All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
720 chapters
The Generals.
The generals, now left alone after enduring a series of unimaginable events within a few hours, sat in silence. They were still processing the astonishing turn of events and the speed they took place. Half an hour had passed since Aron and his group departed, and during that time, not a word was exchanged between the generals.The only remnants that served as a constant reminder that their recent experience was not a dream were their tattered clothes and the broken items scattered around the room. "I'm going to my office to thoroughly examine the contract. It's important for us to understand their contents in order to avoid any inadvertent violations, preventing a repeat of what we just experienced.Given his ability to swiftly heal us, any potential punishment from him would likely be more severe and could potentially last for hours, without the concern of us succumbing to blood loss or serious injuries," Nathan declared as he rose from his chair."We can't hide either, considering
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Meeting With the Regional Revolutionary Leaders
A week later.Aron strolled alone, making his way into the hotel, his steps purposeful as he approached the reception area. He carried a bag in his hand, having entrusted his car in the hands of the hotel's valet for him to go and park the car."Welcome, Mr. Aron," Alexander exclaimed, rising from the comfortable chairs in the hotel lobby. He had been patiently waiting for Aron's arrival, to accompany him to the meeting room they had scheduled."Oh, Alexander," Aron replied warmly, extending his hand for a handshake."How have you been?" Alexander asked, his tone filled with genuine interest."Quite well, although your regional leaders have been the only ones causing some mischief," Aron responded in a playful manner. Over time, their frequent calls had brought them closer, fostering a light-hearted banter between them."I apologize for that," Alexander replied, a hint of embarrassment creeping into his voice. Although he knew Aron was merel
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Discovering the Limitations
Once the meeting concluded and they found themselves alone in the room, Alexander asked, "Are you absolutely certain that no one would be willing to exchange information with Adolf in exchange for financial gain?'"Aron posed the question, "Do you genuinely believe the greedy Adolf would be willing to offer monetary compensation to anyone solely for acquiring information?"After giving it some thought, Alexander responded, "I highly doubt it. He would likely make false promises of payment, but once he obtains the information, he would promptly proceed to apprehend the individual as well.""While that may be true, there could be individuals who perceive themselves as exceptional and entertain the notion that they can successfully demand payment from Adolf in exchange for the information." "Indeed," Alexander agreed. "Rest assured, I will receive immediate notification and swiftly resolve any such attempts before they even materialize. You need not worry. In the meantime, you need to
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The First Shot
1 month later.Black site.Kassim could be seen pacing anxiously in his room, displaying visible signs of panic as he awaited someone's arrival.KNOCK KNOCKUpon hearing a knock at the door, Kassim swiftly moved to his chair, straightened his attire, cleared his throat, and then called out, "Come in."After obtaining permission to enter, Patric, the project manager, nervously entered the room and said, "You called for me, sir?'""Yes, I summoned you because there is only one month left from the four-month extension you requested to complete the program development. Is it going well? Are you on schedule?" Kassim fired two questions in quick succession, causing Patrick to tense up with each query directed at him."Sir, you know..." Patrick began, attempting to respond, but before he could finish his sentence, Kassim interrupted him, asking, "It's not ready yet, is it?""Unfortunately, not yet, sir," Patrick answered, his head lowered in embarrassment and fear as he averted his gaze towa
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The Crash Pt_01
Somewhere in America."George, are you certain that the man you selected will carry out the instructions and not just give up midway?" asked Aubrey.They were the sole occupants of a lavishly furnished room, accompanied by a towering screen exhibiting stock market charts before them. They were conversing to pass time as they awaited the execution of the planned attack and for the results of it to be reflected on the large screen.All necessary preparations and instructions had been meticulously programmed into their systems, leaving only the execution of their prearranged commands."You needn't worry, Father," George responded assuredly. "If he still desires the safe return of his family, he will fulfill our instructions.""Remember, son," Aubrey imparted, attempting to instill a valuable lesson. "Do not assume that something will be accomplished until it is actually done. Otherwise, you may find yourself betrayed at the most unexpected moment. It
