All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
720 chapters
Lab City's Progress (VR & AR)
LAB CITY [VR & AR research institute (white)]Inside the meeting room, researchers could be seen sitting eagerly anticipating the completion of their latest creation. They were patiently waiting for their latest invention to finish printing so that they could test and see its results.Shortly after that, Houston stepped into the room, holding a plate filled with intricate minuscule gadgets the size of fingernails. Silently, he placed the plate at the very center of the table before settling into a chair.Without delay, everyone in the room reached out and retrieved the minuscule devices, carefully tucking them behind their ears. Everyone in the room said "AR mode" albeit with different timing, causing an instant activation of the devices. Within microseconds, the gadgets projected a holographic screen before them, emanating a gentle green glow to indicate that they were now functioning in standard AR mode.In a breathtaking display, a myriad of virtual elements materialized, seamles
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Lab City's Progress (the Universal Tactical Fighter Helmet.)
[Tactical Pilot Helmet research institute (White)]Within Lab City, there existed a cluster of specialized labs collaborating with each other to develop various products specifically designed for the same domain: The sky. These labs worked in conjunction with different teams responsible for creating diverse flying machines and their respective components.These labs encompassed a wide range of aircraft types and systems, including fighters, attack aircraft, bombers, airlift and tankers, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms, helicopters, trainer aircraft, special operations aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), interceptors, air defense systems, strategic missile and space systems, experimental and research aircraft, remotely piloted aircraft, search and rescue platforms, electronic warfare systems, experimental prototypes, cargo and utility aircraft, presidential aircraft, airborne command and control platforms, airborne early warning and control systems, communications and
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A Day in the Life of John
In deep contemplation, John could be seen lounged bare-chested on the hotel room balcony, his gaze fixed upon the sky.As a gentle breeze caressed him, the drapes that concealed the entrance to the hotel room's balcony fluttered, unveiling two peacefully slumbering beautiful women. Their naked bodies spoke of the shared intimacy they had experienced mere hours ago—a tale known only to them and destined to remain a secret held by the confines of the room and the whispers of the bedsheet. Their story, untold to the world, unless disclosed by those who partook in its clandestine embrace.As for the contemplating John, his thoughts wandered towards the events that transpired after his recovery."What should I do now?" he pondered silently. In the past three weeks, he had indulged in all the activities he had yearned to experience during his injury-induced confinement, leaving no stone unturned....Three weeks agoA day after Aron healed him, he wasted no time and headed straight to a ba
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A Night in the Life of John Pt_01
[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT]2 AM that night.John and Aurora could be seen entering a hotel room, their bodies entwined with an undeniable allure. His hands firmly held her waist, while hers explored his physique with tantalizing touch. The air crackled with an intense heat, as anticipation and desire hung thick in the atmosphere. Although they had not yet embarked on further intimacy, their intentions seemed poised on the precipice of passion, tempting them to give in to their impulses right there in the hallway, had the room been just a bit further away.Having left the nightclub behind, they found themselves in the hotel room after Aurora's friend had canceled their plans due to an unexpected emergency.After indulging in a few drinks and exchanging playful banter for about an hour, their desires became insurmountable, leading them to conclude that Aurora's house was too far and John's place was not suitable for their rendezvous. They made the mutual decision to seek refuge in a ne
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A Night in the Life of John Pt_02
[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT]Seizing the moment, John's hands firmly gripped Aurora's cheeks as he pulled her up onto his face, indulging in a passionate and deep kiss. Their tongues intertwined, exploring each other's mouths with a fervent hunger. As the kiss intensified, he gently pushed her off from on top of him, transitioning their positions. Now, it was John who took the dominant role, moving on top of her, his body pressing against hersWith a fervent desire, John's lips trailed a path of fiery kisses from her mouth to her neck, further down to her enticing breasts, and teasingly explored her sensitive belly button. As his hands gripped her hips, an uncontrollable wave of lust overcame him, clouding his judgment. In his haste and overwhelming desire, he unintentionally applied too much force, resulting in the ripping of her underwear. The fabric gave way, exposing Aurora's glistening, bare, and cleanly shaven pussy, drenched in the intoxicating essence of her arousal.Without a
