All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
720 chapters
Ensuing Chaos
Aron, who was watching the parade from within a real-world synchronized time bubble in the universal simulation said, "If you were unaware of the military's inherent weakness, you would assume they were of world-class caliber."{All those weapons originate from Adolf's private forces' warehouse, and they will be promptly reclaimed and returned to them. As for the cars appearing brand new, their impeccable condition can be attributed to a skillful paint job.} Nova, as always sitting near Aron, answered immediately.Observing the situation, Aron asked, "Is everything proceeding according to plan?"Nova reported, {Yes, everything is in place. And with a majority of the private forces' weapons in the hands of the soldiers participating in the parade, dealing with the private forces will be easier than anticipated. At the moment we are simply waiting for the first shot to be fired before I issue the order to everyone, signaling them to make their move.}As the
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"Testing, one, two, three," exclaimed a soldier gripping a microphone inside a truck brimming with speakers, completely disregarding the perilous circumstances surrounding him. His sole focus remained on ensuring the seamless operation of the system.A glance at the surroundings would reveal a staggering sight: over four thousand soldiers encircled the headquarters of the dictator's private forces, locked in a tense standoff with the ill-equipped private forces.The majority of their state-of-the-art technological equipment was loaned to the soldiers for the parade, aiming to demonstrate to the world their possession of cutting-edge weaponry.As a result, they found themselves outgunned by the military they were constantly compared to and believed to surpass.Caught completely off guard, they remained oblivious to the fact that Adolf had been attacked. Unbeknownst to them, Nova intercepted the communication intended for their awareness, providing Adolf with a false sense of security b
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A Short Talk With Adolf
"WhaAaT ArE yOu Doing?" Adolf asked, his voice trembling with panic. The fear in his voice was palpable as he questioned the intentions of the generals."Someone has ordered us to keep a close watch on you until their plans are complete, after which they will personally visit to have a talk with you," General Ethan responded, a sinister smile forming on his face."Who is that person?" Adolf inquired, his mind racing to determine if he had unknowingly angered a powerful individual. "You will find out when you meet him, so sit down or I'll make you," Nathan threatened Adolf, his tone laced with authority. "Shit," Adolf muttered, his body trembling as he reluctantly took a seat. He realized that regardless of what had done, he was in for a long and troubling night....….Eden.Gradually, one after another, governmental buildings and other strategic locations fell into the hands of the protestors, while in the capital city, the military continued to assert control.As the night unfolded
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Viva La Revolution
Two hours later.At the stroke of midnight, everything came to a sudden halt. As the new day dawned, the restless citizens, who had been in a state of chaos, found themselves compelled to pause as every news channel began airing the same broadcast.While this captured the attention of those who had their televisions on, the remaining citizens were intrigued by the simultaneous message they received. As they unlocked their phones, they were greeted with a headline reading "Presidential Announcement" along with a link to the broadcast.As a result, the entire nation fell into a temporary hush, as curiosity enveloped everyone regarding what Adolf was about to reveal. Would he issue threats, compelling them to return home, or would he offer concessions and pledge to alter the country's policies? The anticipation hung in the air, leaving the populace on edge, awaiting the impending announcement.Adolf took his place at the podium, adorned with his
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The World's Reaction.
White House, Situation Room.After briefing him about their suspicions regarding the situation in Eden, the CIA director asked President Obama, "Sir, what course of action do you suggest we pursue?""Firstly, how certain are you about this information?" Obama inquired about the level of confidence in the intelligence, seeking assurance before making a decision that would rely heavily on it. The CIA director responded, gesturing towards the screens displaying satellite feeds. "There are two potential interpretations of the current situation. One possibility is that it signifies a coup, while the other suggests that the military is attempting to compel Adolf to disband his private forces." A few of the screens showed satellite feed of military personnel blocking the routes to the palace and the others showed the military surrounding the headquarters of Adolf's pirate forces, providing visual evidence to support the director's explanation.Shortly thereafter, the screen displaying the s
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Using Rina's Influence.
