All Chapters of A Comrade: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
125 chapters
The Frenchman
Avalon was listening to Rayland enthusiastic views about what happened in the world now .When big states act like giants who want to swallow and munch another states on earth by their greed which they name ideology. What the heck! Rayland used allegory of the state name . He was tired by the real name of the state which now become the new competitor of the previous giant monster big state ." The speed ! Like a flying gigantic pink dragon . Flashing in a minute . Apparently it was a big size train . But it passed almost before we blinked our eyes . Its machine sound was loud as the engine must be created sophisticatedly . Train but dragon . Dragon but train .The cruel smile less empress was standing as the symbol of her blessing that the country has just been stabbed by another new sword of the shadow power . Commoners just watching in half consciousness.Was that ? Real dragon ? Or supersonic train ? Half dream , fear and helpless , open mouthed . ..The poor people didn't do an
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The Warranty
There are books that mesmerize our souls.Heavy books that are not easy to understand. Some youngsters will be proud in holding them and said " l read books with world standard " yeah ,that books talk about world issues .But what is going on ? Millions idea about freedom , lifestyle, some of them are poisonous.Deadly .Chains of family bondage ,custom and and culture maybe nationality and beliefs have been in a weird and wild direction. It's foundation of where people stand for their life and value of choices .I paused , tired ,so tired ,l want him to remark ..Primrose " The Journal"_____Hivana shrugged her shoulders as a gesture of giving in but her whole body was expressing something else .She told the few members that " Maybe you all read and hear great things about Ashby .But me ,as someone inward here before you, l know things you don't know ..." None understood what she talks about and where all that leading to .Hivana didn't want to be look a person with negative mind or a
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The Horse Carriage Rider
Primrose was startled while Ash , without taking out his cigar from his mouth," Are you going to come with me ? "He even change his performance by putting on thick glasses, moustache and taraaaa...he looked like a man in his 60 .Obliviously she widen her eyes, could not believe what she saw .First how could he.look so different and secondly , if he use to be incognito or dress on disguise, how was possible for him to do it in front of her? Wasn't he afraid Primrose will talk and reveal the information? It could endanger him ..Reading what inside her head , he just whistled a little, took out his cigar , " l trust you " " Where are you going ? " " Just be ready .You will know" He brought an old bag with him .Ash wrote down something "Food Traditional market Alleys Clothes" Clothes was something outwardly, he will need it to be put in several places as he was mobile person .At times he put on a shirt exactly the same as he was using two days ago as " too cold to bath or
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The Alleys
Primrose smiled seeing Ash leant on the wall , ordering two cups of coffee from some small tavern around the alleys . He was observing the atmosphere invisibly.They coule hear people talked inside the crowded houses ,some playing records and so so .A couple were talking on some abnormal one of them named a person with an animal , Primrose assumed it was about rivalry,the third person in the relationship.Was the woman the second or the third, who knows." You only talk and talk without meaning but that's what you do or the dog do,the helpless disgusting animal " " My consideration is only the kids " "So don't put your kids as decision makers .Loving them does not mean you have to please them in everything then foolishly all depend on their likes and dislikes, bastard !"Primrose sipped the coffee, thinking, "The nearest way to sin is ego .The easiest way to lose control even might be pride.Each one has it.Babies start their life with cuteness then by that look they go
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For What ?
