All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
268 chapters
NO IDEAGrandma Anderson,Madam Rebecca, and Louisa drove after each other to Grandma’s mansion.They all parked their cars and got out.Grandma led the way into the living room while the two followed behind.Grand was actually angry and madam, Rebecca was not in the best of mood. Louisa was only concerned about how they were going to take care of the mess Grandma had just created.Grandma sat down in the living room with the paper she had taken from Andrea, still in her hands.“ You all should stop the apportioning of blame here.That was the best decision I could have ever taken.We can win this case, too.We equally have chances of winning” Grandma said.“ Are you really being serious here, Evelyn? Huh, are you really serious?We are going to hold a lawsuit from the Brooks family, and you really think we stand a chance of winning the case?Have you ever heard about the Brooks family losing a case in court before?Even in our case, it is actually worse
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A WAY OUTLouisa walked out of the room with a smile on her face ..She heaved a sigh and walked into her car.As she sat in the car, a frown creased her face.She remembered the incident and thought about it.She remembered when Reuben entered the room with the lady.THROWBACK TO CHAPTER 207.Reuben walked in with Annabelle, holding hands.Reuben smiled as she entered.Louisa’s gaze fell on the couple at once.They were dressed up in the same coloured clothes and they looked as beautiful as ever.Reuben looked handsome and cute.Louisa could just not take her eyes off him.She wished she was the one walking with him as his wife.She just could not stand the sight of seeing another woman holding Reuben's hand with a smile on her face.Because she held the title as his Mrs. A title that she had long wished to be, not for anybody else, but for the heir of the Brooks family.Not with reuben.Louisa looked at Reuben’s face, and their eyes met.Reuben smiled wider and looked away
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ANOTHER OPTION Grandma Anderson emerged from the washroom minutes later with a little bit of smile on her face.It looked like she went to have therapy in the bathroom.She quickly dressed up and went to the living room with the paper for the lawsuit and her mobile phone.She sat down on the couch and requested a cup of cold coffee from the househelp, and she tendered it in immediately. As soon as Grandma took the first sip off her coffee, a knock came on the door.She knew exactly whose knock that was as she was expecting only one person at that moment " Come on in," Grandma said and dropped the cup of coffee on the centre table.The door opened, and her lawyer walked in" Good afternoon ma'am" the lawyer greeted as he walked in" You are a welcome barrister.Please have a seat, " Grandma said and pointed to the seat.She wore very faint smiles on her lips.Grandma called out to the househelp and asked her to bring one more cup of coffee.The lawyer politely turned it down with t
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WE CAN TALK THINGS OVERGrandma's eyes widened in shock as she heard that.She looked at the lawyer in disbelief." Why will the money have to increase like that? We are only asking for a little bit of time to sort them out.Besides, we are even struggling to pay the three million dollars. Why on earth will they add another half of a million to the money? " Grandma Anderson complained.The layer smiled faintly." I think you have to calm down.That was just an estimation from a true speculation.It could be more than that, or less than that, depending on the leniency of the judge.But with the issue of getting more time, we might get it.We have a fifty per cent chance of winning, " the lawyer narrated." Alright, barrister.I think we can do this then.I just hope we meet the lenient side of whoever is in charge and get to buy some time for ourselves." Grandma said with a smile." Well, ma'am, like I said, there is a fifty per cent chance.We could win it on that side, and we could
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FIND A NEW EVIDENCE AGAINST THEMAfter the conference, Brooks MansionReuben walked out of the conference room after the meeting and took the way to his apartment.He quickly changed himself into some casual home wear and took his laptop.He sat in the living room with his laptop on his lap.He was working on a project and was quite busy.One of his househelp came over to him.“ Lunch is ready, sir. Can we serve it now?” she asked.“ You can serve it in fifteen minutes' time. My wife is not back yet” Reuben repliedHis focus was still on his laptop and did not look up at her.The househelp nodded and left.The door to the apartment opened, and Annabelle walked in." Back already?" She asked as she saw reuben sitting in the room with his laptop" Yes, I needed to do something real quick.Just about completing, " Reuben said without looking up at her.Annabelle nodded and walked into the bedroom.She returned about five minutes later and entered the kitchen where the househelp
