All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
720 chapters
Completing The Game & Setting Up a Schedule
"And with that, we are done," Aron declared, satisfied with the fine-tuning of the game's content and features.{Should I proceed with the production, or is there anything else you would like to add?} Nova asked, wanting to ensure that Aron had no additional input or requirements beyond what they had already discussed."No, you can proceed with the production. How long will it take for everything to be completed?" Aron asked, eager to know the estimated timeline for the game's development."At most, it will take half an hour of universal simulation time" Nova reported, indicating the swift turnaround for the game's production."That is longer than I expected," Aron remarked, uttering something that would make every game developer in the world want to isekai his ass to a certain world as a helpless villager."Most of the quantum computer resources are currently allocated to the universal simulation, which is accommodating all the materialized individuals. That's why the estimated prod
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Visiting Sarah _01
The next day, Nova had to disintegrate Aron's computer in order for him to log off and start preparing himself for her meeting with Sarah.In terms of the overall simulation time, she had been playing the game with Aron for over four and a half days, giving him enough time for Aron to immerse himself in the game and nearly forget about his meeting with Sarah."Thanks," Aron said as he passed through the gate and logged off the VR to begin preparing himself for his meeting.After completing his preparations within half an hour, Aron departed from the house. He found Donald having already arranged the transportation for his journey to the company. Nova had informed Donald about Aron's visit using Aron's phone, ensuring that everything was ready for his arrival."Good morning," Aron greeted Donald as he stepped into the car through the door that Donald had courteously opened for him."Good morning, sir," Donald greeted in response, immediately closing the door behind Aron.Donald joined
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Visiting Sarah _02
"Does it involve the OS's virtual assistant?" Sarah queried."Yes, the updates will be handled by the device's virtual assistant. This means that the virtual assistant will continuously download and remove certain elements from the game while ensuring that the game size remains under 250 MB," Aron elaborated."Wouldn't that result in the game consuming a substantial amount of internet data, potentially leading to a decline in the player base?" Sarah expressed her concern."You don't need to worry about that. The monthly updates performed by the virtual assistants will only be around ten MB in size, which is negligible," Aron reassured."Is the entire game complete?" Sarah asked, wanting to know the status of the game, as her subsequent question would depend on Aron's response."Yes," Aron replied, awaiting the next question."Then, besides the size consideration, why is there a need for constant updates instead of releasing the complete game?" Sarah asked, posing her second question.
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The Birth of ARES
Two weeks later.With a bag slung over his shoulder, Aron departed from his house and began his journey out of the neighborhood, making his way towards the meeting location. Upon witnessing Aron's departure, Donald promptly headed towards the garage, intending to retrieve the car and offer him a ride to his intended destination. Observing Donald's actions, Aron raised his hand in a gesture of refusal and spoke, "No need for that. I will be going alone this time." Donald, acknowledging Aron's decision, halted in his tracks and "Sure sir, Have a good day" bidding Aron farewell. Aron reciprocated, "You too," before resuming his stride.Having walked approximately a kilometer, Aron arrived at a restaurant and approached the staff, politely requesting to use the restroom. The restaurant staff kindly granted permission and provided him with directions to the facilities.After stepping into the restroom, Aron swiftly activated the concealment rune, effectively rendering himself hidden fr
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After the departure of the other members, a select group of about 10 individuals remained in the room as instructed by Aron. Among them were John, Edward, and a few others who had been assigned official positions during the meeting.Aron, dragging a chair closer to the group, planning to provide them with detailed briefings regarding their specific tasks."Alright, gentlemen, now that we have commenced our operations, it is crucial that you thoroughly briefed on your respective responsibilities," Aron began talking to them.Turning his attention to John, Aron conveyed the upcoming plans. "John, in two days, you will be part of the first group, alongside myself, heading to Eden. I have arranged for you and Edward to meet some new acquaintances who will ensure your transition and stay there are as seamless as possible," Aron informed him."Yes, sir," John responded, dutifully acknowledging the instructions given to him.Aron retrieved a stack of paper from his bag, about the size of a
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Ariving at Eden & A Talk With Felix While Driving
