All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
268 chapters
THE NEW MANAGERReuben woke up in the middle of the night following a loud rumble in his stomach.He stood up and entered the washroom once again. He emerged about 15 minutes later looking all freshened up.He went straight to the kitchen and took a bottle of drink and some biscuits.After eating to his satisfaction, he sat down and began thinking about what he was going to do about his manager.If he could set him up in this manner, then there was something behind the setup and probably someone.However, he had different ideas and thoughts from the first one.“ What if he did not set me up? What if it was a coincidence? What if the gang were on their own and just wanted to kidnap someone. What if the manager was innocent? '' he thought.As he pondered over the whole issue, Reuben thought of a way to find out the truth from the manager. That is; of he intentionally set him up or not.After si
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THE BEAUTIFUL WOMANThe policeman froze in shock as he viewed his iPad screen.He clicked something on the screen and after a few seconds he breathed out a sigh of relief.Finally, he spoke.“ Well, Mr Reuben, the feedback is in. The profile information of the recipient was traced to a man, however, as we speak, this man in question is dead.That means, the account is untraceable to anyone in particular.Now with the address, I must say you are a very lucky man because if it was a hundred meters lesser than that, you would not have the place alive.That area is the territory of a notorious and wanted criminal. But , from our intelligence, he was not in the area nor were any of his men. This can only mean you are safe for now and we will work on your protection. But for the robbers we are still working on them to get them arrested as soon as possible” the policeman explainedThe manager seemed relieved.“ Thank you very much sirs, we appreciate your efforts and hope you are able t
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THE SECOND CHANCEGrandpa smiled and flipped the last flipper away and it revealed the portrait of a beautifully dressed woman.He looked at it with a smile but the smile vanished in a second after recognising who the woman was!!!He blinked three times continuously and slapped his cheeks a little to confirm if he was dreaming but no he was not.He shook his head vigorously and gave out a smile again.Grandpa Roland was quick to notice the change on Reuben's face. He looked at Reuben as he blinked and slapped his cheeks. Then he watched as he shook his head vigorously and wondered why he did that.“ Do you not like her son?” he questioned Reuben.Reuben smiled and shook his head again.“Can this man excuse me for a moment please?” Reuben demanded.“ Oh yes sure…” grandpa said, then turned to the man. “ Alex, thank you for your work, I'll talk to you later okay” Grandpa said and dismissed the man.Alex nodded and left the room quicklyAfter Alex left, Reuben heaved a sigh and spoke
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WHICH WOMAN WOULD LOVE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE,?“ Now change my glass for me now” the lady said and walked back to her seat looking satisfied with getting Reuben fired.“ after you ma'am” the manager said and followed the ladyThe lady went to sit back at her table and the manager took both the glass and the bottle of water away.The lady sat down smiling to herself and praising herself in her head for being able to get Reuben fired on the second time.She continued using her phone while waiting for whoever she was waiting for.The manager replaced her bottle and glass and left after making sure she was satisfied.The lady received a phone call and after a minute of making the call, her countenance changed. She looked sad as she dropped the phone back on her table.She called the waiter for her bill and another waiter presented her the bill.She duly paid for the items and left the restaurant without touching any of them.****************Reuben and Grandpa Roland sat opposite each oth
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A DOLLAR BILL CAN CHANGE HIS LIFE“ Everything will be sorted grandpa. We will see the way forward. " Reuben assured grandpa.“ I really hope so but the question now is, which woman would love you for who you are?.“ Well I know of someone but I can't confirm for now.” Reuben said with a smile.Grandpa flashed a quick glance at him. Reuben swiftly looked away to avoid his gaze.Grandpa Roland looked at Reuben.“ What did you just say?" Grandpa Reuben asked .“I have someone in mind but I can not really tell for now”. Reuben repeated with a nod.“ Wow, so how can you be sure?”.“Well I actually think we need to run a test on her too. But I know she would definitely qualify. Actually she is currently under a test though.” Reuben stated.“ Well said, so who is this woman, may I know her? ” Grandpa enquired.Reuben nodded.FLASH BACK[ When Reuben left the hall of the meeting after the lady caused his dismissal, he walked out of the premises but came back dressed as a homeless begga