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Brain Data Collection Complete
2 months later{Congratulations, sir, for finally completing the collection of brain data from everyone on the list,} Nova congratulated Aron as he collected the brain data of the last person on his list."Huuuuuuu, finally," Aron said as he let out a sigh of relief while removing the virtual headgear from the woman."That took two weeks longer than planned," Aron said as he made his way to the front door, preparing to leave the house and begin his drive back to his home state. He was in the state nearest to his, and now it was time to conclude his journey and return home."Have the forces completed their vacations?" Aron asked as he started his car and embarked on his drive back to his home state. {345 of them have already arrived at the hotel you rented, and as for the remaining 30, they will arrive within the next two weeks,} Nova reported back to Aron."Good. For now, they should mingle with each other and get to know one another. In two weeks, when everyone has arrived, I will p
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Back Home
5 hours later.After five hours of non-stop driving, he finally arrived at his home."Good afternoon," he greeted Donald, the head of his security detail who was on duty at the house that day, as he stepped out of the car."Good afternoon, Sir Aron. Welcome back," Donald greeted with a smile on his face, expressing his warm welcome to Aron."Did any issues arise while we were away?" he asked."No, sir. Thankfully, nothing of that sort occurred," Donald reported back, reassuring Aron that there were no notable issues during his absence."Okay then, have a good day," Aron said, bidding farewell to Donald as he entered the house for the first time in two months.After stowing his belongings in the basement, he made his way to the bathroom, where he refreshed himself with a thorough wash. Following that, he prepared a delicious omelet, sat down to enjoy his meal, and then retired to his room for some much-needed rest. It would be the first time in a very long while that he could sleep pe
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Reading the Report
[Title: Operation Hell - Heaven's Uprising. Confidential ReportIntroduction:This report outlines a conclusive plan for the overthrow of the government of Eden, to be executed during the Founders Day celebrations.Objective:The primary objective of Operation Hell - Heaven's uprising is to orchestrate a well-coordinated uprising to overthrow the government of Eden during the symbolic Founders Day celebrations. By choosing this specific occasion, we aim to exploit the vulnerability and distraction of the government, maximizing the chances of a successful revolution.Rationale:Symbolic ImportanceStrategic TimingDiversionary TacticsExecution Plan:Recruitment and TrainingInformation GatheringCoordinated UprisingSeizing Key PositionsPublic Support.......]As everyone in the meeting quietly read through the plan, their expressions revealed everything but calm. Despite their efforts to control their emotions, they couldn't help but show their surprise and astonishment.
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The Birth of a Star
Hearing that he had finally decided to visit Eden {Will you be going with the first batch of the security team?} Nova asked."Yes, that would be more convenient. I need to personally introduce them to the generals to facilitate the smuggling of weapons and other materials," Aron replied.{That's true,} Nova nodded in agreement with Aron's idea."Have you finalized the list of weapons dealers?" he asked, wanting to shift the discussion to a different subject.{Yes, it is. However, given your requirement for dealers capable of smuggling the latest generation of weapons, the list is rather short,} she replied while materializing the list in Aron's hand."Are they what I think they are?" he questioned, as he was reading the names written on the list.{Yes, most of them are former US and other NATO soldiers working in private military companies (PMCs), utilizing their connections to acquire weapons from the US Army and other coalition forces deployed in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern
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Hearing the Report
Universal simulation.It has been 8 hours since the fusion reactor was powered on and began generating electricity, and it has continued to operate without interruption, consistently producing electrical power.Nova had connected the transformer, which received the electricity from the fusion reactor to Lab City. This setup allowed the scientists to test the reactor's performance and capabilities under real-life conditions where demands fluctuate constantly, reflecting the ever-changing needs of the people.After maintaining silence throughout the entire process, Aron finally broke his silence and turned to Nova, ordering, "Provide me a report, as I am completely lost and unable to comprehend any of this."Nova smiled and began to provide Aron with a comprehensive overview of the recent events. {The reactor was effectively initiated, accomplishing an impressive feat of producing 100 GW of power, sufficient to cater to the uninterrupted demands of 100 million individuals. However, it i
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