All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
720 chapters
Building A Reactor
Upon their arrival on the island with Aron, they swiftly carried the first batch of materials and transferred them to a waiting car for transportation to a destination located a few kilometers away from the makeshift port where they had docked the boat for unloading the parts.When they reached the destination, they proceeded to unpack the objects from the car and arranged them on the ground as neatly as possible. Without delay, they swiftly made their way back to the port in order to retrieve another batch of materials.Due to the sheer quantity of large parts that needed to be transported, they had rented over ten boats to facilitate the transportation process. With thousands upon thousands of components to be moved, this arrangement allowed for efficient carrying of the materials.In order to ensure uninterrupted material transfers and prevent congestion, they had to set a limit of ten boats. This number was determined as the maximum capacity to maintain a smooth flow of materials
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Welcoming Rina.
"You don't need to be concerned about radiation. The device hasn't been activated yet because I am currently charging the battery necessary to initiate the process," he explained, tilting his head and gesturing towards his hands that were placed on the black box they had brought for him."Yes, sir," Daniel replied, feeling completely at ease after Aron's statement."Do you have any more questions?" Aron asked when Daniel fell silent, possibly due to some of the words in Aron's previous statement about filling the battery. Daniel had remained quiet, watching anxiously, afraid of disturbing Aron's focus once again."Yes, I have a few more," Daniel replied respectfully."Then go ahead and ask them," Aron said. Despite having conversations with Nova, Felix, Sarah, Rina, and his family, he hadn't really had a conversation with anyone other than them in a very long time and he wanted to experience that interaction once again with his respectful subordinates."Did you create those clouds?" D
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The Ignition
"As far as I know, this country lacks the necessary development to facilitate the construction of a nuclear reactor within such a short timeframe. Did you actually begin this project a year ago? And how were you able to maintain its secrecy all this time, to the extent that even the American government remains unaware of its existence?" Rina inquired while they were driving in the car that was transporting the package. Close behind them, two cars trailed closely—one carrying Alex and Chloe, and the other transporting a few members of ARES—while the remaining members stayed at the airport to maintain a security perimeter until her return.Instead of addressing the question, Aron posed a reminder. "Do you recall the call I made to you, seeking your assistance in finding tritium?" he asked Rina."Yes," she responded. "That was the day when I initiated the construction, and we only completed it a week ago," he explained upon hearing her answer."Are you suggesting that you managed to co
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Expressing Her Fear
After successfully igniting and generating electricity for the first time, Nova promptly conducted a second diagnostic to thoroughly assess the entire system. When the results came out and there was no problem, she decided to operate it at a lower output to avoid shutting it down completely. By doing so, she ensured the continuous production of tritium through its interaction with lithium. This decision was crucial because relying on Rina to fetch tritium again would be nearly impossible.Overwhelmed by the rapid sequence of events she had just witnessed, Rina found herself paralyzed, unable to make even the slightest movement. Her brain was fully consumed with processing and comprehending the extraordinary sights that had unfolded before her eyes.The moment she put the glasses on, it marked the beginning of a chain of surprises that were about to unfold as a screen had appeared in front of her, displaying the words "Terms and Services" with a few clauses listed beneath it. Howeve
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A Long Conversation with Rina
"So, when are you going to show me the VR thing?" Rina asked Aron while they were on the boat, returning to where they had parked her car. They needed to reach the presidential palace so that she could have a meeting with the president and discuss her plans to invest in the country. That was the excuse she had given for coming to Eden."Since it's a VR experience, you'll need to be in a lying position for safe usage. You can try it out when you're on the plane back after the meeting," Aron replied."Oh, sure. But doesn't it cause any connection lags to the server and other similar issues due to the distance I will be?" she asked."No, the glasses communicate with the server using a phenomenon called quantum teleportation. This means that even if you are on the other end of the universe, you will always have instantaneous connection to the server," Aron explained."Wow. How do you manage to acquire such groundbreaking technologies in such a short span of time?" Rina asked, clearly take