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A DOLLAR BILL FROM A STRANGE WOMAN WITH THE HEART OF AN ANGELWow. I never knew a dollar bill could change someone's life this way. I am very impressed by that” Anabelle said and let out a smile.Reuben reciprocated the smile and adjusted himself on the seat.“ You are welcome once again Mr. Reuben. The reason why I called you here is to talk to you about something.Well I actually don't know what made you resort to begging on the streets for a living. And to think of you living in such dirts. I never knew there was this handsome figure behind the man out there. So if I may ask. Where do you currently stay?”. Anabelle asked Reuben.“ Umm.. currently I'm homeless so I live on the streets. I sleep in front of closed stores during the nights and I beg for alms during the day.” Reuben replied.Anabelle looked sad. She felt pity for Reuben.“ Sorry for my manners Mr Reuben, what would you like to take? Anabelle asked in an apologetic tone.She signaled the waiter to come over.“ Water
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HOLD ON A BIT AND WAIT FOR MEReuben had never experienced any kind gesture as such from someone before.Talk more from a woman he had never met in his entire life.It was a different feeling altogether]PRESENT.Reuben narrated to Grandpa Roland how he met Anabelle and how she helped him despite having no knowledge of his background or even his immediate family and friends.“ She still helped me, Grandpa, although as we talk, she does not know anything about me.I believe she can be a good woman” Reuben concluded as he narrated the incident to his grandfather.Grandpa Roland was nodding all through Reuben's narration.He was touched by the strange lady's kind gesture towards his grandson.“ Wow, the lady must be an angel then. I hope to meet and reward this kind lady one day. She is definitely a rare gem.” Grandpa Roland stated.“ Very true Grandpa. She is. She still calls me everyday to check one and make sure I am okay.” Reuben added.“ So my boy, I want to know more about this lad
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I AM THE BILLIONAIRE PAUPERAfter inputting the copied information, another page loaded and the picture of a man and a kid appeared alongside a location address. Reuben gave a broad smile.“ Just hold on a minute. I am coming for you” He said aloud and stood up from the bed with a little laugh He entered the shower straight and freshened up.He emerged and quickly dressed up in a long sleeved white shirt and a pair of black trousers with a pair of black shoes.He took a backpack and tucked it on his back.He took his phone and iPad and headed out.He got onto his motorbike and geared it into action. He headed out of the house and onto the road.He rode on the bike for fifteen minutes until he got to a house. He got down from the bike and viewed his iPad screen to confirm the location.He nodded and smiled. He put the iPad and his phone into the backpack and tightened it on his back.He walked to the door right in front of him and knocked.“ Hold on I'm coming” A voice responded from
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THE BEST FRIENDS AND COUPLEReuben took his phone and his credit card and quickly headed out of the room.He did not take his bike.He flagged down a taxi outside his compound and jumped in.“ To EatGood restaurant please. Hurry up please.” Reuben said as soon as he sat in the car.The driver nodded and quickly moved towards his destination.A few minutes later, they were at the restaurant.Reuben dropped from the car and paid for the services of the driver.He got into the restaurant and chose a table in the far corner. The very table that they sat around when Anabelle first invited Reuben over.Reuben sat down and took his phone.Coincidentally, his phone rang the very moment he took it.It was a call from Anabelle.Reuben quickly answered the call.“ Hi Reuben , I'm there now.” Anabelle said from the other end“ Come right on, I'm in a white shirt. At the very table we sat the last time.” Reuben said.“ Right I'm coming in now” Anabelle said and dropped the call.Reuben sat down w
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THE SMILE NEVER FADESReuben stood up and Anabelle followed suit.They walked out of the restaurant holding each other's hands.The guests in the restaurant looked at them with smiles on their faces as the duo left the restaurant.Reuben Anabelle left the restaurant and entered the taxi which took them to the location of the building.In the taxi, Anabelle sent two thousand dollars to Reuben's account and alerted.Reuben confirmed the receipt and thanked her.They got to the location of the building and they both got down from the car after Reuben paying the driverIt was situated in the city but a little farther away from the main busy area.The place was very close to an estate so it was a cool place to live.They both got to the front of the house and Reuben called the owner.A middle aged man came out of the house and saw the two of them.“ You must be Reuben right?" The man said .“ Yes I am,” Reuben said and stretched forth his hand to greet the man. The man shook his hand.‘ My
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