Louisa looked puzzled as to why her grandmother had sent for her secretly without any of the family members.She quickly met Grandma as she had requested.“ You sent for me grandma, may I know what is going on? '' Louisa spoke in a low tone and a worried voi
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THE AWAITED GUEST IS HERE NOWThe appointed day finally came after all .Everyone in the family was prepared adequately for this day.The females in the family had wore their possible best clothes and perfumes just to get the attention of the rich heir directed to themselves.The ceremony was bound to start as soon as the guest came in.Everything seemed normal and cool for the delay.Grandma came in followed by his two personal bodyguards.She was led to the high table where she sat on one of the two biggest chairs.The other one was reserved for the would be heir from the Brooks family who had been invited to grace the occasion with his presenceWilliams was present at the gathering.The lady who offered Ethan a job was present.Ethan was present and was being used as a janitor and an errand boy. He had no option as his master had ordered him to do soLouisa's cousin was quietly pacing up and down the hall with her eyes transfixed to the entrance of the hall. She was waiting and ea
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ANNIVERSARY AFTERMATH-- WHERE IS LOUISAFor fear of getting rejected by the heir, she needed not talk to anybody at the moment.At least till the end of this ceremony or maybe after she had finished her mission.Grandma was seated in her luxurious chair still eager to hear the arrival of the would-be heir of the Brooks family.She was looking around when she chanced upon Williams standing beside Louisa and speaking to her.She frowned“ What is he doing with her at this time? " She asked herself.For fear that the expected guest might enter at the same time these two would be in each other's company. Maybe the heir would think Louisa was a cheap slut or something. Hence her frownShe couldn't let all her carefully laid out plans go down the drain just because of Williams.At least, having dealt with Reuben's trouble was enough to handle for the dayShe was about to order one of her guards to go alert Louisa when she saw her (Louisa) walking away from Williams who wore a frustrated loo
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WHERE AM I NOWGrandma quietly went to bed in a bad mood that day.The next day, she stayed up in bed late and was awoken by a call from her granddaughter Louisa.She could not answer on the first ring but did so on the second ring.“ Good morning Grandma, I'm very sorry for not being able to answer your calls yesterday.Can I come over to your place now? ” Louisa requested. There was a tone of urgency in her voice. At first grandma was angry at her but on a second note she was relieved on hearing her voice again and knowing that she was safe“ I'll be waiting, ” Grandma replied.“ Thanks, I will be there in thirty minutes” Louisa said and dropped the call.Twenty five minutes later, Louisa drove into the apartment of grandma.She quickly rushed into Grandma's suite to find her subtly waiting for her.She looked unkempt and her face was not as bright as she used to be.“ I'm sorry Grandma, I want to speak to you for a moment but pls can you send your guards away from the door” Louisa
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