All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
720 chapters
Trojan making its move
Patrick and his team of IT nerds could be seen sitting in a resort's swimming pool that was rented exclusively for them.Impossible!! Is what you want to say but it happens, not all nerds hate public spaces.But Patrick's team nerds were among those that the public. That's why it was fully rented just for them."Do any of you have any idea what steps we should follow once we return?" Patrick asked the team members."I think we should ask the person on the side of DOD to see where they are compared to us" Said one of them."I can ask them but I don't know what their rank is in the DOD and if they even have access to that information," Patrick replied to the recommendation.Then he turned to the hotel worker who was responsible for helping all of their needs and said "Bring me my phone from that bag" while pointing to the bag with the said phone.The worker did as she was asked and went to look for the phone in the bag she was shown.After looking through the bag and finding a phone, sh
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Going on a journey
Nova, who was currently having fun messing with the economy and making money like there is no tomorrow, started attracting the attention of some investing firms, but Nova seems to have thought about that.He avoided this by using a broker firm that offered anonymity. Although this came with added fees and few other complications, since she always earned more from the investments she did the fees were not causing her any troubles.Although the brokerage firm was having a good time as they were earning more and more from just one person, the head of the firm was being contacted by various influential people to tell them who was their anonymous customer who was wreaking havoc on the stock market.While this was happening Nova's idle computing power received encrypted data from something with an ID that shows that she created it, The moment the data was received the idle part became no more as she activated it and started analyzing the data she received.After finding out who sent it she
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Receiving information & Arriving
While Aron was on his final connecting flight to Colorado Nova caused Aron's phone to vibrate, this was a signal for him to put on his headphones for Nova to report to him."What is it?" He asked after putting on his headphones.{Sir yesterday I received information from one of our trojans}"Which one?"{The one from the private black site}"Why are you telling me now and not yesterday?" He asked as he was curious why she waited until now to inform him about it.{To send a massive amount of data the trojan needed to find another device that had no connection to the site's personnel so it had to send that data to another device.If it sent too much data it would raise suspicion that why it compressed the files to the limits of its device then sent it to a nearby device which sent it to me.When I received it, I started decompressing it but since there was compression after compression it took me longer than expected to decompress the files.After that I had to analyze the information a
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Creating Nanowires (Majorana fermions qubits)
After being handed the key to the lab he turned to his security team and told "I probably won't be leaving the lab for about a month, arrange your shifts accordingly also don't forget to bring me my meals, use this for your needs while I'm in the lab" Aron said while handing them a debit card for their use.After he finished giving his instruction he returned to the lab shortly after wearing clothes needed for the clean room he was about to enter and begin his work.After closing the door behind him he removed his phone from the pocket and connected it to one of the computers in the room using a USB cable."Nova it's time to work" Aron said as a signal for Nova to connect herself to the lab's computers so that she can be his assistant.{I'm done Sir} Nova replied shortly after taking over all of the computers and machines in the lab."Okay, let's create a bigger brain for you,""Now we start with the creation of Majorana fermion qubits and for that we need to create Majorana fermion"
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The completion of the quantum chip
For the following days, Aron did nothing other than create a new batch of nanowires every seven hours after he removed the completed batch.After the completed batch of nanowires is removed from the machine he immediately follows with creating qubits by using the nanowires then he immediately stores them in the refrigerator where he stored all of his completed qubits in them.The remaining time was spent on writing the code for the architecture for the quantum chip that he will create.As for sleeping, eating and other things, Nova reminded him about his meal and sleep time. and he did other jobs such as using the toilet and cleaning himself during the seven hour waiting period for the nanowires to be made.So other than him sleeping, nothing in the lab was allowed any rest at all. As for Nova, since she doesn't feel tired she was awake and watching over Aron all the time making sure he is safe in the lab all the time and making sure the machines work as intended and prevent any syste
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Assembling the Quantum computer
As he waited for his new batch of Majorana fermions qubits to be created and now that he had completed writing the Quantum architecture for the chip, he decided to spend the waiting time to create companion Hardwares that could be used to utilize the chips he was creating and for his one other project.....15 days later."And with that we are done" Aron said as he removed the new quantum chip Nova finished making from the machine.After removing it, he stored it with the other chips he made inside the vacuum sealed storage device then closed and locked it.He carried the storage device with the chips inside, then he left the lab for his last and final time.Outside the lab."Is everything accounted for?" Aron asked one of the bodyguards who were helping him carry the things he created in the lab in a specialized delivery vehicle."Yes Sir, we just have to store that and we will be done" Donald, one of the bodyguards said as he pointed at the storage device in Aron's hand."No, this i
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Quantum computer
After making sure he didn't miss anything he shouldn't, he powered it on and connected the Quantum computer to the home server.The moment he did that {Sir I have received the connection but it has nothing} Nova informed Aron."because anything connected to that motherboard is just a shell as they have no instruction sets currently so even they don't know what to do."{Should I Install the basic instruction architecture sets that you wrote?}"Yes, but install Based on the received connections' configurations, install different instruction sets accordingly. For instance, for the chip with 5000 qubits, install the version of the architecture's instruction set designed for it. For the one with 1000 qubits, install the architecture's instruction set that has qRAM instructions. Lastly, for the remaining one that has 3500 qubits, install the instruction sets designed for storage." Aron gave instructions like a machine gun.{Yes Sir} Nova acknowledged the instructions and did as told. She r
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Entering the Virtual Reality & Meeting Nova
March 3rd 2014It was the last day of Nova's migration to the quantum computer.Nova had been continuing with the migration to the quantum computer for fourteen days straight.It took her that long due to the size of her code that continued growing every time she learns something new.This increase in size was despite her program being continuously optimised automatically and very frequently.{Sir the migration is done, permission to go offline and boot from the quantum computer.}"Proceed" Aron approved as he finally finished writing the last line of code for the virtual reality program.Nova immediately went offline from her previous server and came back online with the quantum computer as her main brain leaving the server as her backup one.{Good afternoon Sir} Nova greeted Aron three seconds after she was given permission to proceed with the boot process."Welcome back" replied Aron who didn't even feel her void, as she literally left for just three seconds.{Thankyou Sir} Nova r
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The universal simulation
After being told that she has already sent the emails to the revolutionary groups leaders in Eden, he asked"Do you have access to my brain map and other data that is being processed by the virtual headgear?"{No sir, the virtual reality program in the headset is preventing my attempts to access it, It seems like I need your approval first.}"Okay then, take a look at it" Aron gave her permission to access the data that was coming from his brain.He didn't even take a second to question her why she tried to access his data without his permission, this is because he was sure that she was never going to use it in any way that would cause him harm.This trust comes from him knowing that despite her code allowing her to have free will and could independently think without any limitation, she would never ever think about betraying him.The moment Nova tried to access Arons brain map and its data from the virtual reality headgear….His system informed him immediately, giving him a choice of
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setting up a meeting
Rothschild mansion.Rina Rothschild could be seen in her work room inside the mansion she lived in.In Front of her was her personal computer which had an email open.The email seemed to be the official confirmation of her dismissal from the board of directors.She was sitting there but her mind wasn't present with her in the room. Her brain was currently looking for ways to get her position in the company back.In her deep thoughts she was thinking of a way for her to return to her position in the company again, and this time just like the first time she wasn't planning on stopping with just returning but also trying to remove her brother from the company.But it seems like her brother has used the period in which she was married to Rottem very well and removed every member of the board who was on her side and replaced them with those who are loyal to her.This is one of the reasons her return wasn't very welcomed by the members of the board but they could do nothing because it was t
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