All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
268 chapters
HAVE A NICE DAYGrandma and Louisa looked at each other in awe.“ Let them in and direct them to the conference room. I will be with them shortly” Grandma told the guard.The guard nodded and left the room.Grandma and Louisa looked at each other.“ What do you intend to tell them?” Louisa asked her.“ I have a pretty good idea which is going to shut them up for good.Let me go get something proper to wear, I will be back in two minutes.” Grandma said and stood up from her seat.Louisa watched her as she left the study.She was wondering what it was that Grandma was going to tell them that was going to make them keep quiet.From what she knew, they were obviously on the losing side, and they should be rather calm instead of being aggressive. She just shrugged and got her phone from her purse.Glancing at the screen, she realized that she had an unread message.Her heart skipped a beat.She heaved a heavy sigh and opened the message.It
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CHAPTER 202WHOSE FAULT IS ITMadam Rebecca was surprised by how Grandma Anderson was boasting of what she was saying.She was supposed to be ashamed of herself saying such things, but it looked like she was rather cool with it and did not even care about it.She wondered why Grandma was behaving that way.Louisa, on the other hand, was just observing what was going on keenly. She did not understand what Grandma was up to, but she just trusted her ( not like she had any other option left, tho)Madam Rebecca nodded and spoke. She was ready to counter Grandma and had b just prepared herself for it since she was the leader and speaker of the rest of the elders present in the conference hall.“ This factory we are talking about here is the most profitable business that this family ever owned.That is what we get about seventy per cent of the family’s riches from.How come the factory ran at a loss, to the extent of being closed down.It is not understandabl
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GAME OVERMadam Rebecca read through the letter and was surprised by what she saw.As she couldn't believe her eyes, she passed on the letter to the next available person to read, and they kept passing on till there were about only two people left." I don't get this. How come we didn't get to know about this. How come you did not tell us that Reuben was the heir of the Brooks family? " Madam Rebecca questioned." It looks like you did not hear my first statement Rebecca, if I had known that Louisa was married to the heir of the Brooks family, would I have agreed on the divorce.Again, I also found out about it the very day we went for his coronation.As for this letter, I only received it within this week, and as it is stated in the letter, the deadline is today. That means we are officially in a debt of three million dollars.Now to save the situation, I have arranged for a meeting with them, of which they could not honor it, however, we have rescheduled the meeting to tomorrow,
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ARBITRATION WILL WORKSATURDAY AFTERNOON, ANDERSON MANSION.Grandma Anderson was preparing to leave for the brooks mansion with respect to the scheduled meeting.She had called Louisa, who told her she would meet her on the way so they could go together.Louisa had left Grandma’s place that night and went to her house.After the shock she received from the parcel as sent by Ethan, she just needed some time to be alone and relax.Louisa had left with no expression on her face but Grandma on the other hand, was worried about what was going on with louisa and asked her to stay over but Louisa insisted on leaving for her own apartment.Grandma gave in as her offer fell on deaf ears.Grandma had also called Madam Rebecca, and she had agreed to go with them to the Brooks family to go plead with them.Looks like all was set for her. She was done dressing up and was just about setting off to meet the others.She glanced at her wristwatch, and she was about an hour early fo
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CHECK, CHECK, CHECKTHE BROOKS MANSION, SATURDAY AFTERNOONReuben and Annabelle were busily preparing themselves for the meeting ahead.Annabelle, in particular, wanted to dress casually, but Reuben insisted he wore a very elegant dress he had gotten from the boutique.Annabelle was confused and asked him why.“ I want my wife to be at her best for a meeting where we will be the superiors.They thought I was a stupid beggar, but I want them to know that my wife is better than them all” That was Reuben’s reply.Anabelle had laughed it off and agreed to do just that.Now it was time to get prepared and go to the meeting room. However, Grandpa had told them he wanted to have a private meeting with them before they would go meet the Andersons.Annabelle had just finished dressing up and was putting on a pair of high-heeled shoes.Reuben had just finished bathing and was putting on his clothes.“ You have to speed up, or else we will be late for the meeting” Annabelle cautioned.Reuben grin
