All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
716 chapters
A despair for someone
Although it has been months, professor Rottem was still trying to regain his reputation in the circle.It wasn't working because her wife stopped helping her."That bitch, If it wasn't for her brother I would have slapped the shit out of her" shouted Rottem in his office as he reached the tipping point.Although he shouted that but he knew the moment he rose his hand to her he is considered dead."I mean you can't divorce me even if you want, it's not like I wanted to marry you anyway. Your fucking brother forced me. FUCK!!!" he continued shouting.His secretary (also a cheating partner) entered the room due to hearing him shouting from the outside."What's wrong with you, why are shouting from nowhere? you are attracting too much attention" Said the secretary."It's my office so who cares"the secretary rolled her eyes in a giving up way and said "They still think that you are still traumatized from the presentation".Rottem release a sigh then said "I could have moved away from it b
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The Dinner
The family mansion glimmered in the moonlight as guests arrived for a dinner like no other. The opulent estate was a sight to behold, with its grand entrance and immaculate gardens. The evening promised to be one of exquisite taste and extravagance, with no expense spared in the preparations.The dining room was adorned with the finest linens, crystal glassware, and silver cutlery, all carefully arranged to perfection. As the family members took their seats at the table, they were greeted by the tantalizing aroma of the sumptuous feast that awaited them.It was clear that no detail had been overlooked in creating a dining experience that would leave a lasting impression on all who attended. This was to be a meal fit for royalty, served in the grandest of settings, and enjoyed by the most discerning of palates.But despite the beautifulness and grandeur of it, no one seemed to be too hyped up for the food as most of them couldn't enjoy the food due to their nervousness.Although they h
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A downfall
Inside the bedroom Rottem could be seen sitting on the side of the bed with both his hands supporting his head while using the knees and laps as the foundation.he was currently shaking albeit slowly as he remembered the last word he heard from his wife's family head.The moment he was shown the evidence he knew even if he tried to defend himself as they had everything backing them up from the device, time and locations they were sent from to the receivers Ip address.Even he as a computer engineer, was having a headache how she even managed to collect them as he remembered changing his phone quite a few times.After a few hours spent thinking, he came up with the only reasonable explanation he could think of.Which was that, someone managed to trace everything by using just his phone number and email as the anchoring point and tracing the strings from there.Although the idea seemed plausible, if he tried executing it he would fail at the first step, so he just equated it to the capa
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The completion of the Jenga board
It took Rottem two days for him to return to his soon not to be home, when he entered the house he found that his bags have been packed and placed on the opening after the entrance.He knew who could make the servant do this, but since he planned on leaving the house in a week anyway he decided to leave today, since they already packed his stuffs already. why waste more time right.He called for the servants and ordered them to put his luggage's in the car.Although the servants complained due to him no longer being a member of the family, they decided to just shut up and done with it ,they considered it as a goodbye service.He left the house for the last time and headed to a 3-star hotel to start his stay there for a short time, while he looked for a house that suited his taste.He was happy that he was free and his 2 day freedom gave him euphoria as he didn't have to worry about anyone anymore.He felt excited to continue having this feeling for the foreseeable future....GAIA Tec
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The fall of the Jenga tower part_01
Monday next week.Rottem left the hotel for the university, he had a lecture 2 hours later, this led to him leaving the hotel earlier than his normal time......"In conclusion, processors are a vital component of modern computing, and they come in many different configurations to meet diverse computing needs."With that Rottem completed his lecture, but just as he was about to give the students some homework, All the phones in the room received a notification informing them that they all received a message.The students in the class started looking at their phones, usually they would be reprimanded for doing it, but he himself was doing the same thing as them.He was curious as what message was more important that it could make the whole classroom receive it at once.What he didn't know was that every student, teacher and anyone who had any meaningful connection to the university received it at the same time as him.[Recently leaked documents have exposed a disturbing case of academ
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The fall of the Jenga tower part_02(Final)
