All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
716 chapters
What led to it
Have you ever been in a situation where you got so angry that you strangely became calm, that was the situation Aron found himself in. And this peculiarity was caused by what was before his eyes and he was currently reading. Secretary: Are you okay? Professor: No, I'm not. That kid destroyed my shining moment. Secretary: So, are you not going to solve it and present it again? Professor: No, I can't do it now because my wife will need to invite those people again in a short time and this will make them annoyed by me. Secretary: So what's your plan next? Professor:..... ….. …. …. Secretary: You said that was the only way for you to be accepted into her family. Professor: I will need to find another way for that. Secretary: Which is? Professor: It’s not important right now. But first, I need to deal with that student who fucked my great moment. Secretary: Oooh... So what are going to do with him Professor: I looked at his university information and it seems that he is graduati
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A problem at the NSA & A deep slumber
A week after the deal with F******k. In Bluffdale, Utah. The NSA's Data Center is located here, which was also one of the agency's newest and largest data centres. In the Meeting room. "So, what is the meeting about? It better be important, because I was preparing for another meeting with Mr. President to explain in more detail about what sort of harm that traitor Snowden did. This better be important, or else I'm sending you to the Office of the Inspector General," said the head of the Special Source Operations Directorate Teresa H. Shea in frustration. She was still stressed regarding the betrayal of the former government contractor, Edward Snowden. She had to visit the White House for like three times in this week just to explain the FUCKING SAME THING, AGAIN AND AGAIN, for fucksake. "Ma’am, there seems to be a great decrease in the amount of data that is being received from the social media site," replied the presenter hastily, not to make her angrier. "What? Explain in det
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Waking up
Although the Golden liquid wasn't active, it slowly continued to strengthen every single part it passed through. This meant that every part of his body was being strengthened since the golden vessels ran parallel to all the blood vessels when they were being created. The first changes were being carried on in the brain, as the first stream of golden liquid started arriving. Subsequently, this was followed by every other organ, every time the liquid circulated through the body, these organs underwent some changes. Although the changes were minuscule, they would be accumulating over time until his body was strong enough to be able to handle it when it was time for the activation of the golden liquid. But that was a matter for later. ..... Next morning. By the time Aron woke up, it was already morning. This meant that he had been asleep for more than 15 hours. But surprisingly, he didn't feel the heaviness one would be feeling after sleeping for such a long time. Contrary to that,
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Payment invoice
After Aron finished making the program for subscription, he was reminded that this new version of BugZapper would also need someone to oversee it. This realisation led him to think that he needed to establish a company if he wanted to manage the software in his place. This would also help him generate SPs, still, it will not be a very good amount. Aron had learned it the hard way after he tried to earn enough SPs to buy the programming language. As the app count increased, the SP he was earning continued to diminish. After he had scanned through the tenth app for vulnerabilities, the number of SPs gained dropped by half and after the twentieth, it continued dropping by half of the SPs he had got from the eleventh to nineteenth scan. From this, he hypothesized that this would continue until he would only be earning 1 SP with every scan. Although it may seem modest, how many websites do you think exist in the current world? This means that although the amount of SP earned will be smal
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Things getting serious
A week before Aron received his payments.While the payments will arrive a week later the negotiations were completed two weeks ago, so almost all the companies spent a week at maximum to patch their weaknesses in their programs.This means that it has been a week since someone's normal day to day life has been messed up.…..Bluffdale, UtahThe NSA's Utah Data CenterThis week has been like hell to those who are working here, because one after another almost 17 data collection points have been blocked. This meant that they completely lost access to almost all social media sites.This wasn't good, because some departments are sorely there to collect and analyze data from these sites. This meant that they lost almost their whole functionality in a span of a month.This all started by the loss of access to Facebook's data, and while they were trying to solve one, another seventeen rose beside it....NSA Conference RoomEveryone in the department of Special Source Operations Directorate
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Two month later
While Aron was waiting for his lawyer to finish the process of founding the company he had already convinced Sarah to be his companies CEO. She agreed immediately after Aron showed an example by using the app to vulnerability check website, after the results came he hacked the site and managed to get admin access by following all the steps that were showed by the app's subscription version. .... When Sarah saw what the app can do the gear's in her head were turning like jet engines, Although she was not an engineer, she knew the importance of cyber security better than anyone because in the past she suffered hell when she messed with Aron and he decided to mess with her, that became a good lesson to her and she started taking Aron's advice seriously when it came to cyber security. "How will you verify if the user is the owner of the site or just malicious user" She asked after spending about 30 seconds of thinking. "Yeah you are right, if anyone can use it they can us
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Bluffdale, UtahAlthough the new NSA data center her was online but not all servers where used for the same purpose. Nearly half the data center was being used to test new program before they are approved for the NSA use.Today the all the servers that where usually being used for testing new programs was fully booked for the whole of the next month.The reason they booked it for the whole month is because they needed to fully make sure the program the will be testing be safe and harmless to their overall system.Noah entered a room full of people in front of computers waiting for him with a hard drive on his hand. This room was directly connected to the servers that is used for testing. The hard drive had the program that is to be tested.After he sat on his chair he took the hard drive and inserted it to the port and transferred the program to the server.The moment it finished copying he removed it and put it aside to make if a problem happened to their servers they had something t
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POTUS getting informed
Two weeks Later.White house.In the Oval room the National Security Committee was in a meeting to hear about the findings of their investigation on the app.Usually things such as these are handled by their respective departments, and if the respective department project needed something outside their operative jurisdiction they all just have to settle it between them. But today's meeting was set due to the insistence of the DNI Director as he said it was capable of changing one of the branches in their current warfare. Hence the meeting was settled."Sir, after our short testing of the app, we managed to discover more than a million weaknesses on the current NSA systems and programs in our test servers." Said James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) who is also the head of Intelligence Community.He received a report and presentation from the NSA and he deemed it important for the National security of their country."When we installed the program in our test servers it star
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The email informed them that they have passed the assessment and they will be returning to the negotiation table, but they will be negotiating not as America but as Nato. So, they gave them a week of preparation time to prepare for the negotiations.When Sarah read the email she was happy that they passed the assessment although she was sure they will, but she also felt the pressure of negotiating such a big contract for the first time.So, she decided to attend the meeting but she will not be the head negotiator, that will be taken by the law Firm.She will be a spectator and only agree to the deal if they come to an agreement. They must come to an agreement else they will be forced by the government to do so and she didn't want it to reach that place.....While the company was preparing for their meeting with the NATO team, Aron was finally ready to exact his revenge.He was currently in his work room sitting in front of his computer ready to begin enacting his revenge.'Let's see
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A hope for someone
The negotiations ended on a positive note as they promised to reply to them with in the week.Sarah was relieved the negotiation went better than she expected. what she didn't know was that NATO by itself was desperate for the program because they were almost always dealing with Chinese, Russian and many other non-friendly countries hacking attempts.Them having the program will make the weight of dealing with these problem's a little bit easier and it will help them divert the resources in developing more sophisticated programs that will be helping them.Sarah returned to dealing with her work, as it continued piling even though they haven't released the program yet......Aron continued completing his daily quest but last month he suddenly gained a massive amount of sp. This coincided with the day after the NSA took the program for evaluation.At first he expected the sp amount to continue being reduced if the program continued being used but since the programs that were tested in t
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