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BE IN YOUR BESTThe room went silent again till Grandpa spoke.“ So it's on, the time is already up, we have ten minutes and they should be here any moment from now.So Andrea, you should go down there and wait for them.I will be in the conference hall waiting for you guys.Reuben, I will send you a text when we start so you can come in.” Grandpa said.They all nodded in affirmation.“ Okay guys, excuse me now, I've got to take care of their asses, see you in the conference hall.” Andrea said and stood up from her seat.She walked out of the room and headed out.Grandpa stood up and cleared his throat.“ I will see you guys later. But Reubven, please remember.No, pity or empathy. It's business.” Grandpa said and walked out of the room, leaving them alone there.“ Why do they keep repeating that you should not have mercy on anyone?” Annabelle asked as soon as Grandpa closed the door behind him.“ Probably because they think I am too pitiful.They say I am so calm and like
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THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE GOODThe three approached the lady who was still smiling.“ You are welcome ma’am. This way please” Andrea said and led the way.Without hesitation, they all followed her without a question.Andrea led them to an elevator where they got inside.The atmosphere was tense as nobody spoke to anybody.Andrea stood in front, with her back facing them..They all looked at themselves and signalled themselves , wondering why the lady was not speaking to any of them.Andrea led them through the hallway to the conference hall.She opened the door and stood aside for them to pass.They looked at each other and walked in..They all seemed shocked when they saw Grandpa Roland Brooks sitting on a chair at the head of the table.“ Please sit down on the chairs.” Andrea said.They all obeyed and sat down.Grandpa Roland smiled devilishly as he observed how Grandma Anderson was obeying Andrea like she was just a little girl.They all sat down and looked at
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A NEW PLAN OUT Reuben cleared his throat, bringing all of them out of their thoughts.“ Well,sorry for being late. I am here now, and I have been listening to what is going on, and I am already aware of your mission here.Okay, so not wanting to waste your time, I will go straight to the point.So firstly, I would like to talk about the letter.Since it was between the Brooks family and the Anderson family, it has been passed on to us, that is; Mrs Anderson and myself.With the issue of the ultimatum, I don’t think we will be able to extend the ultimatum for you guys.You know this money has been with you for the past six years.We can no longer give you time to do anything else.Just so you remember, as the days go by, the interest increases.So we can no longer give you time to do soAgain, we can not give you the payment plan to pay in instalments since it was actually stated on the contract that the money was supposed to pay the money at once once the co
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WE HAVE A SUGGESTION Grandma cleared her throat before speaking.Reuben and his crew fixed their gazes on her.“ Well, sorry for the delay. We were deliberating on something.We have actually thought about the contents of the letter, and we have actually come to a collective decision.Unfortunately, our answer can neither be no nor yes.However, we have come to the conclusion that we will release the factory in your possession for an agreed number of months, in that case, we will get our factory back after the agreed time and you would have also gotten your money by that time.So, this is our response, and we do hope you accept it” Grandma said.Reuben and Grandpa looked at each other and then at Andrea, who was smiling.Grandpa nodded his head, and Andrea sat up.“ I am very sorry, ma'am.As Mr Reuben said earlier, this is the decision we have taken.Either to get the factory or you face the lawsuit.Just remember it is an offer we are making you.You have to cho
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IN ANOTHER MESSThe trio had agreed on the response they were going to say.“ So we have agreed on what we are going to say.We are not going to give you the factory.We are ready for the lawsuit” Grandma said.Louisa and madam Rebecca opened their mouths in shock.Louisa quickly pinched her, but grandma removed her hand.Louisa and Madam Rebecca looked at each other with shock on their faces.“ I thought we agreed on this” Madam Rebecca whispered to Grandma Anderson, but she shrugged again.Madam Rebecca knew that was the end.Grandma Anderson was not ready to listen to them, and that was it.She knew there was nothing she could do.The Brooks were going to take action.She freaked out at once but kept her composure.Grandpa Roland,Andrea, Reuben, and Annabelle all smiled when Grandma made known her decision.“ Well said then. You have opted for the lawsuit, and so be it.”Grandpa said and heaved a sigh.Andrea stood up from her seat and picked the last envelope in f
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