"Hello Aron," Rina greeted as soon as she answered the phone call."Hello, how are you?" Aron inquired, returning the greeting."I'm doing well, how about you?" Rina asked in response."I'm doing well," Aron replied before getting straight to the point, saying "I called because I was hoping to utilize some of your family's political influence."Upon hearing what Aron said, she smiled, happy for finally having the opportunity to reciprocate the help she had received from him. "Sure," she replied. "I will gladly assist you.""By now, you must have heard the news about the coup that took place in Eden, right?" Aron asked."Yes, I was just reading a report about it," Rina replied and then asked, not discounting the possibility, "Was it you?" knowing full well that Aron was entirely capable of such an act if he so desired."Yes," Aron answered without hesitation, proceeding with his request as if he hadn't just confirmed his involvement in toppling the government. "I want you to ensure tha
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The Solution
As he opened the shop, he searched for something that he remembered seeing during his previous search when he was searching for advanced computing technology to upgrade Nova's computer.And there it was [(Runic Computer) Utilizes Runes as a medium, for the storage and processing of information. It functions based on the principles of magic, enabling access to its capabilities through the use of runes. This unique approach allows the Runic computer to...(Price: 2 Billion sp)]Upon reading the description and realizing that the price is four times higher than what he had previously paid for quantum computing technology, he was taken aback."Now that option is no longer viable," he said as he glanced at the amount of sp he possessed. "Even though the game has been released and has amassed a significant following, I still don't have enough sp," he sighed, shaking his head in disappointment."But do I really need to purchase the entire computing technology?" he pondered aloud, contempla
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The Press Conference
As the reporter eagerly raised their hand, seeking further clarification, Alexander swiftly interjected, "Questions will be entertained once I have concluded my planned remarks." His response prompted the reporter to lower their hand, acquiescing to his request and allowing him to proceed with his speech uninterrupted."Moving on to the first article, which pertains to the Bill of Rights. This section encompasses the fundamental rights and freedoms inherent to all individuals, which shall be inviolable and protected from infringement by the state or any other entity. These rights and freedoms include but are not limited to, the following: freedom of speech, religion, and assembly; the right to a fair trial and due process of law; the right to privacy and protection against unreasonable searches and seizures; the right to own property and pursue happiness and prosperity; the right to engage in the political process and be represented in government; the right to access education, healt
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Starting the Production
The discord server is now open, go there and join the discussion: weeks before the press conference.Aron could be seen in his usual position, laying on the bed with the headgear securely on his head. However, something was different today. He was sound asleep, both in the real world and the universal simulation he was currently logged in which was a rare occurrence.Inside the universal simulation, Nova calmly observed Aron peacefully sleeping. It was a forced sleep, designed to prevent any mishaps from happening while Aron underwent the process of knowledge assimilation. Unlike previous instances, this time Aron was receiving knowledge directly from his headset which was the first time, rather than it being done by his systemEven though Nova had conducted numerous tests that indicated there was no necessity to put Aron to sleep, she decided to err on the side of caution due to her not possessing complete and fully accurate data about the c
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The Production
The discord server is now open, go there and join the discussion: chose a square aluminum plate measuring one meter and proceeded to the adjacent room. He sought a quiet space that would enable him to focus, as the task ahead demanded a significant amount of his concentration for an extended period of time which had taken him a very long time to train on it within the universal simulation.After closing the door behind him, he placed the aluminum plate on the floor and took a seat beside it."Time to concentrate," he said to himself, taking deep breaths to calm his mind and gather focus before he begins.Once he had calmed down sufficiently, he extended his right hand toward the plate, forming it into a gun-like shape with two fingers outstretched, and immediately began channeling Mana to the tips of these two fingers, focusing on accumulating the energy there. The Mana concentration steadily increased as he kept it contained at the fingertip,
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