Wednesday.On the third day, he received an email about the decision they have come to after their two days of their in-depth investigation.This came as surprise to him, as he expected that they would take more than a month of investigation and since by that time he would have been out of the public's eye, then the university would at most only terminate his job, but what he got was way more than expected and the decision came in just two days and it as more brutal.[Subject: Termination of Employment and Revocation of Academic DegreeDear Professor ROTTEM,I regret to inform you that after conducting a thorough investigation into the allegations of academic corruption against you, the Academy Disciplinary Committee has decided to terminate your employment at Columbia University, effective immediately.We take academic integrity very seriously, and the evidence presented during the investigation was both compelling and incriminating. The committee found that you have violated the fu
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The beginning of the creation of OS
As Sarah, the CEO of GAIA Technology, sat at the conference table, Aron sat beside her making the head of NATO representatives nod to him in acknowledgment.They knew who he was, as the American government provided them with the full details about the company during their negotiation phase.Aron returned the acknowledgement with the same nod. He wasn't surprised that they knew who he was, as he expected them to do background information on his company and its owner.Sarah could feel the weight of the momentous occasion upon her. In front of her, the representatives of NATO await, ready to sign the agreement that will set their partnership in motion.After weeks of back-and-forth discussions and careful consideration of the terms, both parties are finally ready to make it official. Sarah knows that this partnership will be a game-changer for the company, as it will bring worldwide recognition and legitimacy to GAIA Technology's innovative solutions.With a sense of pride and anticipati
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Creation of GAIA OS pt:01 (Memory optimization)
As technology advances, it becomes more capable and more complex, and the same applies to operating systems.Operating systems are becoming more memory-heavy as they come with an increasing amount of functions. As a result, storage space is becoming a precious commodity, especially for mobile devices.Aron recognized this issue and chose to start his work on the GAIA OS with the optimization of storage.To accomplish this, he started his optimization of the storage by implementing a smart repository system.The repository system allows the Operating system to identify which files are being used the most and which ones are rarely used. It stores frequently accessed files in faster memory such as RAM or SSD, while files that are rarely used are stored on slower, but larger storage devices like hard drives.As for mobile devices, Aron wrote a code to compress and store files in a more compact way to reduce the amount of storage space required for each file. He also added in the code to
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Creation of GAIA OS pt:02 (Virtual Assistant)
Vladimir picked up the document with Aron's name and started reading it very carefully, afraid that he might miss something important."So he doesn't have security detail, which makes my job easier.""He spends most of his time at home, that's also good, now all I have to do is get the house's plan" He was getting happier by the time, as his target was a person who stays at home, making Vladimir just focusing on planning how he can enter the house.Another good news for him was that Aron was a new money, this caused Aron to not put too much importance in his security, as he was used to living without security guards before he became rich. And since he was not famous to need them, it didn't come to his mind. This led him to overlook it.Another thing he learned was that the house was inhabited by four people, Aaron's parents, his younger brother Henry and him. But most of the time he is alone, as his parents like going outside and Henry has to go to school."So it looks like we have to
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Creation of GAIA OS pt:03 (Training the Virtual Assistant)
It took him two weeks to finally complete making the OS.Although the OS was completed it was not ready for use, because the virtual Assistant was not trained at all. And as we all know an AI without data for training, is just a fancy looking code.But he had to wait for the new server to be completed in two weeks for him to be able to train the AI. While he was thinking about this he received a call from Sarah."Hello""Yeah hello Aron, I called to inform you that the server has been completed ""Wasn't it supposed to be completed in two weeks?""The head of the project added those two weeks in case a problem appears during the testing of the equipment's but when they started testing things surprisingly nothing caused a huge problem that couldn't be solved immediately""Good, I was done with the program and only waiting for the data center to be done to start my work.""You told me about the project two weeks ago, are you done with it already?" She asked in surprise as she didn't exp
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