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A FLEET OF CARS??“I can not go with you” Annabelle said and looked at him.Reuben looked at her and grinned.“ And why will you not?You gave me this idea. You should be there.Besides, we have to go together so that she will get disappointed.It will be a part of the process to foil their plans.” Reuben said.Annabelle was chewing a morsel of food in her mouth, so she kept quiet and nodded until she was done before speaking.“ I can't go with you.I have a meeting with Andrea later today. So you will have to go alone.” Annabelle replied and continued eating her food.“ I will speak with Andrea. She will reschedule it, and we will go,” Reuben replied mockingly.Annabelle was about to say something when her phone rang.She picked up her phone and glanced at Reuben in surprise.Her eyes were wide open in shock as she looked at Reuben.Reuben wondered what he did that earned him that look.“ What is wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?Why are you not
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PLAN CAPTURED Louisa's apartment Louisa laid down in her room, waiting for a reply from Reuben after her text.After about three minutes, she checked her phone, and the message was marked read, but it was not answered.She heaved a sigh and dropped the phone.She stood up and opened her drink, brought out a drink for herself, and sat down in the chair.She came back and sat down on her couch, enjoying her drink and watching a movie.As she was busily enjoying her snack, her phone beeped.She quickly dropped the drink and picked up her phone.She glanced at her phone screen, and the message was a reply to hers from Reuben.She hurriedly opened it and read the contents." Okay, meet at the mall restaurant, 7 pm.Don't be late, " the message read." Yes!, yes!" he replied to me!Yes! I did it!" Louisa screamed happily and jumped around for joy as she tossed the phone on the couch.She danced around for joy as she realized her text had been responded to favourably." I need to get a new
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OVER THE TABLEReuben and Annabelle drove into the premises of the hotel and parked in the parking lot.The place seemed busy as cars were parked all around the place, and people were seen moving up and down, going about their businessesReuben and Annabelle remained in the car as Reuben made a call to one of his boys.“ We have seen you enter, sir.You can go in now, sir, but please remember what I told you earlier, she is still waiting, and you are right on time.” The man said from the other end.Reuben hung up the cake and looked at Annabelle." Alright, so as we discussed, I will go in first, and you will follow up later when you get my notification." Reuben said as he looked at her with a smile.Annabelle nodded and smiled back, and Reuben planted a kiss on her forehead and got out of the car.He tucked his watch firmly on his hand and looked around the premises.All was serene except for the people who were busily going around and going about their businesses.Reuben let out a so
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LET'S COME BACK TOGETHER"Then you have to take something at leastAt least to show you are still not mad at me, please, " Louisa pleaded.Reuben smiled." So, are we done here?" Reuben asked." No, I also have another thing to tell you.But I want you to promise me you are not going to be mad at me, " Louisa said and let out a silly smile. Reuben rolled his eyes and shook his head." If you think I am going to be mad at you, please don't say it.If you think I am not going to be mad, then you can go on with that,' he said." Yes, that is the reason why I am asking you to promise me you are not going to be mad at me.Please, " Louisa pressed further" Alright, you go on.I am listening, " Reuben said and looked at her.Louisa smiled at Reuben before speaking." I am still in love with you… I… I.. want us to be together again? " Louisa dropped the bombshell.Rueben burst into a hilarious laughter and tried as much as he could so as not to draw the attention of the other people aroun
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MEET HERLouisa just kept looking at Reuben without saying a word." Now, if you would, help me welcome my beautiful wife here," Reuben said with a mocking smile.Louisa looked at him in a surprised manner.She looked behind him and saw Annabelle walking towards them with a wide smile on her face.Annabelle walked towards them and came to stand beside reuben.She gave him a lip kiss and sat down on the chair in the middle of the two.Louisa wished she could just strangle her." I wish you could just repeat yourself again.I want her to hear what you were talking about, " Reuben said to Louisa Louisa was totally speechless as she looked at the duo." I thought as much. You have nothing to say.And since you have nothing to say, we will take our leave now.We have a whole lot of things to take care of, " Reuben said and stood up from his seat Annabelle stood up too and held his hand, and the two of them walked out of the restaurant.Louisa watched as the two of them walked out of the
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