All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
720 chapters
Waking up
"Upon review of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court order, which requires GAIA Technology to provide access to their proprietary technology known as BugZapper, and having heard the arguments of both parties, I hereby ORDER that:GAIA Technology shall comply with the FISA court order and provide access to BugZapper to authorized government personnel for the purposes of foreign intelligence gathering.GAIA Technology shall provide access to BugZapper within thirty (30) days of the issuance of this order.GAIA Technology shall take all necessary steps to protect the confidentiality of any proprietary information obtained by authorized government personnel.Failure to comply with this order may result in legal penalties and other serious consequences."TANG!!! TANG!!! TANG!!!The judge lifted his gavel and hit the wooden block ending the two week long war between the Department of Defence and GAIA Technology, which will force them to hand over the program within 30 day
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Going home and beginning his work
A week after he woke up.He returned from his final physical therapy session as he had acted long enough and he needed to return to work immediately and handle their current predicament.After taking a bath and changing his clothes, he packed his clothes in his bag then left the hospital room finding his mother waiting for him to take him home."You settled everything?" She asked to make sure they didn't forget anything."Yeah, even if I left something they will call us when they find it" He answered, making her nod agreeing to what he said."Okay let's hurry Henry is waiting for you at home" With that said they left to the elevator for the parking lot where their car was.…..When they arrived at the house and were entering the parking lot Aron discovered bodyguards around the house.'Looks like Sarah already did what I asked' He thought as he greeted them and entered the house."BROTHER!!" The moment he entered the house Henry shouted while running and jumped on him."Be careful you
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A gift for the DOD
"So that's almost everything that happened until now." After saying that Aron took a deep breath, as he felt tired after talking nonstop for more than 4 hours."Any questions?" He asked after taking a few more breaths.{Many, but I will ask them when they are needed?} Nova replied then added {Sir you need to finish something}."I know." He replied lazily then he said."Bring up the codes for BugZapper" the moment he said that, the screen immediately showed the three versions of BugZapper.The very first one he created from his crappy computer, the second one he created after buying the house and creating his home server and the third one which he made for the public release."Just leave the first one and remove the rest" He said and immediately only the first one remained."Downgrade it to the same level as the public version one" He said and the computer immediately opened a coding app and started writing code using the currently existing programming languages, downgrading it to be t
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Beginning of the plan
"What took so long? I'm pretty sure they would have dived here with special forces if we delayed any longer" Sarah said immediately after they entered her office."I had to solve some problems" He answered while sitting down."Have you managed to solve them?""Yeah and here is the hard drive." He said as he removed a hard disk from his backpack and put it on the table."Are you alright with this?" She asked Aron wondering how come he didn't seem angered by this."I'm frustrated by this situation, but unfortunately, our current lack of strength prevents us from taking any action to prevent it. Companies such as Google and others spend over a billion dollars each year on lobbying efforts, while our own company hasn't even been in existence for that long."Aron said but then he added."That's why I'm looking for ways to make sure something like this never happened again""Mh…"Sarah nodded in agreement as she has also been looking for ways to do the same but other than lobbying there seem
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The conspiracy deepens
The next day.The first day of the five-day event had started, and the excitement was palpable among all the GAIA OS users.As they were given the opportunity to experience the unreleased premium versions of the operating system for free.This momentous occasion was met with great anticipation and fervor, as many people had long believed that the initial version of the GAIA OS was the pinnacle of its capabilities.Despite numerous attempts by rival companies to replicate its features, the GAIA OS had remained unrivaled in its performance and functionality.As users eagerly tried the premium versions of the operating system, they were amazed by the remarkable difference in performance and efficiency.It quickly became apparent that the free version of the GAIA OS was merely a prelude to the impressive capabilities of the premium versions.Users were left in awe as the premium versions of the GAIA OS exceeded all expectations and pushed the limits of what they believed their devices wer
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Trojans calling home
The 1st of December. With the official beginning of the service for premium GAIA OS an article was released by one of the most reputable newspapers which attracted many people's attention. [ The Golden Goose: The Company that Continues Raking Money In the world of technology, it is rare to find a company that consistently creates products that take the market by storm. But one company has defied the odds, and that is Gaia Technology. It all started with the release of bugZapper, an internet security software that quickly became the go-to product for people who wanted to keep their devices safe. Its success was unprecedented, and it paved the way for Gaia Technology to become a leader in the internet security market. But the company was not content to stop there. They went on to release GAIA OS, an operating system that shook the personal device market to its core. The GAIA OS was so good that it immediately replaced the existing operating systems of many devices, regardless of t
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Coming back from vacation & Finding out who shot him
Two weeks later.Nova's half of her computing power was being spent on the internet collecting data as usual.As for the remaining half it was split into doing many things.Some of it was on Aron's phone for smooth communication, some of it was doing other things like monitoring Aron's surroundings.Of the many parts one of them was investigating Aron's case. She started by analyzing all the footage she could access from the ten kilometer radius with the house as the center of the circle.She was using nearly 20% of her server's computing power to analyze hours of the footages, creating a profile for every person appearing on the thousands of footages.When the creation of the profiles was done, she started removing the people who were living in the neighborhood from the list she followed with those who were just passing in the neighborhood, this continued with more and more people being removed from the list.After thousands of rounds of deduction and people being removed from the li
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Spending spree & Assimilation
"Which technologies do you think I should buy from the system next?" Aron asked Nova to see things from her perspective and reasoning.{I think you should buy 4 things from the system first if you can. As having them will make it easier for you to do more things easily.-Advanced computing technology.-Advanced simulation technology.-Energy technology.-Virtual reality}"Mh…" Aron nodded in satisfaction while agreeing to Nova's suggestion but he still wanted to hear why. So he asked, "Why do you think I should buy them?"{When it comes to commuting power the more the better for me, which will end up being helpful to youFor advanced simulation, As you know many organizations spend most of their money on research and development but if you have a real universal simulation it will allow you to save money and time and also increase your ease in research and development.Virtual reality is for it to be used for people to do their things in the universal simulation while doing it just l
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Receiving reports
{Sir, how did the assimilation go?} Nova asked him the moment he sat on his chair the next day. “It went well but two of the three of them are impossible without completing the third one.” {Are you talking about quantum computers?} “Yep, Although creating the virtual reality or the simulation is possible with conventional computers it needs to be the size of a state to be able to even handle tricking the brain to give the same feeling as reality. As for the universal simulation don’t even start about that, for even the small part of it to begin simulating we will need computers the size of America” {Well Quantum computers will solve all of that.} “You are right about that. Looks like we need a lab to create the quantum qubits & bits” {I will be looking for advanced labs available for rent and inform you when I find one.} “Good” {Also..} “Is there something else?” {Yes, we received two of the four reports} Aron smiled when he heard about that. “Show me the reports” {Yes} Nov
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Visiting HQ
 {So are we going to wait for them?} Nova asked again."No need, we will move on with these. but leave the PI to continue the investigation on those countries."{How much should we pay the two firms who have handed us the reports?} Nova asked, reminding Aron that he hasn't paid the firms that have already sent them the reports."Send them 2 million dollars each," He said.Nova immediately sent the stated amount to the companies using the same accounts he sent them the first payment.{Done} Said Nova after he was done.When he heard that he asked "How good are you when it comes to investing?"{Due to me having access to too much information all at once I can say that I can be a bet
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