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are now approaching our final destination, Eden. Please ensure that your seatbelts are securely fastened and your tray tables are stowed as we prepare for landing. The weather in Eden is a balmy 25 degrees Celsius with clear skies, providing a warm welcome for all our visitors. We kindly ask that you remain seated and refrain from using any electronic devices until we have reached the gate. Thank you for choosing American Airlines, and we hope you've enjoyed your flight." As the pilot's voice faded away, Aron, sitting on the window seat, turned his head to gaze outside to see the airport they would be landing.And there it was, the country's one and only international airport. Its small size almost deceived him into believing it was a mere airstrip for smaller planes. However, what set it apart was its expansive runway, designed to accommodate the landing of large aircraft, and a handful of gates capable of welcoming and servi
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Scheduling & Planning the Next Course of Action
"If you're aware of someone attempting to assist you, then it means that you were the one who exposed the dirt on Rottem, right?" Felix asked, wearing a smile as he recalled how the news about Rottem had been made public."Yes, I thought you were already aware of that," Aron replied."Assuming something and hearing it directly from you are two different things," Felix responded, indicating that although he had suspected it was Aron, it reminded an assumption as he had not received confirmation directly from him."I had to repay him for what he had done to me, and even go beyond that. He tried to ruin my future, and I ruined his. However, I will handle things differently from him," Aron stated in a neutral tone."How?" Felix asked, curiosity evident in his voice as he sought clarification on what Aron meant by handling things differently."I will ensure that he remains down. Currently, I'm waiting for him to gather himself and rise up again, only to swiftly bring him crashing back down
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Meeting the Generals
The next day.Aron removed his virtual reality headset after Nova informed him that it was time for him to start preparing for his visit to the generals for his little unannounced meeting.After placing the headset back in the bag, Aron activated the protection rune on it and proceeded to the bathroom to freshen up. He washed himself before changing into a fresh set of clothes.He took the elevator to the lobby where he found John and Walter waiting for him. They had been there for over half an hour, patiently waiting for his arrival."Let's go," he said as he reached them, before heading towards the car that Felix had left for his use.John and Walter followed him without complaining or mentioning the wait of more than half an hour."Allow me to take the wheel, sir," Walter offered when he noticed Aron approaching the driver's door. Being the lowest-ranked among them, he felt it was his duty to take on the driving responsibilities.Aron nodded and made his way to the back door to boa
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Instilling Fear within the Hearts of the Generals
Aron had been silently observing the heated exchange between the generals, accompanied by John and Walter, who were also relishing the experience of being in a room and listening to people without their knowledge.When the air force general burned the shit out of the other generals "Wow, that was impressive," Aron exclaimed, materializing out of thin air and applauding. The sudden appearance of Aron caught the attention of the generals, leaving them frozen in their seats, a mixture of surprise and fear etched on their faces as they tried to comprehend how someone could appear out of nowhere."Who are you?" the Army general shouted, his and the other generals' hands instinctively reaching for their hips where their guns would typically be. However, they quickly realized that they had surrendered their weapons before entering the room, a testament to the lack of trust among the generals."I'm Aron and you guys are?" Aron introduced himself and returned the question to them as he was en
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The Signing of the Contract
"Both of you playing dead, get up," Aron commanded, addressing the generals who were attempting to feign death, despite being wounded only in non-critical areas such as their hands and other parts of their bodies."If you don't wake up by the count of three, I'm going to kill you for real," Aron threatened, his voice carrying a sense of discontent. He began the countdown, "One... Two..." However, before he could reach the count of three, the generals abruptly rose from their positions where they had been pretending to be lifeless, instantly snapping back to alertness."Since you tried to deceive me, each of you will suffer the punishment of a broken bone," Aron declared, causing John, Walter, Nathan, Ethan, and Christopher to freeze in their places. John and Walter stood motionless, their disbelief evident on their faces, as they had never witnessed this sadistic side of Aron before. Up until this point, they had only experienced his more benevolent nature. While they knew Aron wa
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