All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
720 chapters
With the completion of training of the AI Aron started testing it"Can you understand me?""Yes sir, how can I help you?" replied a neutral voice as a Chibi version of a person appeared on the computer screen turning everything dark."What is your name?""I currently have none, would you like to bestow one for easier communication?" It answered the Chibi."Then I will call you 'Ava'" Aron named him that as that was what came to his mind."Thank you sir" Replied Ava as its voice changed to a feminine one."Why did your voice change?""From my data I found that Ava is usually used as a female name hence the change sir, would you like me to change the voice?""No, keep it" He liked its intuitive thinking."Thank you sir.""Can you think for yourself?" He asked just to see what it would reply."No sir, I can only reply using the data I have, but since I have sufficient data i can choose what to reply from multitude of choices giving the illusion of free will""Good, what is your current s
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Aron returned home after he demonstrated the GAIA OS prompting Sarah to change her phone's OS immediately as she liked all of its capabilities.They agreed to release it as soon as they could and since the OS(That is acting as an app) was still in the approval process they had time to prepare for the marketing of it.This time they decided to focus on marketing using influencers in all walks of life, since the OS was something every phone or computer owner has and sponsoring different genres influencers will lead to a larger audience receiving the news of the release of the OS.After he parked his car and entered the house he found it empty as usual as his brother was in school. So, he went to his workroom to start his project of creating the Artificial General Intelligence(AGI) that will act as his assistant for the future.But just as he entered and closed the door of the room, he felt a cold barrel of something touching the back of his head.He thought his brother was playing a pra
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The Golden liquid & the looming problem
A few hours ago.Aron's body could be seen laying on a pool of his own blood.Nothing seemed out of place if you don't focus on the blood, other than the body of the person that should have died from blood loss continues acting as normal, except the body owner not waking up.Inside of the said body for those who were blessed with magic vision could see golden liquids continue moving through its liquid vessel(same as blood vessels) to the heart and from there to the organs of the body without being interrupted by the emptying blood vessels being rid of their blood.The moment the blood in the body fell to a dangerous level the golden liquid immediately shined and started doing what the blood was supposed to do.From body defense, nutrients transfer, oxygen delivery to carbon dioxide collection like it was a normal Tuesday for it.While the liquid was working hard to keep him alive, the golden letters in and on the heart also lit up and started sucking something from the atmosphere. whe
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The File
This is what the folder contained.CONFIDENTIAL BRIEFING Subject: Compelling GAIA Technology to Release its Proprietary Technology BugZapperHow to force GAIA TECHNOLOGY to release its proprietary technology, below are several options that the government can use to compel them to release its proprietary technology, BugZapper.National Security Letters (NSLs): This option allows the FBI to issue a letter to the company to provide information like BugZapper for national security purposes.-Subpoenas: These legal orders are issued by a court requiring a company to provide certain information, including proprietary technology.-Search warrants: It will allow law enforcement to search a specific location, like the company's premises, and seize any relevant items deemed necessary for an investigation, including proprietary technology like BugZapper.-Court orders under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA): This option compels a company to provide access to its technology, includ
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Vladimir the escaper.
A few months agoAron could be seen laying on his bed shaking a little as his body was literally forming new blood vessel like pathways in the body, he was sweating a little as his heart was getting upgraded to be able to do the same job but twice the amount.When the formation of golden vessels finished the runes in his heart started attracting something from the atmosphere, when the minimum amount of it was collected the heart started condensing it to liquid and deposited it to the new golden vessels.While the heart was doing its job, Aron wasn't the only one in the room, there was his younger brother playing on his playstation, nothing of notice was happening to him but since the room he was in was currently acting like like a magnet of something in the atmosphere, something was changing in him albeit small.The changes continued due to it reaching a very high concentration in the room, causing Henry's eye to turn golden and see everything around him turn to gold, as he could see
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The release of GAIA OS
Lubyanka Square, Moscow CenterIn the FSB headquarters technology department they were working 24/7 trying to break the encryption of the program they received.Normally this would have been pushed on the list as they usually had a first come first serve basis, but the moment this arrived orders from above immediately came and forced them to abandon everything they were working on and start working on the program they received."When are you expected to break it?" Asked Vladimir's supervisor."Well looks like he wasn't expecting someone to steal it so he hasn't put too much of an encryption in the program so depending on our luck anywhere between a week to a month" Answered one of the technicians working on the department."Okay" With that he left, leaving them to do their jobs.Although he was dissatisfied with the amount of time it would take, there was nothing he could do to make the computer work faster anyway, so why waste time waiting for something that he will be informed about
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By the second week of its release it had already reached a whopping 357 million downloads.This was an unprecedented rise of an app and it became a conversation starter, leading to more people hearing about it leading to more people downloading it.A positive feedback loop, a perpetual machine of success, a fusion reactor for relevance and a dark energy producer of conversation.DAMN!!!Anyway the number of users kept increasing more and more prompting media outlets to talk about it leading to a wave of free advertisement HAHAHAHA.But while all these were opening something sinister was happening behind-d their backs....Google HQ."What steps are you taking in breaking the program?" Asked Bob.Bob was responsible for breaking the security of the so called GAIA program, as orders from above wanted them to crack and learn how the AI works for them to implement it to their own AI."We are trying but it proves to be difficult because we haven't managed to find how the inception even wor
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A Month Later
[Breaking News: GAIA Virtual Assistant Reaches 1 Billion Users in Record TimeIt has been just a month since the release of the newest virtual assistant, and it has already made its mark on the world. Today, the company announced that it has reached an unprecedented milestone of 1 billion users worldwide, and the number is still growing.The virtual assistant, which was developed by....]The news channels on Sarah's phone announced that their app has reached the milestone of 1 billion users in just a month's time shattering and leaving all the records behind creating its own legacy.They were currently having a fight with government, but thankfully they managed to keep it under the wraps without it leaking to the media.There will be a court session in two weeks about the FISA order which will result in it being known to the world, but that didn't matter too much now, because they finally reached the needed amount of people to begin their migration.The reason they managed to reach
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It was followed immediately with another one to give him more details before he makes his decision.[NOTE!!If you move forward with the merging, the Runic mana vessels will also merge with your blood vessels, this will lead to the change of the users body characteristic and your body will turn into Runic body]'What is the difference?' he asked in his head as he didn't know what the difference was, this was due to the knowledge about runes being too expensive for him to buy.But this time something different happenedDING!!!!![ 500,000,000sp spent to buy the relevant knowledge!!!]'And there goes my hard earned sp, i had to fucking release the program to the public to get them, but you just spent them without even consulting me, now i have to wait for the release of GAIA OS to earn more sp.'But before he could finish his complaining about the system spending nearly all the sp he gained from releasing BugZapper to the public, a massive info dump interrupted even his thinking and c
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His Plans
The moment he pressed yes, the heart stopped for a short period of time before it started beating again, but this time it was glowing.What followed next was the golden vessels started moving closer to blood vessels while glowing too.They didn't have too much trouble reaching them as when they were made they were made parallel to blood vessels, this in return made it so that the length of blood vessels and the mana vessels was equal, which made it easier for the merger to be done without trouble.When they merged the heart started beating faster than usual due to the volume it needed to push in one vessel being doubled at once but this was only for a short period of time because the runes on the heart started moving and changing their arrangements assimilating with the heart completely.Making the heart look like zebra stripes but in gold and red. Normally when you mix gold and red liquids, the result becomes orange-y brown, but due to the golden liquid being mana it overwhelms the r
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