All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
268 chapters
THIS SHOULD BE OUR DEEPEST SECRET“ What!! What am I doing in your hotel room? What happened to me? How did I get here?” She shouted at Williams with a confused face.Williams kept on smiling “ Easy.. easy . One question at a time.First of all. You got here with me. You came with me last.And we enjoyed ourselves very well right. I guess we burnt a lot calories to be honest.But wait. Are you trying to tell me that you don't remember anything? ” Williams asked feigning surprise.Louisa went numb. She needed so soothsayer to tell her what had happened.Williams has had his way with her.She buried her face on her palm in utter regret.“ How on earth did I get here? How on earth did this happen? Was I too drunk? I only took two glasses of wine. Or was I drugged?Oh no what have I done? ” she questioned herself.She looked Reuben who was smiling.Looked around and saw her dress on the floor.At this point she broke into tears.Williams saw her cry and quickly tried to console her. But
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KEEP AN EYE ON HIM. HE WOULD BE PUNISHEDNo other man on this earth should hear of this. ” Grandma said.Louisa nodded in affirmation to all she said.She stood and sat beside grandma. Silence engulfed the room again. After about 10 minutes of Silence in the room and knock came on the doorLouisa quickly distanced herself from the misfortune and sat on the couch opposite her. She had stopped crying and her tears were dried up.After checking that everything was alright in the room, Grandma feebly asked." Who is there?" She enquired." It's Robert ma'am " the reply came.Louisa stood up after grandma nodded in affirmation for her to go open the door.She opened the door and it was the guard whom grandma sent to go investigate about Reuben's profile the previous day. " Good morning ma'am. You sent me on an errand and I'm here with the report." Robert said as he walked in and stood in front of Grandma.He stood in full attention waiting to be ordered to go on." So Louisa, the reason
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THE CAREFULLY LAID PLAN AND A NEW DELIVERY CAPTAIN Grandma and louisa sat in the room for a few minutes more before she finally left.Louisa drove out of Grandma's house after bidding her farewell. She drove straight at low speed to her house.On her way, she branched at a pharmacy to get an effective contraceptive.On reaching home,she sank in an armchair and began to ponder on what Williams had done.She was teary eyed as she sat lazily in the chair.Williams had caused him so much pain and she had lost her pride. Maybe not known by everybody but to herself, she was not whole.The whole family would be against her if the family is ruined because of her. And the family would only be ruined when Williams released those videos online." Thank God I have someone who still likes me. I would have been dead by now" She thought.She then began pondering on Grandma's words.This was surely a grave secret to keep.No one needed to remind her to keep her mouth shut about this whole issue. B
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I HAVE HIM IN MY DEN NOWLouisa walked into Grandma's study breathing heavily as if she was being chased by someone.Grandma quickly stood up on seeing her in that manner." What is going on? Who is chasing you?" She asked looking at her gate to see if someone else would barge in after Louisa." I'm not being chased, Grandma. Just that I am shocked."Louisa replied after gaining composure" And what makes you shocked to the extent of you running around?" Grandma asked with a raised eyebrow." Well you remember the message I sent you some few minutes ago about…" Louisa paused and looked around her. She wanted to confirm if there were no guards around to listen to their conversation. After being sure there was no one, she continued."... the message I sent you about Reuben. Right after that I ordered food online after taking the contraceptives.I was not in the mood to cook then so that was the only option.When the delivery man arrived, it was none else than Reuben" Louisa said in a
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THE PERFECTLY LAID PLAN ( PART II)Send the order details of the food you ordered to me and I would take it from there " Grandma said and grinned happily." Right away " Louisa said and quickly reached for her 📱 phone.She quickly sent her details.Grandma made a phone call asking the receiver to report to her immediately. At that very moment ,the cook came around with lunch and served the two of them.The room was quiet. Only the sound of the cutlery set could be heard as Grandma and louisa went on with their food.Louisa was devouring the food fast. She had starved herself for far too long.At the very moment they finished eating and the cook came to clear the table, a knock came on the door." Come in," Grandma permitted.Robert walked in and bowed slightly " you require my presence ma'am " Robert 🕸 said" Yes I did. I asked you to assemble men here for a job tomorrow, how far have you gone with that?" Grandma asked." I have them ready and at your disposal madam." Robert sai