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Back To Work
"Did you receive any information from our informants in Eden?" Areh asked her secretary."No, sir. It appears that due to the significance of her meeting, the president arranged for her to land at one of the country's domestic airports to avoid attracting unwanted attention," Charlotte replied, answering Arieh's question."What on earth does she intend to do in that country that she rushed there directly from her visit to Israel?" Arieh asked, as he attempted to speculate on Rina's motives for visiting the impoverished nation"I believe it's possible that she intends to invest in the country while it is still in a vulnerable phase," Charlotte suggested, offering her perspective on what Rina might have been up to."I understand that, but if that's true, it would be a foolish move on her part," Arieh commented on Charlotte's suggestion regarding Rina's actions."What do you mean by that, sir?" she asked, curious about his reasoning behind the statement."We had a board meeting where it
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"Oh my god," Rina exclaimed as she opened her eyes, finding herself standing in front of a lush grassy area with a breathtakingly beautiful scenery. She had logged in with high expectations, but what she saw surpassed even her wildest imagination.Rina, driven by curiosity and a desire to test the limits of the virtual experience, began touching herself, searching for any discernible differences from her real body. She even went as far as plucking her own hair, hoping to find some imperfection or irregularity."Wow," she exclaimed, momentarily disregarding the slight pain from plucking her hair. She was captivated by the intricate details present on the strand in her hand.Her mind raced, attempting to comprehend the immense computing power required to render such a scene with such exquisite detail, blurring the lines between virtual and real to the point of indistinguishability. The sheer level of realism left her astounded and in awe.{Welcome,} Nova greeted as she suddenly appeared
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Underground Construction
"Load the raw material inside and clear the building," Aron said in a normal voice. However, with the glasses on him, the order was transmitted to all the people wearing the glasses on the island, prompting them to immediately start loading the material into the printer.Due to the size of the atomic printer, it took approximately three hours for them to load the raw materials and evacuate the building to their designated evacuation location.Although the assembly of the printer's more than a million parts was considered complete, the interior of the printing side appeared incomplete, resembling a skinned animal. However, this was not a mistake but rather a deliberate part of the plan."Nova, start the testing," Aron said once he was confident that everyone had reached the evacuation point.{Yes, sir} Nova replied, and without delay, she began by ramping up the power output of the reactor and directing it to the printer, initiating the power-up process."TRrr!" The ground beneath Aron
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Assembling the Dream
"Let's get to work," Aron said to himself as he rose from his seat, where he had been resting with the other members of ARES. He began walking towards the completed construction site, which prompted the ARES members to do the same, following his lead. This compelled him to say, "Not now, you guys continue resting. The preparations are not done." They immediately nodded in agreement and sat back down to continue their rest.As Aron walked towards the location, he was suddenly intercepted by a vehicle that resembled a golf cart. He couldn't help but laugh as he recognized it as Nova's creation. Expressing his gratitude, he boarded the golf cart, which promptly started driving itself towards the underground construction site."Oh my god, it's cooking in here," Aron exclaimed as the car he was in began descending underground. He could feel the heat emanating from the underground, making the surroundings even hotter.Immediately, Nova activated the vehicle's air conditioning system, swi
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Lighting It UP
"Light it up," Aron exclaimed in a palpable tone filled with anticipation and excitement as he watched the rows and rows of the servers in front of him.{Yes, sir} Nova responded and right after that, the fusion reactor responded to her command as it increased its energy production output that was being collected by the magnetohydrodynamic generator and was promptly sent to the transformer which without wasting a single second was immediately converting the electricity into mana, sending it to the pipe which had started the race of pouring mana down the pipe.The tunnel screamed with energy as more and more mana continued pouring into it, simultaneously, the transformer screamed, converting all of the energy into mana which due to its high energy density, allowing it to carry a hundred more energy units for the same amount when compared to most of the dense energy on earth.After the first bits of mana arrived at the underground chamber, they immediately rushed out of the pipe and st
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