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The Crash Pt_02
The stock market crash worsened as time went on, with each passing moment bringing further decline. After fifteen minutes of continuous descent, there was a brief pause before the market, like a resurrected force, began to rise again. In a matter of minutes, everything reverted back to its previous state prior to the fall, and astonishingly, the market even surged higher than its pre-crash levels......George let out a sigh of relief when he noticed his watch displaying that 15 minutes had passed. As the stock market began to stabilize, it became evident that their plan had borne fruit and was now reaching its final steps for a successful conclusion.With a satisfied smile on his face, Aubrey exclaimed, "It's finally over!'""Yes, Father," George said with a sense of satisfaction. "Now all that's left is to calculate the losses we inflicted upon them and the gains we secured." He couldn't help but feel pleased that his meticulou
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The Crash Pt_03
{The Morgans, being the ones who came up with the plan, meant that they possessed the knowledge to prepare the most efficient means of maximizing profits. Despite benefiting from their actions, just like them, our main source of profit did not originate from their tactics.} Nova paused, allowing Aron time to digest the information she had shared.After taking a moment to process the information, he raised his head and asked with curiosity, "So, how did we manage to make profits in a way that outsmarted the Morgans?" His expression showed genuine interest.{When we finally had the complete plan from the black sites, I leveraged my computing power to simulate their strategy. Through conducting multiple simulations with different parameters, I was able to uncover something that had eluded them.} Nova paused, building suspense, prompting Aron to ask, "What did you discover?" He played along with her act.{blue-chip stocks} Nova responded with a single word.A
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Gaining Ground One Step at a Time
"What?" Rina exclaimed in disbelief upon hearing the staggering amount she had earned from the crash. Her surprise was evident in her tone as she sought confirmation. "Are you sure?" she asked, still struggling to grasp the magnitude of her earnings. Ava, maintaining her composure, responded calmly, {Yes, that's what Mother sent me,} she replied, displaying the impressive figure on the screen, leaving no room for doubt. As Rina's eyes remained fixed on the screen, her appreciation and gratitude towards Aron swelled within her. It was his ingenuity and efforts that had made this incredible feat possible. Overwhelmed by these thoughts, she reached for the phone he had given her during their first meeting and dialed his number, wanting to express her gratefulness. After a brief period of ringing, Aron picked up the call and greeted, "Hello." "Hello, Aron. How are you?" Rina asked, trying to maintain her composure despite the excitement bubbling within her, having been left thrilled
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George Realizing & Causing Turmoil
[Sorry for uploading the wrong chapter yesterday. I have solved it but It's still in review]"Find all of those who had substantial gains during the crash and bring the list to me. I want to find out if it is either luck or if they knew about our plans ahead of time" George gave the order to the presenter when he realized that their gains were not up to their expectations."But sir, if they were privy to our plan, they would have likely employed a similar strategy of using multiple accounts for their trades. Consequently, it will be an arduous and time-consuming task to identify them, if we can even find the evidence at all," the presenter replied, unafraid to provide his rationale, fully aware that if he simply accepted the task and failed, he would face severe consequences."I am not concerned about the duration required to locate them. Their actions resulted in our anticipated gains of over a trillion being diminished to a mere 700 billion, with more than 300 billion being taken aw
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The Beginning of the End
Two weeks later."Do we really have to go?" Lilungulu asked his father as he got into their car."Yes, we must. If His Excellency Adolf doesn't witness sufficient attendance at the event, our lives will become even more challenging," January, Lilungulu's father replied as he ignited the car's engine and departed from the garage, commencing their journey.As their car traversed the streets of Edenia, the capital city of Eden, they observed the glistening roads that had been diligently cleaned throughout the preceding week in preparation for that day."They have completely eradicated any remnants of destruction and littering that resulted from the protests following the arrests," Lilungulu said."This time, I had hoped that the protests would continue until their release, or perhaps His Excellency would postpone the festivities for another week, but the serenity and cleanliness of the streets convey a different message, thanks to their presence," January said, pointing towards the soldi
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