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ONE OF OUR ENEMIES GOES DOWN TODAYAfter listening to Grandma's instructions Robert spoke." I have a few questions to ask you ma'am " He said" Go on " Grandma permitted him.Robert cleared his throat " Firstly, ma'am, you talked about locations but you did not mention the names of these places.Secondly about the van, where will it be and when would it be arranged?Thirdly, Reuben would come on his motorbike, so are we supposed to take him with his motorbike, or are we to take him and leave his motorbike behind?" Robert asked.Grandma smiled." Those are good questions Robert. Now listenThe car will be here in five minutes and you will be introduced to the doctor.The car would take you to the first and second locations by the driver. I have everything under control on that side.Now the two locations would be unknown to you, to avoid any discrepancies. However as I said the driver would convey you to both locations.With his motorbike, one of your men would ride it off to a thi
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THIS IS FOR YOU TO PROVE YOURSELFReuben joined a new delivery company in the city as a delivery man.It was not a hard one for him to get as he was experienced in riding a motorbike and the company needed delivery men on the urgency.His days as a delivery were cool until he received a notification one day to deliver a pack of food.He rode quickly to the office for the item and was somehow confused by the address.He seemed to know the address“ This address looks family to me " he thought as he left the front desk where he had just taken the order.He shrugged and walked towards his motorbike. He sat on it and input the address and lo and behold it was the residential address of his ex wife Louisa.He appeared shocked and cross checked to see if he had made any mistakes but no, he was right.He smiled and heaved a sigh.“ I wonder about her facial expression and her words when she sees me deliver her food to her.” Reuben thought as he roared the motorbike to life and rode quickly
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THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END NOW Reuben got onto his bike and wore his protective clothes. He carefully placed the package in its place and roared the engine of the motorbike to life.He veered onto the road and sped off to the location indicated on his map***************Adriana got into her car and drove out.Grandma watched as she drove out and sighed" I'm doing all this for us. You will understand later.Meanwhile, one of our enemies goes down tonight" Grandma murmured and sank into a chair wearily.She heaved reached for her phone and glanced at the screen " no update yet" She murmured as she placed down the phone beside her.She drifted off to sleep unknowingly but was brought back to life by the vibration of her phone . She checked and it was a notification which stated " survey done, area clear" .She read the message and smiled." This is the beginning of the end, " She said .She stood up and went downstairs.The sun was shining brightly and everywhere seemed coo
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ATTACKED BY ARMED ROBBERSReuben rode through the highway at top speed, overtaking vehicles regularly but carefully as much as he could.He followed the map closely.After about 20 minutes of riding on the highway, he turned onto a lonely path.The road was tarred and good, but there were no cars and humans around. Only an overgrown bush that looked like a mini forest on each sides of the roadHe sighed and rode at normal speed steadily anxiously looking ahead.He rode on that road for about 10 minutes and slowed down. He slowed down such that, a man who was jogging could easily go with him at the same pace without much stress.**************After Robert and his men had patrolled enough and everyone had found a spot to hide, he called all of them back together and spoke to them.“ Ok so we are set now and the target would be here soon.Remember the rules and don't make any
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WHO WON THE BATTLE AGAINIt was a little after 4pm and there was not much traffic on the road so he speed on in a bid to get home early He knew the office would be closed by the time he got there Reuben was pondering over the whole incident and how it happened while on his bike.Reuben drove straight to the accommodation provided by the delivery company for its delivery men. It was well after 6pm when he got there. Reuben parked his bike at the designated place and secured it.He hurried inside his small room and rushed into the washroom.He gushed water on his face as much as he could for about a minute and stopped.He breathed a heavy sigh as though he was just recovering from the shock he had experienced earlier.“ That was a close escape back there” he murmured to himself.He cleaned his face with a towel and went back to the room. He laid on his bed flat with his back.The whole incident began to replay I'm his mind.He could not tell whether or not this was a robbery attack
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