All Chapters of Mana System In The Apocalypse: Chapter 231
- Chapter 240
288 chapters
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Doniger’s place looked like nothing more than a run-down warehouse from the outside. If it wasn’t for the animated illusion of a woman spreading her legs above the door, we may have walked right past it. I would probably still walk past it if we weren’t here to find someone.There were two burly-looking guards outside, both level seventeen. They gave us the once-over but didn’t move from their posts. Khikall walked up to one slipping a cred stick into his palm. “Is Sha’Stis here tonight?”The man looked over to his buddy, who was looking put out for not getting the bribe and Khikall tossed a stick his way as well.“Yeah, he’s here, been with Minisa most of the night. If you got beef with him, don’t start it inside.”“No beef, just wish to talk.”The other guard snorted, “sure.”As we entered, the noise and smells of the place assaulted my nose. There was some rubber-armed creature with four limbs banging away what would generously be considered a song at one end of the bottom floor. I
New crew
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Despite Barcos’s desire to leave the island, we didn’t leave right away. Well, we left the island but stayed near the port. I wanted to get a measure of the man’s abilities before I accepted him as crew. If I didn’t like what he offered we would just drop him at the next nearest port and go our separate ways.When I told Barcos this, he laughed. “Any port beats this dump. You will have to forgive me if my skills are a bit rusty, I haven’t had to use them in almost a decade,” he said as he stretched.Despite his words, I knew he couldn’t be that rusty, going by what I had seen of his knifework. Also, just how old was he, the man didn’t look to be older than his mid-thirties. That would mean he did all this leveling in his twenties.From what I knew of other worlds, they were much tamer and leveling was far harder than it was on Earth. It's one of the reasons so many factions were trying to gain a foothold on our planet. It didn’t help that huge swaths of land and entire kingdoms had be
next target
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
My concern over being singled out and bullied didn’t come to pass. It seemed the fight had been left at just that and nobody came to harass us after. That gave me time to restock all the food and alcohol that had been consumed during our journey so far.Food was cheap, I didn’t splurge on anything fancy. I wasn’t nearly a good enough cook to waste good food, not that the others seemed to care or ever complimented or complained about what was provided so far.Barcos and I arrived back aboard Retribution before Khikall. With nothing else to do, I asked the man if he wanted to spar with me again.“I would, Captain, but we have enough eyes on us as it is.”“Wait… we do?” I asked in surprise.“You didn’t notice the additional glares or furtive looks?”“No, I mean, other than the normal amount.”Barcos chuckled, “that was hardly normal. No, I suspect word has already gotten around about your ship's exploits and at least part of your crew.”“What! All this extra attention because I offed a f
Polishing off the rust
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Barcos sighed and stored the bottle of alcohol away as he heard the Captain announce there were boarders on the deck. He unstrapped himself and loosened his shoulders as he opened the hatch and stepped out. He avoided the blade aimed for his throat and left a dagger in the man’s throat in return.He wasn’t surprised someone had been waiting to attack the only entrance to the top deck.He heard one of the boarders hiss, “who let you out of your hole, Blademaster?”“Does it matter?” Barcos replied.“No, you’re as good as dead anyway.”All ten men rushed Barcos as he danced between them, whistling softly as his blades carved through his opponents with ease.The dirge of defiance was one of his favorite songs from his Bladesinger class and he hadn’t had a reason to use it in far too long. He cut through the riff-raff sent against him. They weren’t true opponents, only meant to weaken him for the rest. The pirates had sent forty people aboard the Retribution. Some were trying to damage the
Chumming the water
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
“Director Tolish, here are the weekly reports,” his assistant said, handing him a stack of papers.“Thank you, Vetor, anything of note I should look into first?”“I have arranged them by significance, Director,” the man preened.Tolish smiled, happy to have such a competent assistant as Vetor in this strange new world. He did frown slightly when he read the first page. It was a BOLO for a native enchanter. The request came from another Guild representative that Tolish was unfamiliar with.“Tell me about this Lord Vik’t?” Tolish asked.“He is from a small house of no real repute. Their family expended all of their capital and secured a Guild loan to come to this world and claim one city. Their family's only claim to fame is enchantments that mimic mind reading. It was debunked by the Guild as a parlor trick and they were censured for misleading classification. The items only let the users see possibilities a few seconds into the future and it is easily countered with a mental block art
