All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
720 chapters
The next day Aron entered the basement after eating his breakfast.{Sir the simulation has finally started} Nova immediately informed him after he entered the room."It took a day longer than expected," Aron said as he lifted the virtual headgear and headed to the makeshift bed, lying down and entering the virtual world to continue their conversation face to face in the virtual reality.{The simulation took longer than anticipated because, prior to commencing the simulation, it was necessary for me to allocate a percentage of the computer's processing power for its permanent use. As I initially assigned it half of the computing power for the simulation, it resulted in a delay of one day beyond the planned duration.} Nova immediately started her explanation the moment Aron entered the virtual room.Aron listened to Nova's explanation without interrupting her then after she finished her explanation he asked "Does this mean that half of your computing power is currently under the simulat
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His first Rune.
Aron wasted no time at all as he immediately opened the systems shop and searched for the said knowledge.[ (Knowledge assimilation)Involves transferring information directly into an individual's brain, enabling them to fully comprehend and understand a subject without the need for study or practice...................(Price: 100 million sp)]When he saw the price he became happy, as he realized that he could buy the technology if he just collected a few million more sp."Good, now if I finish collecting the sp, I will have nothing to worry about. My clones will be learning the runes in my place and all I have to do is assimilate what they learned. HAHAHAHA" Aron started laughing like a maniac and Nova didn't see it as anything weird, as she became used to Aron's weird antics a very long time ago.{Congratulations Sir but you need to start practicing your runes, you still have 4 days in accelerated simulation universe time(ASUT) until your meeting time with Rina Rothchild} Said N
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"It seems like the system is really putting way too much importance in runes" Aron said as he zoomed out a little trying to see the complete runic sentences written in his heart by the system.He was having a hard time seeing the complete runes as the letters were the size of an atom.{From just the functions that we know they can do, it seems like it puts way more importance that you imagined Sir} Nova replied to Aron's statement."What do you mean by that?" Aron asked.Although he knew why she said that, he wanted to hear her reasoning for saying that.{From the runic knowledge that I got from your brain, Runic practitioners usually need to wait some time for their magic energy to replenish in order for them to use runes again.But for you it is different, you can use runes for as long as your brain can handle the activation process, this is because the runes in your heart replenishes any magical energy that you used immediately, helping you solve the problem of replenishing your ma
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Meeting Rina
Two hours later.Aron had finally completed his preparations for the meeting and was heading to the garage in order to head to the meeting when he was reminded by Nova that he forgot his watch."Thanks" Aron thanked Nova while he was heading to the basement to pick his own made watch."I nearly forgot you," Aron said, looking at his digital watch.{As I said, I will always be there to remind you} Nova's voice came from the watch replying to him.Yes the watch had one of the four remaining quantum chips.He made it because he wanted to always have Nova in her full capabilities with him at any time at any place.Although he could have had her be with him using his phone, he currently didn't have the time to create one and also it being a watch allows it to blend and not attract too much attention like how a custom phone would.With that Aron left the basement heading to the garage.Then he left the house while being driven by Donald, one of his bodyguards going with him to his meeting
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"Okay then, what do you have that can help me this time? I'm assuming that you know my current situation within the family" She said indicating that she had agreed to the deal."First I will tell you something that will help you not fall in the same situation you are currently in for the 3rd time again." Aron said and stopped for a short period to create suspense.When he was sure that Rina was concentrating he said "Your security team's head is working for your brother." Aron went directly with an uppercut. But he wanted to elaborate a little more so he added "Not work for him perse, but he reports everything you do to him"Despite being deeply upset by the news, Rina concealed her emotions and patiently waited for Aron to explain his reasoning for believing what he said was truly happening.She was not quick to believe everything Aron said without significant evidence to support his claims.Instead of continuing with his explanation, Aron retrieved his phone from his pocket and hand
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Impressing Rina
Rina was taken aback by the information. The fact that the Morgans were preparing for a rematch was not that surprising but them being nearly or almost ready was enough to send shivers down her spine.Both families expected each other to be preparing themselves for a rematch, but her family's planning team had speculated that the morgans would need more time to recover in order for them to be ready for another round.Despite that assumption, they had tried to plant spies in the morgans family and despite succeeding in infiltration they never received the news of morgan's preparing for the war.This meant that they had put that much importance to the plan's secrecy to the point of assuring that it remains a secret even if there are spies among them.This lack of knowledge made Rina feel vulnerable and exposed. If the Morgans were indeed preparing for a rematch and her family was not prepared for it and were caught off guard, the consequences would be catastrophic.They would be massacr
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Infiltrating the private network.
The moment the AI received permission from Rina it transferred itself to the computer and immediately took control of the computer.After it completed its migration, it immediately started the move of infecting the devices that were within the network.It did this by acting as a data packet being sent from one device to another, the moment the receiving device tries to reconstruct the data packets the AI will immediately take control of the device without raising any suspicion.After infiltrating a few devices in the network, the AI finally identified one of the servers that housed and managed the private network. Realizing the criticality of this discovery, the AI ceased all its other infiltration attempts and switched to a targeted attack on the server.The AI immediately started port scanning and network enumeration, the AI probed the server's defenses to identify the weaknesses and vulnerabilities.After finding a few of them, It followed by launching a series of highly coordinate
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Discovering Henry's ability.
Meanwhile in Aron's house.Henry who had returned from school started getting bored from playing with his toys.So, he started thinking about things that he could do to alleviate his boredom. That's when he remembered that his brother had a virtual reality headgear."Let's go and see what it does" With enthusiasm he stood and started heading to the basement with fast steps as he couldn't wait to try it.From what his brother told him It was the same as those in movies so he should be able to play games that are similar to the ones in movies.After he finally entered the room he found the headgear on the table where his brother usually keeps it when he is not using it.Without wasting even a second he put it on and remembering what the people from the movies said to start using it, he said "login".After waiting for a few seconds nothing happened. So, he just removed the headgear and put it back on the same place he found it while being extremely disappointed.'It is either I don't kno
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Revolutionary leaders meeting pt_01
"SHIELD"The runic word with the meaning shield appeared in front of his hands glowing in golden before a thin transparent wall like appeared in front of the runic word.With the appearance of the transparent shield in front of him, the glowing runic word started losing its luster as the shield kept sucking magical energy from it to sustain the shield in front of it.When Aron saw this he started pumping magical energy into the glowing runic word to allow the shield to continue existing."Continue sustaining" He said to Nova who immediately took over the magical fueling of the rune.Aron then left the vicinity of the runes and went near Nova "Now let's start testing it" He said while rubbing his hands in excitement.{Yes sir} Nova affirmed and immediately materialized a Pistol: Glock 19 out of nowhere."Put a human being behind the shield so that we can see if the shield mitigates all the damages." Aron said as he loaded a bullet to the chamber.Nova said nothing but immediately mater
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Revolutionary leaders meeting pt_02
"What I don't understand is why I wasn't informed about the other topics," Alexander asked, as he simply ignored Williams' order as if he hadn't heard it."It appears that we may have overlooked informing your group, Alexander. We assumed that because your group is the weakest, you might feel embarrassed and choose not to attend," said one of the individuals on the table, causing everyone to laugh at his remark. Despite the pretense, the meetings were far from democratic. The group with the most members was considered the king, while the lowest member was viewed as nothing more than a provider of cannon fodder for protests and other activities. The only reason they had not expelled Alexander's group from their coalition was that they needed their numbers. As Alexander heard their response, he stormed out of the meeting room, slamming the door behind him out of frustration.On his way to the bathroom, he kept seeing their grinning faces, which started to irritate him, causing his an
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