When Annafane being told by the receptionist that there was a guest for her ,she was combing her hair and wondering who was it.Avalon stood out a bit distance from the door with open arms ," __ "Only that calling her name which came out from his manly deep voice." Oh ... come in " but before he stepped in, she crashed him to give a tight embrace , flowing a warmth in his body ,which made him holdings her as much tight.They were managing their breath and still at the position while the hotel service boy passed there .She released the embrace and stepped back while he politely nodding , " Excuse me , anything l can help ,sir , miss ?" " For now no , thanks,but we will order something later and l will book a room near to this room " The service boy room bowed deeply and smiled .She watching him and thought " Don't you know who is this man.." Both had a walk around the hotel and found a nice cafe nearby ." Science has been creating more mesmerizing stuff lately..even for making f
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The Gymnast
How could a music stage mesmerize hundred or thousand of audience .Games of thousands watts of electricity power , lighting the rock singer who was moving with smile and radiant face which seemed to be always there all night long ! She was playing her chiffon rippling outfit and greeted everyone in high spirit " Helooo how are youuuuuu....? Primrose was glued at the audience chair , watching Ash talked to a group of people, she wondered if they distinguished him as Ash or someone else as he still in disguise .At that time he was a man at his forties .She missed him at her side so she could say things to him about the stage effect on human brain and feeling and at the same time digging up his outlook about it.The singer was being applauded noisily.Whisles and murmurs everywhere.Half an hour passed, Still,Ash was not there beside her . Starting to feel uneasy , what happened? Anything could be occured to a famous person..if there were ones distinguising him ...caught him up and for o
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A Chief Tribe
Ashby glanced at her with his warm sympathetic smile .He knew well that Primrose wanted to know what happened to him when he left her alone at the audience seat then who was the man coming to her , sitting on his left chair for some moments but then leaving after he came , but she didn't ask anything.Whether she didn't care or pretended not to curious or did not want to be seemed as a nosy person by inquired him ,all made him think that she was holding back to face the situation. It was strength and wisdom .Even she might be waiting for him to explain himself at his own will .But that's what called trust . She showed him something that she created ," If you see this collage,what highlights in your mind ? "Ash took the collage and looked at it carefully , "Van Gogh with his life loaded by misery...but there's subtle beauty in pain as everything would seem higher than you " Sweet face models with nice and safe look...Wild flowers..Gigantic old trees. Many things can make you
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Where Is Uncle Ash ?
Someone's sandals were dragged made Primrose 's staggering. A little girl .She was smiling timidly at her . Her round clear eyes immediately reminded her of something . Innocent and holy ,then white as symbols of purity .How good to be coming back to the childhood..! '' Hey , sweet little girl, come here dear " " I am looking for uncle Ash...he' s here just now , right , auntie" ? " Ya , he's here a minute ago but not now ,maybe he 's at the neighborhood. You like apple, aren't you ? Just take it " Her little hands took the fruit , smiling , " Thanks auntie .." She was so sweet." Excuse me ...l must go looking for my dad ...mother told me to " She nodded," l hope to see you again often later. " Sweetly she smiled and ran and waving after she kissed her forehead.The room was lonely again except the sound of winds and dry falling leaves .She thought, "There was something l forgot about the girl . Neither she knew my name nor do l knew hers .But we had a small talk as if h
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Running In The Rain
Primrose asked Ash with her eyes ," Where have you been?" He inhaled a bit deeply before sitting at the edge of the long bench .A peasant came in with a little sack of prunes ," For you " , he said and walked back before she could say anything, not even thanking him .While enjoying the fresh prunes , she told him about the little girl who looked for him moments ago .Ash told her she was a vulnerable little girl . Was she poor ? Or ..oh , no , he told her that once her mom told Ash that her teacher at school had sexually harrased her .Primrose then spoke to him in a lower voice .That timid girl? Poor little one ...Automatically Ash also talked in a lower voice .Then Primrose got up to get some water, '' l am going to talk to her and her mom later before we leave " Ash nodded , intermittently saying a joke in the middle of the serious topic , " How can you be sure we will leave this village? " She remarked with also joke , " l am actually not sure " Ash giggled .Then he looked
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Ash greeted a skinny elderly man after came in meeting them , " Here he is , the father of the little girl " He sat at a rickety clumsily chair which then moved to the bench nearer sitting to Ash , " Sit here please , Eddie , " Primrose heard the man lowered his voice as Ash bowed his back to hear hear him better." I do not want to be carried away by the flow of time. To be truly materialistic? No ." So , to let them talk freely,she was leaving them alone .Eddie hid his tears by looking away from his side and he knew that Ash might not like seeing him that way .He won't blame a man for crying,but he hadn't come to the point of telling him the whole issue related to his little daughter." My son lived in a barrack years ago to serve people who were fighting for a border territory.He was doing okay till one day everything gone wrong. We didn't get all of you have today , Mr Gevarra..." rubbing his running down tears , he murmured, " Forgive all my mistake.." Instead of giving Eddi
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