All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
720 chapters
Completion & Assembly
The discord server is now open, go there and join the discussion: 1st."I just can't get over how stunning it looks," Aron exclaimed, admiring the finished engravings on the third plate.{It is more aesthetically pleasing if it were crafted by a machine,} Nova remarked, having had experience with a machine-assembled version."Beggars can't be choosers, and in the present world, there is nothing capable of manufacturing them anyway," Aron responded as his hands gently caressed the plate.The completed plates resembled an enlarged chip, with the conventional microscopic wirings replaced by intricate mana circuitry. The mana pathways connected each rune to another, forming a complex network within the medium.At its essence, the integration module functions as a translator and intermediary, bridging the gap between the realm of runes and the digital world. The circuits facilitate the transfer of ma
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The First Print
After connecting the machine to the power supply, he wasted no time in powering it up. However, the initial moments ticked by without any signs of activity. Nevertheless, Aron maintained his composure, fully aware of the underlying cause.The mana container that was inserted into the machine gradually started to emit a gentle glow. Simultaneously, the stored mana within the container began to trickle and flow into the mana circuits of the integration medium and with each passing moment, a radiant glow illuminated every part it encountered along its path.This process continued until every circuit within the machine was saturated with mana, ensuring that all the connected runes had immediate access to the mana they required whenever the need arose.As soon as the mana circuits reached their full capacity, the central conversion rune sprang to life, immediately initiating the connection to the machine's computer network.The conventional comput
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{So, what reward did the system reward you?} With a smile on his face, Aron replied, "It provided me with a fraction of the knowledge regarding MANA."After hearing Aron's response, Nova said, {Considering the context provided by the system's previous statement, it seems that the knowledge is related to the ongoing research within the Golden City.}"You are correct. With this newfound knowledge, the research in the lab city can be completed within a month at the most, as it addresses most of the problems they were facing," he affirmed, as he left the room and headed towards the vending machine offering drinks for the base residentsAfter grabbing a bottle of water, Aron took a refreshing sip. As he finished, he hesitated for a moment before he tossed it into the trash can having received an inspiration. Without wasting any time, he briskly walked to his room to act upon the inspiration."Is something wrong?" Nova inquired as soon as he logged into the universal simulation, having ob
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A Talk with Alexander. (2)
[Since my computer still fails to open the ink stone website, I was forced to upload it using phone so there mistakes that I'm still trying to remove.  Sorry for the inconvenience]Alexander carefully reached for the folder that Aron slid towards him, taking his time. He then proceeded to open it and began reading through its contents.Alexander's expression faltered before he could even finish reading the contents of the first page in the folder."Wait, you want to buy the Mystic Isle island?" Alexander asked, his surprise evident as he absorbed the grandiosity of the first thing written in the folder.Among the myriad islands in the country, this particular one stood out as the largest non inhabited island. Its size alone surpassed that of a few small countries, making Aron's intent truly remarkable."Yes, nobody inhabits it anyway," Aron casually responded, as if it was no big deal."You're absolutely right," Alexander couldn't help
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Visiting John
The discord server is now open, go there and join the discussion:"However, there is a possibility that Esparia might view your mass recruitment as a provocation," Alexander mentioned, deliberately avoiding further discussion on the excessive number of soldiers he intended to acquire. This implied a shift in his stance, indicating that he would now support this course of action."We don't need to concern ourselves with their opinion," Aron replied with a smile. "In fact, you should  be reciprocating by isolating them as well," he added, further emphasizing his disregard for Esparia's thoughts and intentions."I share the same sentiment of not caring about their thoughts. However, their disruptive actions could pose challenges in our procurement of weapons from the international market," Alexander responded, indicating that his concern lay in the potential consequences of Esparia using their action of e
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Meeting His Friends.
The discord server is now open, go there and join the discussion:{Welcome back} Nova said, welcoming Aron after he returned to the base and logged in to the Universal simulation."Thanks," Aron answered as he fell onto the fluffy couch that Nova had materialized for him.{How was your day?} Nova asked after Aron returned and logged into the Universal simulation."Though exhausting, it felt good going out and meeting people once in a while," Aron said as he tried to get into a comfortable position.Nova, seeing Aron trying but failing to get into a comfortable position, snapped her fingers and immediately put Aron in a comfortable position. "Thanks," Aron thanked her for the help."How is the research on mana going?" Aron asked, inquiring about the progress now that they had obtained a small piece of information relevant to their research that had been gifted to him by the system.{Despite only a few days passing here, we have made multiple consecu
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My Story(?)
[[[A/N Based on the voting held on Discord, it has been decided that starting today, I will release two chapters daily, each consisting of a minimum of 1,000 words. Second chapter coming soon ]]]The discord server is now open, go there and join the discussion: surprise on their faces remained shattered for a brief moment as Nova raised her hand, and a holographic screen materialized in front of them.The words displayed on the holographic screen were simply: "Are you going to keep what will be discussed here today a secret?" with the options to respond as [YES] or [NO].Without uttering a word, in what could be considered instinctual,they all pressed [YES] simultaneously, wanting for the screen to disappear. In an instant, the holographic screen vanished, and a gentle golden light enveloped them, gradually merging with their beings.Donning his own glasses after he saw the golden light, he introduced, "Allow me to introduce Nova, my assistant.
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Their Reactions.
The discord server is now open, go there and join the discussion: next fifteen minutes passed in complete silence as Sarah and Felix absorbed the information they had just received.By the fifteenth minute, Felix was the first to break the silence, his reaction surfacing before Sarah's. Unlike Sarah, Felix had mentally prepared himself for this moment, having harboured high expectations due to his prior knowledge of the coup being orchestrated by Aron."Damn," Felix muttered, his voice filled with disbelief. He instinctively adjusted his glasses, which had been displaying visual evidence throughout Aron's detailed account. The evidence presented left them with no reason to doubt Aron's statements in the slightest."How did you manage to convince the general to support the coup, knowing that they would ultimately lose the power they previously held?" Sarah asked, regaining her composure after Felix's exclamation."There's a saying that it's better
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After the Tour
Sarah and Felix began their lab tours one by one, swiftly moving from one lab to the next as soon as they satisfied their curiosity in each. As the twelfth hour approached, they found themselves instantly teleported back to the city's skies, having only explored approximately nine research labs. Their progress accounted for less than a quarter of a percent of the total number of labs present in the city.Surprised by their sudden teleportation, Felix questioned, "Twelve hours have already passed?" He couldn't believe it, as from his perspective, it felt like he had spent no more than three hours exploring the city's labs."Yes" Aron confirmed, settling into the chair that Nova had materialized for them in the sky.Sarah, after glancing at the screen she had used to navigate the city, exclaimed, "According to the progress bar here, I haven't even visited one percent of the research labs in the city!" She was astonished by the sheer scale of the remaining unexplored labs, realizing that
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Getting Tritium
Discord server is open: ...A week later.An article was published, followed by an announcement that caused ripples throughout the country and the world. The news spread like wildfire, capturing the attention of people from all walks of life. Speculation and anticipation mounted as everyone eagerly awaited further details about the groundbreaking revelation.[(A Bold Move)In a surprising turn of events, GAIA Technology, the global tech giant, has announced and initiated the process to change its registered country while simultaneously purchasing an entire island in Eden. This decision has ignited speculation regarding the undisclosed promises made by the president of the country to GAIA's CEO, Sarah, during her recent visit.The news of GAIA Technology's intention to change its registered country and acquire an island in Eden has generated intrigue and excitement. However, not everyone has unanimously approved of this move. The government of the Unit
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