Wayward prince
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
“Dammit, Barcos, would it have killed you to tell me Khikall was a former pirate?” I complained as I sat down in the command room.Khikall grunted but Barcos just shrugged. “Wasn’t my place to say, besides, I don’t see how it changes anything.”I rubbed my temples, “of course it changes things. Maybe not with the crew, but it changes how I need to go about our efforts in this region. And what’s your story anyway? No, wait, let me guess. You’re some wayward lord, found adrift or sent into exile.”I had meant it as a joke but I caught the quick gaze from Barcos to Khikall and the subtle shake of his head in return.“Oh for fuck sake, you're kidding me right?”“Well, not a lord, but I guess there’s no point keeping it under wraps any longer.”I sank into my chair and groaned as Barcos told his story.“So, I’m the fourth son of a house. They tend to call the oldest son of the house a prince but I never much liked the title. My father was referred to as a sovereign and along with four othe
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
We docked at an open slip, not that we had much of a choice where we docked. The three ships that followed us in, shepherded us to a specific area in the docks. When we arrived there were eight gruff-looking men in white uniforms standing along the dock with two individuals at the end of the dock, wearing white as well, but piped in black trim. I assumed that meant they were of a higher rank.I saw Barcos cock a smile when he spotted those two men and he practically jumped from his chair and raced to the top deck before the ship even settled. I got to watch him jump from the deck, landing in front of the first honor guard, startling the man enough to make him reach for his weapon.Barcos didn’t bother acknowledging the man as he swiftly walked past the eight and towards the other two. He opened up his arms for what looked like a hug, seeming to surprise the two men, before he hauled his arm back and socked one of them right in the nose.I groaned as all hell broke loose on the dock an
Hot getway
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Khikall and I had spent the better part of an hour watching the soldiers try different attempts to get on board. Thankfully – for their sake – none of their attempts caused any damage. Although, they had worked out some strange rubberized suits and were starting to put them on to attempt boarding again.By this time eight ships had entered the cove and were spaced evenly around to cut off any retreat. They even had a few blocking off our escape over the island and below it. Not that that would be a good idea given all the gun emplacements. They even had three triple deck airships blocking the exit to the cove as a backup.I guess I should be impressed that they thought my little ship was this big a threat but it annoyed me more than anything.I felt the ship jostle and I turned to see three men had jumped aboard wearing the rubber suits. I reached over and pressed a button on my console, switching the defense from electric to thermal. Khikall just watched curiously to see what I had d
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
We entered the first port town without anyone batting an eye. Apparently, it wasn’t all that strange to see two humans and a Jerboa walking about together.At first glance I estimated the city to be about the size of Saint June. And while that held true for the size it wasn’t even comparable when it came to the sheer density of people.The city was crowded, making it difficult to even move through the streets with the press of bodies moving one way and the other. I mentally thanked my high stats as the three of us pushed through the crowd to get to the market.We had other locations to search but the market here was the first stop.The market was full of covered stalls and the noise of merchants trying to draw in customers. Surprisingly, it was laid out in a neat grid pattern as opposed to most of the city’s wandering paths. The atmosphere was reminiscent of the Bazaars but more crowded. While the Bazaars were massive in scope, they were so large that overcrowding wasn’t much of an is
New prey
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
With Em’ah’s directions, Khikall was quickly able to get us to the location where the Courier was last spotted. It wasn’t where they were attacked but that was fine as we knew where they had been heading.Khikall had been right though, my runes or the hull blocked Em’ah’s skill so she was forced to remain on the top deck as we searched for our target, using a radio to communicate. I wanted to just build the functionality into the viewer but I didn’t understand the skill well enough to guess at how it worked. I certainly hadn’t come across any items that allowed you to see traces of disturbed mana. I would have to think on it some more or grab the passive skill myself to learn more. For the time being, this would have to do.The radio crackled as Em’ah reported in. Despite our rocky start, she quickly took to her role without a complaint. “I spotted the trail to the port side, turn twenty and we should have a straight shot.”I didn’t understand half of what she just said but Khikall mu